AP, GL, PO Modules
Account Alias Overview
The Account Alias feature allows you to assign a GL account to a journal entry, invoice or purchase order using an alias rather than the entire GL account number. For example, add the alias EXP1 to a GL account that you regularly attach to PO line items (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> Select a fiscal year> Open a GL account> General tab> Alias field). Click here for information on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window.
When you want to attach the GL account to a purchase order line item, enter EXP1 in the Account Alias field on the PO line item and the GL account number will populate on the PO line item (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders). Click here for information on creating a purchase order line item.
The Account Alias feature reduces data entry time because you don’t have to enter the entire GL account number, and it reduces mistakes caused by mistyping a GL account number. Account aliases can be used to assign GL accounts to purchase order line items (PO> Purchase Orders and Change Orders), AP invoice line items (AP> Invoices), or journal entries (GL> Journal Entries). When using this feature, you should have the Unique Reference Numbers toggle checked on the General Ledger Setup window (GL> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Unique reference numbers toggle). This ensures that the aliases added to the GL accounts are unique.
The Update Alias tool can be used to populate your existing GL accounts with a truncated version of your account number to allow for entering GL Account numbers without leading zeros as the Alias. Click here for information on the Update Alias tool.