PM> Maintenance> Task Maintenance
Task Maintenance
The Task Maintenance window is used to create and maintain Project Management module tasks. A task code represents a single job you would like to track and is attached to transactions in other modules (for example, AP invoice line items or Payroll module timecard line items) in order to pull information into the Project Management module.
Budgets can be attached to a task using the Budget Adjustments process. If the Transactions must have associated budgets toggle is checked on the Setup window (PM> Utilities> Setup), you must add budget amounts to the task before transactions from other modules can be processed against it. Use the Print Budgets Report (PM> Reports> Print Budgets) to display the budget information after budget amounts have been attached to task codes.
You can set up security on PM module tasks so that only certain users can attach specific tasks to invoices, timesheets, timecards or manual checks. When you create a task code in the Task Maintenance window, you will automatically be given system wide access to that task code. Click here for information on setting up PM module security.
Related Links
Click here for information on Project Maintenance.
Click here for information Task Group Maintenance.
Click here for information on exporting the information in a grid to an MS Excel spreadsheet.
Click here for information on creating PM module Task Code Security.
Step by Step

- The Task Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task) will display all tasks that have been created in the database.
- Enter information into the Search Criteria section to filter the task codes that display in the window.
- If you access a particular task often, you might find it useful to create a desktop shortcut to that task. Hold the CTRL key and use the mouse to drag the task from the selection grid to your desktop to create the shortcut.
- Right click in the window and select Export grid contents to Excel if you would like to generate an MS Excel spreadsheet of the task codes that display in the window.
- Highlight a task and press DELETE or click the Delete icon
to delete the selected task.
- Task codes that have history line items cannot be deleted. For example, if the task code has been attached to an AP invoice line item, you cannot delete the task code.
- Highlight a task and press ENTER or click the Modify icon
to open the selected task.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon
to create a new task.

- Enter the new Task number, starting with the task group and add a unique sub-task number.
- If you enter a task group that has already been created, the information attached to the task group will populate on the task. For example, the Begin Date and End Date fields on the task will populate based on the begin and end date on the task group.
- If you enter a task group that has not been created, a new task group will be created in the Task Group Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task Group).
- Click here for information on Task Group Maintenance.
- Enter a description of the task in the Description field.
- The Description field will populate with the description of the task group. No value will populate in the Description field if you are creating a new task group or a description has not been added to the task group.
- The Project field is used to attach a project to the task. This is an optional field.
- Projects are the highest level or organization in the Project Management module and can be attached to multiple task codes. If you have a large job that is related to multiple task codes, set the job up as a project, attach the project to all of the related task codes and generate the Task by Project report to view all of the tasks associated with a project.
- Click here for information on Project Maintenance.
- The Miscellaneous fields are used to track miscellaneous information that is outside the structure of the Project Management module. For example, you can use one of the miscellaneous fields to track the project manager associated with a task.
- Miscellaneous records are created and maintained using the miscellaneous maintenance windows (PM> Maintenance> Miscellaneous 1, 2, 3).
- The GL account field is used to attach a specific GL account to the task. Click the GL account field label to select a GL account from a list.
- When creating a transaction in another module that is attached to this PM type code, the GL account entered in this field will populate on the transaction. For example, if you are creating an AP invoice line item and attach the task code, the GL account attached to the task code will populate on the AP invoice line item.
- If there is a GL account attached to the PM type code on the AP invoice line item, the GL account on the type code will override the GL account on the task code.
- GL accounts are created and maintained using the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window in the GL module. Click here for information on the GL Account Maintenance.
- The AP Cash Account field is used to to specify which cash account to use in AP Computer Checks process. This field will only be enabled if the Use PM Task Cash Account in AP toggle is checked on the AP Setup window.
- Enter a Begin Date and End Date of the task.
- These fields will populate if they were set up on the Task Group Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task Group).
- These dates are informational only and can be used when reporting on task codes in the Query by Example report.
- The Close Date field is used specify when the task will be closed.
- When a transaction that is associated with a task code is generated, the system will confirm that the specified task code is still open. If the transaction date falls after the close date, an error message will display and the transaction will be prevented from proceeding.
- Check the Locked toggle to keep users from being able to post
transactions to the task.
- For example, if a task is complete and users should no longer be allowed to post transactions to it, check the Locked toggle. Users will still be able to select the task using the Task Selection window (opened from Task Code field labels), but they will receive an error message when they try to save the new record.
- You can also limit users from using this task to create transactions by setting up user level or user group security on the task. Click here for information on the PM module security feature.
- The Active toggle will be automatically checked on new tasks. This toggle allows users to filter out those tasks that are no longer active.
- Click the Attachments icon
to attach a document to the task. Click here for information on attachments.

- The History tab of the Task Maintenance window is used to display the transactions associated with the task code.
- The History tab only displays committed PM module transactions. For example, if a PM module task is attached to an AP invoice line item, that invoice will not create a history line item until the AP Invoices batch is committed.
- If there is a PM module task attached to a PO module purchase order, the purchase order will not create a transaction on the History tab when it is committed (PO> Purchase Orders). A PO will not create a PM module transaction until it is attached to an invoice (AP> Invoices) and then committed (AP> Invoices> Commit).
- If an AP module invoice is voided either using the AP Void Invoices or AP Void Checks process, a negative adjustment will appear on the History tab. If an AP module Computer Check is voided but the invoices on that check are placed in an open AP Invoices batch, the PM module transactions on those invoices will be reposted to the task when the invoices are committed again (AP> Invoices).
- Enter a date in the Date From and Date To fields to filter the transactions that display on the tab.
- Right click on the information in the grid and select Export grid contents to Excel if you would like to generate an MS Excel spreadsheet of the information in the grid.

- The Balance tab displays the transactions grouped by type code, the budgeted amount, budget remaining and the variance.
- Enter a value in the Date From or Date To fields to filter the transactions included in the calculations on the tab.
- Right click on the information in the grid and select Export grid contents to Excel if you would like to generate an MS Excel spreadsheet of the information in the grid. Click here for information on creating an MS Excel spreadsheet from the information in this grid.

- The Budget tab is used to track budget amounts on the task code. You are not required to attach a
budget to a task code. However, if the Transactions must have associated budgets toggle is checked on the Setup window (PM>
Utilities> Setup), you will be unable to post transactions to
the task code using another module.
- Budget amounts are added to the task code though the Budget Adjustments process (PM> Budget Adjustments). Click here for information on Budget Adjustments.
- Budget amounts are created by type code. This allows you to create a separate budget amount for each type of work performed on the task. For example, you can create a separate budget for labor and for equipment usage.
- When a PM module task code is attached to a transaction (for example, an AP module invoice line item) you will also be required to attach a PM module type code. The type code attached to the transaction will determine the budgeted amount affected by the activity.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.