PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule

Pay Schedule Maintenance




The Pay Schedule Maintenance window is used to create and maintain pay schedules and add timesheets to a pay schedule period if you use the timesheets feature.


When paychecks are generated in a Computer Checks batch (PR> Computer Checks> Generate), you can select a pay schedule and pay period to generate the batch. The pay schedule and pay period selected determines how the paychecks in the batch will be calculated (for example, which deduction cycle should be used) and which employees will be pulled into the batch (only employee records attached to the selected pay schedule will be included in the Computer Checks batch).Click here for information on the Generate step of the Computer Checks process.


The Pay Schedule Maintenance window is also used to add timesheets to pay schedule pay periods. Click here for an overview on the Timesheets process.


After pay schedules have been created, attach the pay schedules to employee records using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Pay Schedule field). When Computer Checks are generated, employees are included in batches based on the pay schedule attached to their employee record.


Pay schedules determine how paychecks are calculated because they are used to set the following values:


Related Links


Click here for information on pay cycle maintenance.

Click here for information on employee maintenance.


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