Payroll Module


This document gives the basic formula used to calculate taxes and the setups that must be complete in order for a tax to be deducted on a payroll check.


Click here for information on supplemental tax rates.

Click here for information on tax table maintenance.


Calculating Payroll


Tax amounts are calculated using the following formula:


1. Gross Federal Wage (gross wages + any benefits that increase the gross - any deductions that reduce the gross) * Pay periods per year = Annualized gross wage

2. Annualized gross wage – (Standard deduction * Number of dependents on the employee record ) = Taxable wage

3. Apply taxable wage to tax table to determine the tax amount due

4. (Tax amount due – tax credits) / pay periods per year = Tax to be deducted


Notes on the diagram above:






The following must be set up to deduct taxes from a payroll check:




Tax code status must be attached to the employee record

The tax table determines how taxes will be calculated. Tax table line items are set up by tax code (federal, state, other) and by tax code status (married, single, head of household). Attach a tax status to each tax code using the Employee Maintenance (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Taxes tab). Click here for information on the Taxes tab of the Employee Maintenance window.

The federal, state and other tax deductions (super deductions) must be attached to the employee record

The federal, state or other tax deductions must be attached to the employee record. Deductions are attached to the employee record using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Deductions tab). The deductions must also be set up as active. The tax table will determine the tax rates used to calculate taxes. Click here for information on the Deductions tab of the Employee Maintenance window.

The tax code defines the minimum income, standard deductions, tax credits and tax rate used to calculate the taxes

The tax table determines how the taxes will be calculated. Tax table line items are set up by tax code (federal, state, other) and by tax code status (married, single, head of household). Create or modify the tax table line items to define how taxes will be calculated. The tax table is created and maintained using the Tax Table Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Tax Table). Click here for information on the Tax Table Maintenance window.

The pay code must be set up to affect the gross pay that you would like to tax

When generating payroll checks, the pay code used to generate the payroll check must be set up to affect the gross pay you would like to tax. For example, if you would like the federal tax to apply to a payroll check, the Affect federal toggle must be checked on the pay code. Pay codes are created and maintained using the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay code). Click here for information on the Pay Code Maintenance window.

If the pay code is set up as a one-time only (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code> One-Time Pay toggle), the wages on that timecard line item will not be annualized when calculating tax (the gross wages will not be multiplied by the number of pay periods before applying the amount to the tax table).


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