Cirrus CR> Maintenance> Category
CR Category Maintenance
A CR module category is a group of type codes that can be added to a receipt and are generally used to make entering cash receipts more efficient.
There are generally three uses of categories:
- Group related type codes together that are usually charged together.
- Example: tax or fee associated with a certain type code.
- Since type codes can only be associated with one debit and credit GL account, type codes can be grouped together into a category in order to charge multiple GL accounts.
- Used to create a list of related type codes to choose from when entering a receipt.
To bill a category code on a receipt in the Cash Entry window, click the Add Category button . This will open a list of category codes.
The transaction history created by the payment of the category code will not display on the customer account history. If you would like to view the payment history of a category code, generate a Receipt Listing Report (CR> Reports> Receipt Listing) and filter the report to include that category code.
Related Links
Click here for information on creating a type code.
Step by Step
- The Category window displays all of the categories that have been created in the database.
- Select a category and click the Delete button to delete the category.
- A category set up as the CPO Deposit Category in CivicPay Online cannot be deleted.
- Select a category and click the Edit button, or double-click the category to open the Category Maintenance window.
- Click the Create Category button to create a new category.
- Enter a Category. The category code can be up to 20 characters long.
- Enter a Description. The description can be up to 25 alphanumeric characters long.
- The Active toggle will be checked and disabled when you create a new category code. Users will not be able to generate receipts in the Cash Entry window using inactive category codes.
- The Active toggle will be enabled when opening category codes that have already been created. If you are creating a category code that should be inactive, save the category code as active and then re-open the Category Maintenance window and uncheck the Active toggle.
- Click ADD TYPE CODE to add a type code to the category. This will open the Type Code Selection window.
- Type codes can be created from the Type Code Selection window, but they are generally maintained in CR> Maintenance> Type Code.
- Select a type code and click the Edit button to view the GL accounts associated with a type code.
- The type code will be included on the receipt each time it is added to the category, so if the type code is added more than once it will appear on the receipt multiple times.
- Click the SELECT button to add the highlighted type code to the category.
- The Sequence column displays the order in which the type codes will be added to the receipt. Change the value in the sequence column to change the order in which the type codes display on the receipt. Sequence number zero will display first. An error message will display if a sequence number is assigned to more than one type code on the category code.
- Each type code added to the category code will create a separate line item on the receipt and will display separately on the Detail tab of the Cash Entry window.
- Click the Delete button in the data grid to remove a type code from the category code.
- A Web Deposit category must include a UB Deposit type code in order to be saved.
- Click the Save button when complete to save the category code.