SS> Maintenance> URL Setup
URL Setup
The URL Setup window is used to create Uniform Resource Locator type codes. These URL type codes are used to specify the web address of the web site you would like to access and the Customer, Lot, or Issue information that will be transmitted to that web site. If your organization uses third-party web sites for tasks such as lot mapping or new applicant background checks, URL type codes can help improve efficiency by reducing data entry.
Follow this process to create a URL type code. This document includes the steps required to create an example URL type code that automatically locates a lot in Google Maps by using the existing lot details.
URL requirements are not universal, and the web site you are attempting to connect to may require a different format. Because Springbrook does not support format questions regarding URL access to third party web sites, please contact the web site owner for specific URL requirements.
Related Links
Click here for information on Customer Maintenance.
Click here for information on Lot Maintenance.
Click here for information on CM Issue Maintenance.
Click here for information on BP Permit Maintenance.
Click here for information on LP License Maintenance.
Step by Step

- The URL Setup selection window will display all of the URL Types that have been created in the application.
- Highlight a URL type and click the Delete icon
to delete the selected URL type.
- Highlight a URL type and click the Modify icon
to edit the selected URL type.
- Click the Create icon
to open the URL Type Maintenance window.

- Enter a unique Type for the new URL type code. This should be as descriptive as possible, as this is the name that will appear on the Launch URL icon
drop-down menu.
- This field can accommodate up to 32 characters.
- Example - For our Google Maps example, we will enter Lot Locator in this field.
- This field can accommodate up to 32 characters.
- Enter an optional Description for the new URL type code.
- The Description can be up to 60 characters long.
- Use the Entity field to specify whether the URL type code will be associated with Customer information, Lot information, or Issue information.
- The Available Fields section to the right will automatically populate with the fields associated with the selected entity.
- Customer details are maintained on the Customer Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Customer). Click here for information on Customer Maintenance.
- Lot details are maintained on the Lot Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Lot). Click here for information on Lot Maintenance.
- Issue details are maintained on the Issue Maintenance window (CM> Issues> Issue Search). Click here for information on Issue Maintenance.
- The selected Entity will also determine where the URL Type is accessible. For example, only Lot URL types are accessible from the Lot Maintenance window. In the Customer Maintenance window, only Customer URL types are accessible. For maintenance items that can be associated with both customer and lot records, such as BP Permits and LP Licenses, both URL types will be accessible.
- Example - Select Lot in order to have access to the lot details.
- The Behavior drop-down menu is used to specify what the system will do when a URL type code is launched.
Select Open Browser to launch an Internet browser, browse to the web page URL attached to the type code, and then populate with the web page with data from the available fields specified. This is the standard functionality.
- Select Process Online Exchange if your organization utilizes Online Utility Exchange's (OUE) bad debt management tool. This will allow this URL type code to interface directly with OUE and reduce data entry.
- The Online Utility Exchange interface is a premium feature. Please contact Springbrook Support for more information.
- Enter the URL for the web site you would like to access with the new URL type code.
- The Insert Field icon
is used to insert a field displayed in the Available Fields section into a specified location on the URL. Highlight a field and click the Insert Field icon to add that field to the URL. You can also insert a field by double clicking the desired field.
- The contents of the selected field will automatically populate the specified section of the URL.
- Example - For our example, the required URL for Google Maps is:
- After entering this URL into the URL field, we can add the necessary lot details. In the case of Google Maps, each lot detail must be separated by a plus sign "+".
- URL requirements are not universal, and the web site you are attempting to connect to may require a different format. Because Springbrook does not support format questions regarding URL access to third party web sites, please contact the web site owner for specific URL requirements.
- Highlight the first required lot field and click the Insert Field icon
. In this example, the first required lot field is Street Number.
- Enter a plus sign "+" and then highlight and insert the next required lot field. In this example, the next required lot field is Street Directional. Repeat this process for the Street Name, City and State fields. When you are done, the complete URL should look like this:
- When the Launch URL icon
is clicked from within an applicable maintenance window, the lot details associated with the open account will automatically populate the address fields in the URL. A Google Maps map of the lot location will then be launched in your default web browser.[Lot.Street_Number]+[Lot.Street_Directional]+[Lot.Street_Name]+[Lot.City]+[Lot.State]
- The Insert Field icon
- The Sub Systems section determines which Springbrook modules will interface with the URL type code.
- If more than one URL type code is associated with a sub system, the Launch URL icon
for that sub system will include a drop-down menu that allows you to select the desired URL type code.
- Use the Select All
or Deselect All
icons to select all or deselect all of the displayed sub systems.
- Example - Check the System Wide Access toggle in order to make our example URL type code accessible from the Lot Maintenance window.
- If more than one URL type code is associated with a sub system, the Launch URL icon
- Click the Save icon
when complete.
- Example - Open the Lot Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Lot) and select a lot. When you click the Launch URL icon drop-down menu, our example Lot Locator URL type code should be displayed. Select the type code and a Google Maps map of the lot location should launch in your default web browser.