PO> Utilities> Setup POs
Set up the Purchase Order Module
The Setup window is used to define how the Purchase Order module will
function. Use the Menu Security feature (SS> Security> Menu Security) to
limit access to the Setup window.
Related Links
Click here for information on Menu Security.
Step by Step
1 Open the Setup window (PO> Utilities> Setup POs).
2 Complete the Purchase Orders tab.
- The PO Email Template field is used to specify a default email template to be used when generating electronic purchase orders and change orders.
- The Purchase Order Signature field is used to select the Purchase Order module signature. A Purchase Order module signature is saved in the application using the
attachments feature. Click here for information on creating, uploading and installing an electronic signature.
- Click the Purchase Order Signature field label to open the Attachments Selection
window. You can have only one signature file attached to the Attachments
Selection window. Select a signature file that has already been saved in the
application, or press INSERT to add a signature file. This will open the
Attachments Maintenance window. Click the Original File Name
field label to select the path of the signature file. Click the Save icon
on the
Attachments Maintenance window once a file has been selected. Highlight the
signature file in the Attachments Selection window and press ENTER add the
signature file to the Purchase Order module. The field next to the Purchase
Order Signature field label will display Signature Attached when the signature
has been successfully attached.
- Check the Print signature line on purchase order toggle to add the signature file to
the POs created in the Purchase Order module. If this toggle is not checked, the
signature file selected in the Purchase Order Signature field will not
display on the purchase orders.
- The Statement Disclaimer field is used to enter a disclaimer
onto the bottom of the purchase order statements created in the Purchase
Orders palette (PO> Purchase Orders> Statements). The disclaimer
can be up to two thousand characters long, but all of these characters
will not display on the PO Statements (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase
Orders). The purchase order will only display eight lines, which is
approximately 1000 characters of text.
- Check the Automatically Number Purchase Orders toggle if you would like the system to automatically number purchase orders
as they are created (PO> Purchase Orders).
- If you want the purchase orders to begin at a specific number, uncheck this toggle and create a
PO using the start number. After the purchase order has been created, return to
the Setup window and check the Automatically Number Purchase Orders toggle. New purchase orders will be
assigned the next available number.
- Check the Receive orders through Purchase Orders toggle to use the Receiving process
in the Purchase Order module.
- The Receiving process in the PO module is a batch process that will create a receipt for each
purchase order line item received.
- If all purchase order line items should be received before they are
invoiced, check the Force Receiving toggle in the Accounts
Payable module Setup window (AP> Utilities> Setup> Invoices tab).
- If you do not check the Force Receiving toggle but the Receive orders through Purchase Orders
toggle is checked, you can receive purchase order line items in the
Receiving process but still invoice line items that have not been
- Check the Use city name as the default shipping location toggle
if the ship to address on purchase orders should default to the organization
address defined in the System Setup window (SS> Utilities> System Setup>
General tab> Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, Zip
fields). This only defines the default value. If there is a ship to address
attached to the vendor on the purchase order, the ship to address on the
vendor will override the address on the System Setup window. If you do not
check this toggle, there will be no default ship to address on purchase
- A shipping location is attached to a purchase order using the Shipping Location field (PO> Purchase
Orders> Purchase Orders> Shipping Location
- Check the Print Project Management task code on purchase order toggle if you would
like to add the PM module task codes attached to PO line items to display on the
printed version of purchase orders. This will add the PM module task code to the
Description/Task column on the purchase order. If a description has been added
to the purchase order line item, both the description and the task code will
display in the Description/Task column. The PM module type code will not be
added to the purchase order.
- Check the Print signature line on purchase order toggle if you would like the
signature file set up in the Purchase Order Signature field to display on
POs generated in the Purchase Order module. If you have a signature file
selected in the Purchase Order Signature field but the Print signature
line on purchase order toggle is not checked, the signature file will not
display on the POs.
- Check the All line items are taxable toggle if by default all purchase
order line items on a purchase order should be set up as taxable. When a purchase
order line item is created, the Taxable toggle on the PO Line Item window
will be checked (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon> Create icon>
Taxable toggle). A tax rate will be applied to the total amount on the
purchase order line item to calculate the tax amount. This toggle only sets the
default value of the Taxable toggle on the PO Line Item window. If a line item
is not taxable, users will be able to uncheck the taxable toggle and the tax
rate will not be applied to the purchase order line item.
- Check the All line items default to contract toggle if by default you would
like all purchase order line items to have the Contract toggle checked on
the PO Line Item window (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon>
Create icon). This toggle is similar to the All line items are
taxable toggle.
- The All line items default to contract toggle only sets the default
value of the Contract toggle on all new purchase order line items. Users
will be able to uncheck the Contract toggle when they are creating
non-contract purchase order line items.
- Contract purchase orders allow you to create a purchase order line item with a cap amount. As you
create invoices on the contract purchase order line item, the system will track
the invoiced amount in relation to the capped amount. When the entire contract
amount has been invoiced, the contract purchase order line item will close.
- Check the All line items default to allow over receiving toggle to allow the system to receive a value greater than the value specified on the purchase order.
- Check the Negative line items affect encumbrance toggle to enable all negative purchase order line items to affect the encumbrance totals.
- If this toggle is not checked, the Encumbered toggle on PO line items will automatically uncheck if a line item is calculated as a negative value.
3 Complete the Requisitions tab.
- The Requisitions tab is used to specify how the Purchase Orders module will handle requisitions.
- Check the Require vendor numbers toggle to require a vendor number when creating a requisition line item.
- Check the Require GL Accounts toggle to require that GL accounts are specified when creating a requisition line item.
- Check the Approvers can modify requisitions toggle to allow requisition approvers to edit the requisitions that they approve.
- Check the Use requisitions comment field when creating PO toggle to import the requisitions Comment field into the purchase order Description column.
- Check the Auto-fill account number from work order toggle if you want the General Ledger
account to auto-fill from the work order selected when entering time in PR> Timesheets> Quick Time Entry.
- Check the Allow budget warning override in purchase order requisitions toggle to allow users to override the budget warning that opens in the Accept /Reject Requisitions window (PO> Purchase Orders> Requisitions).
- An information window will open if the requisition line items will cause the GL account attached to any of the requisition line items to go over budget. The system will calculate if the GL account is over the budgeted amount by adding the balance plus the encumbrances and the requisition line item.
- The information window will not open when the GL account does not have a budgeted amount.
- Click the Save icon
or press ENTER when complete to save the PO module setup.
4 Complete the Validation tab.
- The Validation tab is used to set up optional validation rules in the PO module. These rules can provide an additional level of control over how purchase orders and requisitions are created in the system.
- Click the Create icon
to create a new validation rule. This will create a new line item in the data grid and enable the Maintenance section to the right.- Once a validation rule has been created, highlight the rule and click the Delete icon
to delete the selected rule.
- The Entity field is used to specify which Springbrook entity the rule will apply to.
- Select Role if the rule should apply to all Springbrook users that occupy a specific role in the application. Roles are created and maintained on the Role Maintenance window (SS> Security> Role). Click here for information on Role Maintenance.
- Select User if the rule should apply only to a specific Springbrook user. Users are created and maintained on the User Maintenance window (SS> Security> User). Click here for information on User Maintenance.
- Select User Group if the rule should apply to all Springbrook users that populate a specific user group in the application. User Groups are created and maintained on the User Group Maintenance window (SS> Security> User Group). Click here for information on User Group Maintenance.
- If your organization already uses user groups, Springbrook recommends setting up a new set of user groups for validation rules. This will prevent duplicate validation warnings that can occur when users are already members of multiple user groups and those existing user groups are used when setting up validation rules.
- This is a required field.
- The Code field is used specify the specific Springbrook entity that the rule will be applied to.
- The selection window launched when clicking the Code field label will be determined by which entity was selected above.
- This is a required field.
- The Department field is used to apply the validation rule to a specific department.
- In order to use a department in a validation rule, the specified department will also need to be set up as the home department on the purchase order or requisition (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Home Department field). If the specified department is not set up as the home department on the purchase order or requisition, that purchase order or requisition will be skipped when the system validates the purchase orders or requisitions.
- The Comparison and Amount fields is used to specify how the validation rule will compare the purchase order or requisition amount to the GL or PM task budget amount.
- Select Flat use a flat comparison amount. For example, if Flat was selected and 100.00 was entered into the Amount field below, the validation rule will be activated if the purchase order or requisition amount is $100.00 over the budget or PO encumbrance amount.
- Select Percentage to use a percentage comparison amount. For example, if Percentage was selected and 10.0000 was entered into the Amount field below, the validation rule will be activated if the purchase order or requisition amount is 10.000% over the budget or PO encumbrance amount.
- The Amount field should be left at zero if you want the validation rule to be activated when the exact budget or PO encumbrance amount is reached.
- Both of these fields are required.
- The Validation field is used to set the validation rule to either display a warning message, which allows the user to ignore the validation and continue processing the purchase order or requisition, or to display an error message, which will require that the user update the purchase order or requisition in order to continue.
- This is a required field.
- The Original field is used to specify what the purchase order or requisition amount will be compared to when processing the validation rule.
- Select GL Budget Amount to compare the purchase order or requisition amount to the GL account budget.
- If the GL account IS NOT set up as budgetable (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> General tab> Account is budgetable toggle), no validation will be performed. If the account IS set as budgetable, but the budget is set as zero, the validation error will always occur.
- Select PM Task Budgets to compare the purchase order or requisition amount to the PM Task budget amount.
- If the budget is set at zero, no validation will occur.
- The Transaction Data Sources section is used specify which, if any, uncommitted transactions should be considered when the system is calculating validation rules. These data sources can either increase or decrease the value specified by the selection in the Original field above.
- Check Committed PO Encumbrance to include committed purchase order or change order amounts. This will typically be used if the Original field is set to PO Variance.
- Check Committed PO Requisitions (Pre-encumbrance) to include requisition amounts that have been processed in a committed requisition approval batch but not yet turned into a purchase order.
- Check Uncommitted AP Activity to include any uncommitted AP activity.
- Check Uncommitted Budget Adjustments to include uncommitted GL budget amounts. Uncommitted PM budget adjustments will not be considered.
- Check Uncommitted GL History to include uncommitted journal entry amounts.
- Check Uncommitted PO Encumbrance to include uncommitted purchase order or change order amounts.
5 Track any changes made to the PO Setup window.
- Click the Audit Trail icon
to open the Audit Trail window.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit trail.
- The Audit Trail History section will provide details about any changes made to the setup window including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
- Click here for information on the Audit Trail window.
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