GL> Maintenance> Section
Section Maintenance
The GL Section Maintenance window is used to create and maintain GL account headers when you are using a uniform chart of accounts (GL> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Uniform chart of accounts toggle). Click here for information on the GL Setup window.
A section header is the title of the GL accounts in a specific section and is used to group information on most General Ledger module reports and the GL Distribution reports generated on most batch processes in the Springbrook application (for example, AP> Invoices> GL Distribution). You must have a section header set up for each fund in the chart of accounts.
If you do not have a uniform chart of accounts, use the Account Header One, Account Header Two and Account Header Three windows to generate the account headers. Click here for information on Account Header One Maintenance.
Section headers can be combined together and used in reporting using section types (GL> Maintenance> Section Types). Click here for information on Section Type Maintenance.
Step by Step

- The Section Maintenance window will display all sections that have either been generated or created in the selected fiscal year and section.
- If a GL account is created using a section that has not been set up in the Section Maintenance window, it will not display in the window.
- Select the Fiscal Year of the sections you would like to view and click the Refresh
to update the section headers that display in the window.
- Section headers are saved by fiscal year, so they may vary from year to year if the GL chart of accounts changes.
- Select a Section from the drop-down menu and click the Refresh icon
to update sections that display in the window.
- The sections that display in the drop-down menu depend on the format of the chart of accounts and the field labels that have been created for the GL account number sections.
- The field labels of the GL account sections (fund, department, account, etc.) are set up in the Miscellaneous Field Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels).
- The Generate icon
on the Section Maintenance window is used to generate section headers based on the GL accounts already created in GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts. If all sections in the GL chart of accounts have already been set up in the Section Maintenance window, the Generate icon will have no effect.
- The Generate icon
will create a section header for each section that has been used to create a GL account and will overwrite the section headers that have already been set up.
- The Generate icon
will only create section headers for the section selected in the Section drop-down menu. It will not generate section headers for all GL chart of account sections.
- The section headers created by the Generate icon
cannot be deleted after they have been created since they are attached to GL accounts.
- Select a section and fiscal year and click the Generate icon
to generate the section headers.
- An information window will open informing you that previous sections will not be overwritten. For example, if you have already entered a section description of fund 001, that section description will not be overwritten when the sections are generated. If you have not entered a description, the description will remain blank. Only sections that have not been created in the window will be created. Click the Yes button to continue.
- Another information window will open asking if you would like to generate the sections using the default account descriptions. The default account descriptions are the descriptions of the GL accounts that create the section header. If you answer yes in the information window, the description of the lowest GL account number with that section will be used as the description of the section header that is created. You will be able to modify the section header Description field after it has been generated if the description from the GL account does not fit some of the generated section headers.
- Highlight a section header and click the Delete icon
to delete a section. You will not be able to delete a section header that is referenced by a GL account.
- Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select a section header and press ENTER to open or modify an existing section. This will open the Section Maintenance window.
- You can also open a section by highlighting the record and clicking the Modify icon
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon
to create a new section for the fiscal year and section selected at the top of the Section Maintenance window.

- Enter a section number.
- The section number is the portion of the GL account number that represents the section. If you would like to create a header for the fund of GL account number 01-00-000, enter 01 in the section number field.
- The format of the section is dependent on the format of the GL Chart of Accounts.
- The format of the general ledger accounts is set up in GL> Utilities> Setup General Ledger> Account Format field.
- Once you enter a section number, you will not be able to modify it. The only field you will be able to modify is the section description field.
- Enter a description for this group of the GL accounts in the Description field. The description field can be up to 30 alphanumeric characters long.
- Press ENTER when complete to save the new section. This will return you to the Section Maintenance window.