HR> Personnel Action Forms> PAF Wizard
PAF Wizard
The PAF Wizard is used to create new personnel action forms from previously created templates.
Related Links
Click here for information on PAF Template Maintenance.
Click here for information on the PAF Display window.
Step by Step
1 Open the Personnel Action Form Wizard (HR> Personnel Action Forms> PAF Wizard).
- The PAF Wizard is used to create a Personnel Action Form. The first step is to specify the template that will be used to create the PAF.
- Enter a PAF Type or click the field label to select one from a list.
- PAF Types are user defined templates used to record the PAF details. They are created and maintained on the PAF Template Maintenance window (HR> Personnel Action Forms> PAF Template). Click here for information on PAF Template Maintenance.
- The Description and Narrative fields will automatically populate with the description and narrative attached to the selected PAF type. However, these fields can be edited.
- Click the Next button to continue to the next step in the PAF template.
2 Enter the PAF settings.
- The second step in the PAF Wizard is used to specify the PAF details.
- Specify a Date for the PAF.
- This field will default to today's date.
- Enter an Employee Number or click the field label to select one from a list.
- An employee number must be specified if the personnel action being created applies to an existing employee.
- Employee records are created and maintained on the PR Employee Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> PR Employee). Click here for information on PR Employee Maintenance.
- The Department field will automatically populate with the department associated with the employee selected above.
- You must specify a department if one of the steps in the PAF Type selected in the prior window is assigned to a Function. Functions are associated with Departments on the Role Maintenance window. Click here for information on Role Maintenance.
- Departments are created and maintained on the Department Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Department). Click here for information on Department Maintenance.
- Departments are attached to employee records on the PR Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Department field).
- The First Name, Last Name, Position, Grade, Step and Hourly Rate fields will also populate with the details attached to the employee selected above.
- The remaining fields are the PAF template miscellaneous fields. The field labels displayed on this window are determined by the PAF type selected in the prior window.
- The selected PAF type will also determine which, if any, of these miscellaneous fields are required before you can continue to the next step of the PAF wizard.
- Complete the required miscellaneous fields and click the Next button to continue.
3 Update the Employee record. This is an optional step.
- The employee record update step is used to update employee record details. Once the PAF is processed, the record details will automatically update to reflect the changes specified here.
- Employee records are updated on the PR Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee). Click here for information on PR Employee Maintenance.
- Edit the desired fields and click the Next button to continue.
4 Update the PAF Assigned To values.
- The Assigned To Type field is used to specify who the PAF is assigned to. This will automatically populate with the Assigned To Type specified on the PAF Type selected above, but can be edited.
- Select Function to assign the step to one of the four standard Springbrook functions: Department Head, Department Clerk, Receiving Clerk or Requisitions Clerk.
- Select Role to assign the PAF to a role.
- Roles are created and maintained on the Role Maintenance window (SS> Security> Role).
- Select User to assign the PAF to an existing Springbrook user.
- Users are created and maintained on the User Maintenance window (SS> Security> User). Click here for information on User Maintenance.
- Select Supervisor to assign the PAF to the selected employee's supervisor. The supervisor will automatically populate the Assigned To field to the right.
- A supervisor is associated with an employee record on the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Supervisor field).
- After selecting the Assigned To Type, click the Ellipsis icon
in the Assigned To field to select the specific function, role, user or supervisor that the PAF will be assigned to.
- Click the Finish button to complete the PAF creation process.
5 Process the PAF.
- When the PAF is complete, the user assigned to the first step in the PAF will be notified that the PAF requires their attention.
- The new PAF can be processed through the PAF Display window (HR> Personnel Action Forms> PAF). Click here for information on processing Personnel Action Forms.