Time card cycles are attached to the default time card line items on employee records and allow you to group the default time cards that will be used to generate paychecks. Time card cycles are attached to pay schedule line items using the Pay Schedule Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule> Time Card Cycle column). When a Computer Checks batch is generated using a pay schedule, only default time card line items with the same time card cycle as the pay schedule will populate in the batch. For example, if you check the Cycle 1 toggle on a time card line item on the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab), the default time card line item will only be included in a Computer Checks batch if the pay schedule in the batch has a 1 in the Time Card Cycle column on the Pay Schedule Maintenance window.
You can add a default time card line item to as many time card cycles as you would like.
Deductions and benefits are attached to employee records using deduction/benefit cycles, which are not the same as time card cycles. Deduction/benefit cycles are set up separately on the Pay Schedule Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule> Deduction Cycle column).Click here for information on deduction cycles.
Click here for information on employee maintenance.
Click here for information on pay schedule maintenance.
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