The Maintain Menu Security window is used to set up which palette menu options can be accessed by a user and user group. If there is security set up on a user and the user is attached to a user group, the security set up on the user account will always override the security set up on a user group. This allows you to attach a user to a user group and then customize the security for a single user.
If a user is attached to multiple user groups, the least restrictive group security will apply. This allows you to attach a user to multiple user groups (including user groups with less security access in some areas of the application) without creating conflicts in security. If there is security set up on the user account, the security on the user will override the security on all of the user groups.
There are three security settings on menu options: full access, no access and security not set. If security is set to full access the menu option will display on the palette and can be opened. If no access is selected the menu option will not be displayed. If all of the menu options on a palette are set as no access, the entire palette will not be displayed. If no security is set up on a menu option, the security will default to No Security Set. This is similar to Full Access because it will not limit access, but menu options set up as No Security Set on a user account will be overridden by the security set up on a user group.
Related Links
Click here for an overview of system security.
Click here for information on database security.
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