UB> New Billing

New Billing




The New Billing process is used to calculate charges on UB customer accounts in a selected billing cycle and generate the billing statements.  The bills will be calculated based on the Billing tab of the UB Setup window (UB> Utilities> Setup> Billing tab), the service rates attached to the customer accounts in the batch and the bill types attached to the meters on those accounts.


Service rates are attached to customer accounts and determine the rate structure, winter average, taxes, bill type and prorating options of a billing. The service rate will calculate charges on the consumption on meters with the same bill type and the charges will be billed to the service attached to the service rate.


Bill types are used to link the consumption on a meter to a service rate on an account. When a billing is generated the consumption on a meter will be billed using the service rates attached to the UB customer account with the same bill type. Bill types are attached to service rates (UB> Maintenance> Service Rates> General tab> Bill Type field) and device types (UB> Maintenance> Device Type> General tab> Bill Type field).


When bills are generated, bill types determine what service rate will be used to bill the consumption on a meter. When a bill is generated on a customer account, the consumption on a meter will be billed using the service rate with the same bill type as the meter. If there are multiple service rates on the customer account with the same bill type, all of the service rates will apply.


When billing the consumption on a meter, there are no units of measure (gallons, cubic feet, etc.) attached to the service rates. The service rate will be applied to the consumption as it was read on the meter. For example, if there were 100 units of consumption read on the meter during the billing period, then the service rate will be applied to the 100 units regardless of the type of unit was read (gallon, cubic feet, etc.). If there are meters of multiple unit types in the same billing batch, or the consumption should be converted to another unit type as the billing is being calculated, you can convert the consumption read on the devices to another unit type using the consumption conversion table (UB> Maintenance> Consumption Conversion).


When new bills are generated (UB> New Billing> Generate), there is a Convert Consumption To drop-down menu that allows you to convert the consumption read on the meters to a different unit type. The consumption will be converted to the unit type using the conversion formula set up in the conversion table (UB> Maintenance> Consumption Conversion), and the service rate will be applied to the modified consumption on the meter. For example, if the consumption was read in cubic feet and is changed to gallons, the consumption read on the meter (100) will be multiplied by the conversion amount (7.48000) and then the service rate will be applied to the modified consumption amount (748). The Billing Register will display both the consumption read on the meter and the modified consumption.


The consumption read on a meter will be in the unit type attached to the device type it is associated with. When a device type is created, a unit of measure is specified on the device type (UB> Maintenance> Water, Gas, Electric Device Type> Meter tab> Unit Type drop-down menu). All devices attached to that device type will inherit that unit type.


The billing transaction created by the New Billing palette will display on the customer account as soon as the Generate step is complete. You can view the billing using the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account> History tab). Click the Expand button on the History tab to view the detail line items on the transaction. Each service rate on the billing will display as a separate line item.


The statements that will print out during the New Billing process are set up in UB> Utilities> Setup> Statement Settings. If there is bank account information attached to the UB customer account (UB> Maintenance> Account> Account tab> ACH Info sub-tab) a “Do Not Pay – Automatic Debit” message will display on the statement.


All reports generated in the application are archived on the application server by batch number. If you would like to reprint a billing statement or the entire billing after the New Billing batch has been committed, locate the billing statements archived on the application server and reprint them. The path of the archived billing statements is:  \\server path\version folder (for example, v7.17)\db\select a database slot (Springbrook0-9) \archive\Reports\calendar year\UB\New Billing\ .


Related Links


Click here for an overview of Bill Types.

Click here for information on Consumption Conversion Maintenance.

Click here for information on Address Certification.

Click here for information on Bill Type Maintenance.

Click here for information on Statement Setup.

Click here for information on creating an additional billing.

Click here for information on miscellaneous billing.


Step by Step