Below is a list of icons in the applications and their function.
Desktop Icons |
Customer Search -
Search for a customer record |
Lot Search -
Search for a lot record |
Jobs Viewer -
View the jobs that are being processed on the application server and
open generated reports |
My Tasks - Opens the My Tasks window |
My Reports - Opens the My Reports window |
My Batches -
Opens the My Batches window
Cirrus -
Launch the Cirrus login portal
Reporting and Analytics -
Launch the Tableau Reporting and Analytics site
Exit - Close the application |
Help -
Launch online help
User Avatar -
Displays the user name of the current user and provides access to the User Preferences window.
Standard Window Icons |
Create/New -
Creates a new record |
Open/Modify -
Open the selected record |
Refresh -
Updates the records in the window after entering search or filter
criteria |
Delete -
Deletes a record from the database |
/ ![](../images/icons/StarYellow24.png) |
Save -
Saves the selected record |
Print -
Prints the selected report or record
Add to Favorites -
Adds the window to the Favorites section of the Springbrook Dashboard. |
Exit -
Exit from the window |
Help -
Launch online help |
Confirm -
Confirms a selection |
Dock - Dock the window with the application window.
This will move the window from the desktop of you workstation to the application window. |
Undock -
Undock the window from the application window. This will move the
window to the desktop of your workstation. |
Display - View a record (You will not be able to
edit the record) |
Incomplete - Only a portion of the data has been
loaded into the window - appears at the bottom of the window |
Complete - All data has been loaded into the window - appears at the bottom of the window |
Modify - The column or field can be modified |
Ellipsis - Select a value for the field |
Specialized Window Icons |
Generate -
Create a batch number |
Select All - Highlights all of the records in the
window |
Deselect All - Deselect all of the records in the
window |
Format - View the expected format of an import or
export file |
Export - Create an export file |
Import - Import a file |
Salary (Payroll module) -
Populate the fields |
Clear -
Clears information from the window |
Document Out - Save a copy of the attached document
to your workstation. |
Tab Order - Selects the tab order and fields that
display on the window (for example, Edit Invoices window) |
Attachments - Add or view the attachments on a
record |
Add - Add a selection |
Sum - View the sum of the records in the window |
Stop - Do not save and return. You will generally
see this icon when setting formats (for example, the tab order of a
window), or the window has failed some form of optional validation (for
example, when you are trying to save a duplicate invoice). |
Reset - Restore the default values |
Copy - Copy the selected report or form |
Print Preview - Preview the report or form |
Set Persistent Fields -
Used to set persistent fields when using a new row grid entry window. This maintains specified values for line item fields in order to reduce data entry.
User/User Group Security (SS>
Maintenance> User/User Groups) |
New User - Create a new user |
Delete User - Delete a user |
Add Group - Add a user to a user group |
Remove Group - Remove a user from a group |
New Group - Create a user group |
Standard Report Icons
My Reports -
Opens the My Reports window
Send Form -
Email the report to another Springbrook user
Email PDF through Outlook -
Email the report PDF as an Outlook email attachment
Save -
Save the report PDF locally
/ ![](../images/icons/ZoomOut24.png) |
Zoom In / Zoom Out -
Zoom in or zoom out on the report
Search Document -
Search the report for specific data
Revert to Pointer -
Reverts to the standard pointer after using the zoom controls
QBE Reporting Tool Icons |
Primary Table - The field is part of the primary
table |
Report Layout -
Modify the report layout |
Child Table - The field is part of the secondary
table |
Test Query - Test the query in the window |
Cash Entry Window Icons |
Open Cash Drawer - Open the cash drawer |
Void Receipt -
Void the receipt in the window |
Print Slip - Print the slips of the current receipt |
Interface Options -
Add new Credit/Deposit, launch LP Licensing, or Calculate BT Interest. |
View Audit Trail - Open the audit trail window for the selected receipt |
Publisher Icons |
Report Publisher -
Enable the Report Publishing feature |
Publish Report - Save the current report |
Delete Report - Delete published report |
Cancel - Cancel Report Publisher mode |
Modify - The field will be enabled and can be
modified by the user |
Read Only - The field is read only and cannot be
modified by users |
Work Flow Icons |
Approve Work Flow - Approves the selected work flow |
Reject Work Flow - Rejects the selected work flow |
Display History - Opens Work Flow History window |
Conversation -
Initiates an instant message conversation with the work flow author