EB> Maintenance> Revisions
Revisions Maintenance
The Revision Maintenance window is used to create and maintain the budget revisions used in the Extended Budgeting process. You can create an unlimited number of revisions and those revisions can be used as templates for future budgets.
Related Links
Click here for information on Years Maintenance.
Click here for information on Budget Types Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 View the extended budget revisions.

- The Revision Selection window will display all of the extended budgeting revisions that have been created in the database. You can filter the list by entering any combination of revision year, revision type and revision number in the Search Criteria section.
- Click the Year field label to open the Year Selection window. Here you will have access to all budget years, both active and inactive, that have been created in the database. Click any of these budget years to populate the Year field in the Revision Selection window. Click here for information on Years Maintenance.
- Click the Type field label to open the Type Selection window. Here you will have access to all budget types that have been created in the database. Click any of these budget types to populate the Type field in the Revision Selection window. Click here for information on Budget Types Maintenance.
- To filter the search by revision number, enter a revision number in the Revision field.
- Select a revision in the lower section of the window and click the Modify icon
or press ENTER to modify the selected revision.
- Highlight a revision and click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to delete the selected revision.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT to create a new revision. This will open the Revision Maintenance window.
2 Create or modify an extended budgeting revision.

- The Revision Maintenance window consists of two sections.
- The upper Maintenance section displays the revision year, revision type and revision number.
- The lower Documents section displays all of the documents that have been attached to the selected budget revision.
- Click the Year field label to open the Year Selection window. Here you will have access to all budget years, both active and inactive, that have been created in the database. Click any of these budget years to populate the Year field in the Revision Maintenance window.
- Click the Type field label to open the Type Selection window. Here you will have access to all budget types that have been created in the database. Click any of these budget types to populate the Type field in the Revision Maintenance window.
- Enter a revision number in the Revision field.
- Revision numbers use a 000.00 numbering format and must consist of numeric characters only.
- This numbering format allows you to create a custom revision system. For instance, a revision plan could differentiate between revisions with the first three digits and then differentiate between departments with the last two digits. Carefully plan your numbering system before you begin the extended budgeting process.
- Check the Locked toggle to prevent the attachment or removal of any associated documents.
- The Documents section of the Revision Maintenance window will automatically populate with any revision documents types that are specified as Default.
- Click the Create icon
to attach an additional document to the revision.
- Click the Delete icon
to delete the selected document.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.