TC> Bill Search
Bill Search
The Bill Search window displays tax bills filtered by a range of search criteria.
Step by Step
1 Open the Bill Search window (TC> Bill Search).
2 Enter the search filter data.
- The Year and Sequence fields are used to filter the bills by the year and/or sequence assigned when they were created.
- The Year and Sequence are created and maintained on the Year and Sequence Maintenance screen (TC> Maintenance> Year and Sequence). Click here for information on Year and Sequence Maintenance.
- The Bill Number field is used to enter a specific bill number for the search.
- The District field to filter the bills by district code.
- District codes are created and maintained on the District Code Maintenance screen (TC> Maintenance> District Codes). Click here for information on District Code Maintenance.
- The Pen/Disc Date field is used to filter the bills by penalty or discount date on the bill.
- The Parcel ID field is used to filter the bills by parcel ID.
- The Owner field is used to filter the bills by owner.
- The Location section is used to filter the bills by the elements of the lot location.
- The Parcel Segments section is used to filter the bills by the elements of the Parcel ID.
- Click ADVANCED SEARCH to display additional search filters.
- Check the toggle next to each Bill Type you would like to include in your search.
- Bill Types are created and maintained on the Bill Type Maintenance screen (TC> Maintenance> Bill Type). Click here for information on Bill Type Maintenance.
- Check the toggle next to each Bill Status you would like to include in your search.
- The Account Number field is used to filter the bills by the account number on the bill.
- The Vehicle Registration Number field is used to filter the bills by the vehicle registration number on the bill.
- Check the toggle next to each Bill Type you would like to include in your search.
3 Display the filtered bills.
- Click the Search button to populate the data grid below with the filtered search results.
- Highlight a bill and click the Select button to open the Bill Maintenance screen for the selected bill.
- Click CREATE BILL to create a new bill. This will open the Bill Maintenance screen.