Payroll Module
Bonus Accruals
Bonus accruals are accrual codes that are credited when an employee limits their usage of another accrual code. In this example, we will set up a bonus accrual for an organization that would like to limit the amount of sick time its employees use. This organization will reward an employee with 8.0 hours of time off if that employee takes no more than 16.0 hours of sick time in a year.
Accrual Code Maintenance
Bonus accruals are set up on the Accrual Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Accrual).
- Open the accrual code you would like to incentivize employees not to use. In this case, we want employees to limit their use of sick time, so we would open the accrual code used to record sick time.
- The Bonus Accrual Code field is used to specify which accrual code will be credited if the employee limits their usage of the sick time accrual code. In this example, we would select the time off accrual code.
- Which accrual is credited is entirely up to the organization. Some organizations will choose to credit time off, some will choose to provide comp time, and some will choose to simply pay out a bonus to employees that meet the maximum use threshold.
- The Bonus Amount field is used to specify how much credit will be added to the Bonus Accrual Code. In this example, we would enter 8.0 in this field.
- The Qualifying Amount field is used to specify the maximum amount of the current accrual code (sick time) that an employee can use in order to receive the bonus accrual credit (time off). In this example, we would enter 16.0 in this field.
- These bonus accrual settings will automatically populate the Bonus Accruals tab of the Computer Checks process, but they can be edited before being processed.
Click here for more information on Accrual Code Maintenance.
Computer Checks
Once your bonus accrual code has been set up, it can be processed as part of a normal Computer Checks batch (PR> Computer Checks> Generate).
- Open the Bonus Accruals tab on the Generate window.
- The Date Type field is used to select the type of date that will be used to determine if an employee is eligible for the bonus accrual.
- The From and To fields are used to filter the employees included in the batch by date range according to the Date Type selected above.
- The Probation Days field is used to specify a probation period that will be considered when filtering employees that are eligible for bonus accruals.
- The All employees toggle is used to include all employees in the pay schedule when evaluating for bonus accrual eligibility. Even those employees that do not have a pay check that falls within the From and To date filters.
- Click the New icon
to add an accrual to the Bonus Accruals data grid below. In this example, we would select the sick leave accrual code.
- The selected sick leave accrual code details that were set up on the Accrual Code Maintenance window will populate the data grid. At this point, you can edit the accrual that is credited, the bonus amount and the qualifying amount.
Click here for more information on generating a Computer Checks batch.