Accounts Payable and Payroll Module
Check Standards
There are two check formats in the Accounts Payable and Payroll modules: standard and long stub. The standard check format has two identical check stubs and a check, and the long check format creates a single long check stub and a single check. Currently, only the long check stub format has been implemented in the Accounts Payable and Payroll modules.
On Payroll module checks, the long check stub format can display up to 30 deduction and benefit detail line items. The standard check format can display up to 18.
On Account Payable module checks, the long check stub format can display up to 30 invoice line items. The standard check format can display up to 17 detail line items.
Attaching signatures to the check
The Accounts Payable and Payroll modules can be set up to automatically attach electronic signatures to generated checks. This is a simple process, but does require a scanner and image editing software. Click here for information on creating and uploading an electronic signature.
Springbrook Software charges a fee to attach signatures to AP and/or PR module checks. In order to attach signatures to the check stub, enter the signatures on the Signature Form and mail it to Springbrook Software. Click here to download and print the signature template document.
Check Stock
There are two kinds of check stock: preprinted and blank. If you are using multi-bank checking in the Accounts Payable module (you will create checks on more than one bank account in a single checks batch), you will need to use blank check stock so that the MICR numbers can be printed on the checks as they are generated.
Preprinted check stock should have the following items:
- Logo and city information in the top left corner that is 1” X 4”
- Bank name with address information - The bank name will print in the middle of the check to the left of logo area, but the bank address and information will not display. If the bank information needs to be on the check, you may want to add it to the check stock.
- Check Number - There is an option in the Accounts Payable module that allows you to print the check numbers on checks.
- MICR numbers
Date and Amount Labels – This is optional. You can add or remove the date and amount labels from the check when they are generated in the Payroll module, but that functionality has not been implemented in the Accounts Payable module. The Date and Amount labels will always print on the check in the Accounts Payable module.
Blank check stock should have the following items:
- Logo and city information in the top left corner that is 1” X 4”
- Date and Amount Labels – This is optional. You can add or remove the date and amount labels from the check when they are generated in the Payroll module, but that functionality has not been implemented in the Accounts Payable module. The Date and Amount labels will always print on the check in the Accounts Payable module.
Payroll Check Options
Setup window
The Checks tab on the Setup window (PR> Utilities> Setup> Checks tab) is used to set up how Payroll checks will display. Here is a list of check options on the Setup window:
- The Check Type drop-down menu is used to select the type of checks that will be generated in the Payroll module. The standard check format will display up to 18 deductions and benefits on the check stub. The long check stub format will display up to 30 deductions and benefits on the check stub. Currently, only long check stubs have been implemented.
- The Computer Check Sort drop-down menu is used to select the order checks will print in the Computer Checks process (PR> Computer Checks> Print Checks). The checks can either be sorted by department and employee number or just employee number.
- The Use blank check stock toggle is used to print the MICR numbers (bank account and routing number) and check numbers on the checks as they are generated. If you use this option, your check stock needs to contain the organization logo and city information in the top left corner because this information will not be printed on the check.
- Check the Show Direct Deposit Account Information on Checks toggle to print the employee’s bank account information on the check stubs that are set up for direct deposit.
- Check the Show inactive deductions and benefits toggle if deductions and benefits that are set up as inactive on the employee record should display on the check stubs. If you do not check this toggle, deductions and benefits that are set up as inactive on the employee record, even if there is a YTD balance on those deductions and benefits, will not display on the check stub.
- The Check offset field is used to set the top margin on the checks. Increase the value in the Check offset field to print the checks lower on the page. Decrease the value in the Check offset field to print the checks higher on the page.
- Check the Print Date/Amount headings on checks toggle if your check stock does not include the Date and Amount field labels. This will add a date and amount heading to checks generated in the Payroll module.
Check the Summarize Pay Types on Check Stub toggle if you would like all of the same pay types to be summarized onto a single line on the check stub.
Checks window
When payroll checks are generated in the Computer Checks process (PR> Computer Checks> Checks), you will also be able to enter a stub message and memo that will be applied to all of the checks in the batch. If you are using the long check stub format, you will also be able to enter a void message to enter the number of days associated with your void process.
Accounts Payable Check Options
Setup window
The Checks tab on the Setup window (AP> Utilities> Setup> Checks tab) is used to set up how Account Payable checks will display. Here is a list of the check options on the Setup window:
- The Check Type drop-down menu is used to select the type of checks that will be generated in the Payroll module. The standard check format will display up to 17 invoice line items on the check stub. The long check stub format will display up to 30 invoice line items. Currently, only long check stubs have been implemented.
- The Long Stub Void Message field is used to enter the number of days associated with your void process. This message will display on all Accounts Payable module checks that are generated in long check stub format.
- The Check Line Description drop-down menu is used to select the line item description that will display on the check stub. The last line item description option displays the invoice line item description on the check stub line items. The line item reference displays the reference number attached to the invoice on the check stub line item.
- The Long check stub include fund line toggle is used to add the fund number and description of the GL expense account associated with the check to the memo field on the check. A list of fund numbers will display if there is more than one fund being expensed on the check.
- The Long check stub prints DBA information toggle is used to add the doing business as name on the vendor record to the check. This will add the doing business as vendor name to the check just below the vendor name.
- The Do not print check numbers toggle is used if your check stock already includes check numbers. If this toggle is not checked, check numbers will print on the checks when they are generated.
Checks window
When accounts payable checks are generated in the Computer Checks process (AP> Computer Checks> Checks), you will also be able to enter a stub message. If you are using the long check stub format, the void message defined on the Setup window will be included on all of the checks in the batch.