GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts

Chart of Accounts Maintenance





The Chart of Accounts Maintenance window is used to create and maintain general ledger accounts. This window will display journal entry history, balance amounts, budget amounts and purchase order history.


General ledger accounts are created and maintained by fiscal year. When you move to the next fiscal year, the balance of each general ledger account will be transferred to a general ledger account in the new fiscal year. The GL account that the balance is transferred to is called a goto account. You can set up multiple goto accounts on a single GL account and the balance will be distributed to each goto account based on a percentage amount set up on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window.


If you are creating a new GL account, the account headers must be set up before the account can be created. Account headers function as the description of a section on the chart of accounts. The account headers display on reports, including the GL Distribution Report generated in most batch processes in the application. If you have a uniform chart of accounts (GL> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Uniform chart of accounts toggle), the Section Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Section) is used to create account headers. If you do not have a uniform chart of accounts, account headers are created using the Account Header One, Two and Three windows (GL> Maintenance> Acct Header One, Two and Three).


The Chart of Accounts Maintenance window allows you to create one account at a time. If you want to create a new chart of accounts based on the chart of accounts in the previous fiscal year, use the Create New Fiscal Year window (GL> Utilities> Create a New Fiscal Year). Click here for information on the Create a New Fiscal Year feature.


Related Links

Click here for information on Section Maintenance.

Click here for information on the Account Header One window.

Click here for information on creating a new fund.

Click here for information on Account Type Maintenance.

Click here for information on the General Ledger module setup.

Click here for information on creating an Estimated Actual Amount.

Click here for information on the Fiscal Year End Reset process.

Click here for information on creating an MS Excel spreadsheet from a data grid.

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