PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders
Create a PO
Once a Purchase Orders batch has been created and the Settings step is complete
(sets the fiscal year of the encumbrances are recorded), use the Purchase Orders step
to create a PO.
There are two levels of detail on a PO: information that is attached to the PO and information that is
attached to the PO line item. The shipping address, purchase order date,
purchase order deadline, shipping instructions and other information that
applies to all of the line items is set up on the PO. Information that is
specific to each line item is set up on the PO line items, such as the GL
accounts that should be debited when the PO is invoiced. There is a separate
document that describes how to create the two types of PO line items; contract
and standard.
When an Accounts Payable module vendor is attached to a purchase order, some
of the information attached to the vendor record will populate on the purchase
order, such as the vendor address and phone number, ship to address, discount
terms and sales tax. This reduces data entry and allows you to apply
information set up on the vendor record to all purchase orders or invoices
created for that vendor. Click here for
information on the Vendor Maintenance window.
The encumbrance associated with the purchase order line items is recorded in the fiscal year set up in the
Settings step on the Purchase Orders palette (PO> Purchase Orders> Settings> Fiscal Year field). The Chart of Accounts Maintenance window will display
the encumbered amount on a GL account (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> Balance tab> Encumbered field).
Related Links
Click here for information on creating a Purchase Orders batch.
Click here for information on creating a PO contract line item.
Click here for
information on creating a standard PO line item.
Step by Step
1 Open or create a purchase orders batch.
2 Open the Purchase Order window.
3 Create a new purchase order.
- The Tab Order icon
at the top of the window is used to adjust the tab
order of the Purchase Order window. Click here for information on changing the tab order of a window.
- The PO Number field is used to enter the purchase order number. This field will be disabled and will
display (Auto) if the Purchase Order module is set up to auto-number purchase
orders (PO> Utilities> Setup> Automatically number purchase orders toggle).
- If the PO module is set up for manual numbering on purchase orders, this PO Number can be edited at any point before the PO batch is committed.
- The Date field is used to enter the purchase order date. The purchase order day will display in the
field on the printed version of the purchase order. There is a separate date
entered on each purchase order line item.
- The purchase order date can be used to filter the purchase orders that display on the Purchase Order List Report
(PO> Reports> PO List).
- The Vendor Number field is used to attach an Accounts Payable module vendor to the purchase order.
- Enter a vendor number or click the Vendor Number field label to select a vendor from a list.
- The Vendor Name, Vendor Address 1, Vendor Address 2, Vendor City, Vendor State, Vendor Zip and Vendor Phone fields will populate with the address and phone number attached to
the vendor. The vendor address information will display on the printed version
of the PO in the Vendor fields.
- If there is a purchase order address attached to the Accounts Payable vendor (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Shipping tab> PO Address 1, PO Address 2, PO City, PO State and PO Zip fields),
the purchase order address will populate in the address fields.
- If there isn’t a purchase order address attached to the AP vendor, the mailing address will populate on the
purchase order (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Mailing Address 1, Mailing Address 2, Mailing City, Mailing State and Mailing Zip).
- The Vendor Phone field will populate with the phone number of the primary contact attached to the AP vendor
(AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Contacts tab> Phone Number field
and Primary toggle).
- If there is a PO message attached to the vendor record, the PO
message will display in an alert box. For example, if the vendor is
always late in sending the goods, you can add that information to the
vendor record. When the vendor is attached to the PO, the information
will display.
- If the selected vendor is set up with a Max Amount limit (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Max Amount field), the system will validate that the purchase order will not exceed that total value.
- Organizations that utilize Tag functionality can control which vendors individual Springbrook users can assign to a purchase order. Click here for information on the Tag Maintenance window.
- The Electronic Recipient field is used to specify additional electronic PO recipients. These recipients will receive a copy of the electronic PO when the Send Electronic POs step is processed.
- Enter any additional email addresses that should receive the electronic PO. Separate each email address with a comma.
- The Leave Open toggle is used to keep the purchase order open even if all of the purchase order line
items have been closed. This feature is used to create blanket purchase orders.
- When the Leave Open toggle is not checked, the purchase order will close when all of the purchase order
line items have been invoiced. If the Leave Open toggle is
checked, the purchase order will stay open even when all of the purchase order
line items have been invoiced.
- The Author field will populate with the user name of the person who created the purchase order. This field cannot be edited once a purchase order is saved.
- The Home Department field is used to attach a department to the purchase order. Enter the department number or click the field label to select a department from a list. Click here for information on Department Maintenance.
- The Shipping Location field is used to add a shipping location to the purchase order. The shipping location
will display on the printed version of the PO as the Ship To address.
- If the Use city name as the default shipping location toggle
is checked on the Setup window (PO> Utilities> Setup), the shipping
location address fields will populate with the address of your
organization defined in the System Setup window (SS> Utilities> System
Setup> Organization tab> Address Line 1, Address Line 2,
City, State, and Zip fields).
- If there is a shipping location attached to the AP vendor, the Shipping Location
field will populate with the default shipping location attached to the
vendor. A default shipping addresses is attached to an Accounts Payable vendor using the Vendor Maintenance window (AP>
Maintenance> Vendor> Shipping tab> Shipping Address field).
- If any of the PO line items that are added to the purchase order are associated with IC module inventory items, this shipping address must be an IC module shipping address.
- The Shipping Instructions field is used to add shipping instructions to the printed version of the
purchase order. The text entered in this field will display in the Shipping
Instructions box on the printed version of the PO.
- The Internal Notes field does not display on the printed version of the purchase order. This field can be
used to enter notes on the purchase order for internal use only.
- The Vendor Notes field is used to add notes or comments to the purchase order. The notes or comments
entered in this field will display on the printed version of the purchase order
in a field titled Special Instructions.
- The Resolution Number will not display on the printed version of the purchase orders.
- The Terms field will populate with the discount terms information established for the selected vendor.
- The Expected Date field is used to enter the required delivery date of the line items on the purchase
order. The date entered in this field will display in the Required Delivery Date field on the printed version of the purchase order.
- The Tax Rate field is used to apply a tax rate to the line items
on the purchase order.
- The Tax Rate field will populate with the sales tax attached
to the vendor on the purchase order (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Detail tab> Sales Tax Rate field).
- If a tax rate is not attached to the vendor, or if you would like to edit the tax rate, you can enter a value between 0.00001 and 99.99999.
- Click the Generate icon
to apply the tax rate to all taxable line items that have been added to the purchase order.
4 Create a purchase order from an approved requisition.