CR> Maintenance> Slip Maintenance
CR Slip Maintenance
Slips are receipts and endorsements that will print from a receipt printer when a receipt is created in
the Cash Entry window. The term slip is a generic term that refers to both
check endorsements and receipts. The Slip Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance>
Slip) is used to create and maintain receipts and endorsements.
There are three ways to determine which slips will print out when a receipt is
generated in the Enter Cash Receipts window.
- Check the Automatically print receipt on save toggle on the Operator
Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Operator) to print all slips that are set up
as default receipts in the Maintain Slips window (CR> Maintenance> Slip). If there are no default slips set up, no slips will print.
- If the Automatically print receipt on save toggle is not checked in the
Operator Maintenance window, the default slips will not print when receipts are
saved in the Cash Entry window.
- Slips attached to a payment method will print when that payment method is used on the receipt.
Slips are attached to payment methods in the Payment Method Maintenance window
(CR> Maintenance> Pay Method).
- You can attach a slip set up as an endorsement to a check payment type so that the
endorsement will print when the check payment type is used on a receipt.
- Slips attached to a type code will print when that type code is added to a receipt. Slips are
attached to type codes in the Type Code Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Type Code).
All three of these methods can be used in conjunction, but the slips that are set up
as default slips in the Maintain Slips window will always print before the slips
that are attached to payment method or type code. The slips will print on the printer set up on the workstation in the Station
Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Station).
Related Links
Click here for information on operator maintenance.
Click here for information on station maintenance.
Click here for information on pay method maintenance.
Click here for type code maintenance.
Step by Step
1 View the slips that have been created.
- Open the Slip Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Slip).
- The Slip Maintenance window will display all of the slips that have been created and can
be attached to a Pay Method (CR> Maintenance> Pay Method).
- Select a slip in the left section of the window and the fields in the Maintenance section
will populate with the information from the selected slip. The Slip Text section
will display the fields on the receipt and the format that the receipt will
print in.
- Click the Print icon
to print a preview of the receipt using the receipt number entered
into the field next to the Print icon.
- The receipt will print using the receipt printer set up on the station that you are logged in
at. You will receive an error message if you are not logged into a computer that
is set up as a station in the CR module (CR> Maintenance> Station).
- The receipt printer of a station is set up in the Station Maintenance window (CR>
Maintenance> Station> Printer Name field).
- Highlight a slip and press DELETE to delete the selected slip.
- You cannot delete a slip that is attached to a payment type.
- Press INSERT to create a new slip. This will add a new line item to the Slip Maintenance
window and the fields in the Maintenance section will be blank.
2 Create a new slip.
- Enter a Slip Name. The slip name can be up to 40 characters long.
- You will not be able to modify the slip name after the slip has been saved.
- Check the Default Slip toggle if the receipt should print for all receipts. If there is a default slip defined and a slip is also attached to the pay method, when the receipt is saved, both receipts will print.
- Check the Endorsement toggle if the slip should be printed on a piece of paper slid
into the printer like a check.
- You can attach endorsements to a check payment type so that the endorsement will print each
time the check payment method is used in a transaction.
- An endorsement can be attached to a payment type in the Payment Method Maintenance window (CR>
Maintenance> Payment Method).
- Select the fields you would like to display on the receipt by moving fields from the Codes field to the Slip Text field.
- The Slip Text field contains the names of the fields and the control codes on the
slip. You can also type information directly into the Slip Text field and
the text will display on the receipt. City, organization name, address,
telephone number and business hours are all examples of text that is sometimes
entered onto a receipt.
- The total number of characters per line in the Slip Text field cannot exceed the characters per line specified on the Station Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Station> Characters Per Line field). If the total number of slip text AND code value characters on a single line exceeds this number, the slip text will be truncated in favor of the code value on the slip.
- The Codes field displays all of the fields and control codes that can be added to a slip.
Double click on a field to add it to the receipt. The field will appear in the
Slip Text field surrounded in brackets. When the receipt is
printed, the field name will be replaced with information from the receipt.
Adjust the placement of the field on the receipt to affect the alignment of the
- The Control Codes <#> field may be required to send the receipt printer commands such as when to cut a
receipt or if a slip is an endorsement rather than a receipt. Control Codes vary
depending on the brand and model of your receipt printer, so please refer to
your receipt printer’s manual for information on your specific control codes.
Springbrook can also provide assistance for some receipt printers.
- When you add a control code to the slip, it will look like this [Control Code <#>]. Replace the
# between the <>'s with the control code value you would like to send to the
printer. This is generally a two digit number such as 45.
- The Time and Date fields are the current time and date. This is not the same as
the receipt time and date.
- The Receipt Time and Receipt Date are the time and date that the receipt
was first created.
- The Messages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 fields are the messages that are entered on the Messages/Notes tab of the Cash
Entry window when a receipt is being created.
- The All Accounts & Address field will be substituted with all the accounts and their
associated lot addresses when the slip is printed out. The field will display
the street number, directional and street name. The city, state and zip will
not display when using this field.
- The difference between “Right Just.” And “Simple” fields is that the “Right Just.” Fields will
be right justified based on the number of characters per line of the receipt
printer set up on the station. The “Simple” fields will display where they are
placed in the Slip Text field.
- The All Line Items & GL w/Description field will display the GL account number, GL account
description, charge description, and payment amount. The GL account number and
description will each be on their own lines followed by the charge description
and payment amount on the last line.
- Click the Print icon
to preview the receipt you just created. The preview will print a
preview of the Receipt Number entered in the field next to the Print icon.
- Click the Save icon
to save the slip when complete.
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