HR> Utilities> Setup
Set up the HR Module
The Setup window is used to set up the Human Resources module, but many of the settings affect the functionality of the Payroll module.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Payroll module Setup window.
Step by Step
1 Open the HR Setup window (HR> Utilities> Setup).
2 Complete the Settings section.
- The Union Code 1 Format and Union Code 2 Format fields are used to set the format of the union codes in the Human Resources module. Enter an X for each alphanumeric character that should be included in the union code.
- The Union Code 1 Format field is used to set the format of the union code. Unions are created and maintained using the Union Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Union).
- Union codes are attached to union units using the Bargaining Unit Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Union Units> Open a union unit> General tab> Union Code 1 and Union Code 2 fields).
- The Round Hourly Rates drop-down menu is used to select how the hourly rate on the employee record will be rounded.
- When you click the Salary icon
on the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Open an employee> Financial tab) to calculate the hourly rate, the hourly rate will be rounded using the selection in this field.
- Select To Nearest Cent if the hourly rate should be rounded to the nearest cent ($XX.XX).
- Select To Nearest 1/10 Cent if the hourly rate should be rounded to the third decimal place ($XX.XXX).
- Select To Nearest 1/100 Cent if the hourly rate should be rounded to the fourth decimal place ($XX.XXXX).
- Select To Nearest 1/1000 Cent if the hourly rate should be rounded to the fifth decimal place ($XX.XXXXX).
- The Round Salaries drop-down menu is used to select how the salary per pay period amount on the employee record will be rounded. The selection in this field only affects salaried employees.
- The salary per pay period is entered on an employee using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Select an employee> Salary/Pay Period field).
- Check the Use fixed grade and step toggle if each step on a grade should have a specific amount. For example, you could use this option if all Police Officer I grade employees that are on step 1 make the same hourly wage or salary amount. If you do not check this toggle, you will be able to enter a salary or wage amount range on each step. For example, you would not want to check this toggle if each step should have a low, average, and high amount. The selection in this toggle will affect the functionality of the Grade Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Grade/Step). Click here for information on grade/step maintenance.
- If you have already grade and step amounts using the Grade Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Grade/Step> Open a grade), when you uncheck this toggle the step amounts already entered will become the High Salary/Hourly step amounts.
- If there are variable grade/steps attached to employee records, you will not be able to check this toggle.
- Check the Controller pay adjustments toggle if the grade, step, salary, hourly rate, hours per year and pay periods per year should only be modified using the COLA or Pay Adjustments processes in the Human Resources module.
- If it is not checked, the grade, step, salary, hourly rate, hours per year and pay periods per year fields are enabled and can be modified using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Open an employee).
- This toggle is has not yet been enabled.
- Check the Use position control toggle if you would like to use the position control feature. Position control is used to limit the number of employees that can be assigned to a position and the number of positions in a department. Only positions that have been created in the Position Control Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Position Control) can be assigned to employees. This is an extensive control that affects many processes in the Payroll module.
- Positions are attached to employees using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee Maintenance> General Information tab> Position field).
- When you check this toggle the Position Control step will be added to the PR> Maintenance palette. This is where you add positions to departments.
- Check the Require functions to view employee records toggle to require that each user or position must be associated with a role that includes the HR Employee Access function in order to access HR employee records.
- Users and positions are assigned to roles and roles are associated with functions on the Role Maintenance window (SS> Security> Role). Click here for information on Role Maintenance.
- Check the Track additional positions toggle activate multiple position functionality in the application. This functionality allows organizations to track and report on employees that hold multiple positions within the organization.
- When this toggle is checked, the Positions tab will be enabled on the employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Positions tab). Click here for information on PR Employee Maintenance.
- Click the Save icon
when the setup is complete.
3 Track any changes made to the HR Setup window.
- Click the Audit Trail icon
to open the Audit Trail window.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit trail.
- The Audit Trail History section will provide details about any changes made to the setup window including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
- Click here for information on the Audit Trail window.