PR> Utilities> Overtime Rules
Overtime Rules Maintenance
The Overtime Rules Maintenance window is used to create and maintain system overtime rules. These rules will determine how and when groups of employees are paid overtime. When employees enter time on their timecards, Springbrook will calculate overtime pay based on these rules and overtime timecard line items will be automatically generated.
Related Links
Click here for information on Work Period Maintenance.
Click here for information on Pay Code Maintenance.
Step by Step
2 Create a new Day or Period overtime rule.
- Enter an Effective Date for the new overtime rule.
- Set the Priority for the overtime rule.
- Rule priority determines which rule is applied first. The higher priority (lower number) must be satisfied before the lower priority rule takes effect. For example, if a weekly rule has a higher priority than a daily rule, the overtime will not be calculated on the daily level until the week is over and the weekly overtime is calculated.
- Day and period rules cannot have the same priority. Rules can have the same priority if they share the same rule type, group type, group code, day or work period code and holiday code.
- Springbrook recommends setting up the overtime rules with space between priorities in order to facilitate the future addition of new overtime rules. For example, priorities set at 100, 200, 300, etc. will allow for much more flexibility than priorities set at 1, 2, 3, etc.
- Select a Group Type from the drop-down menu. This will determine if the overtime code applies to all employees or if it applies only to employees grouped by department, reporting group or union unit.
- Enter a Group Code for the overtime rule or click the Ellipsis icon
to select one from a list.
- When creating a day overtime rule, select a Day from the drop-down menu. This will determine if the overtime code will apply to all days, unscheduled days, standard scheduled days, a user defined holiday or an individual day of the seven day week.
- The Holiday Code field will only be enabled if Holiday is selected from the Day drop-down menu above. The holidays that populate this drop-down menu are created and maintained on the Holiday Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Holiday). Click here for information on Holiday Maintenance.
- When creating a period overtime rule, enter a Work Period or click the Ellipsis icon
to select one from a list. This will open the Work Period Selection window.
- Enter the Hours value that will trigger the rule. Any hours the employee works above this limit will be calculated using the overtime rate attached to the selected Overtime Code.
- Enter an Overtime Code or click the Ellipsis icon
to select one from a list. This will determine which pay code is used to determine the pay details of the overtime rule.- In order to create an FLSA period overtime rule you must select a pay code with FLSA Overtime selected in the Pay Type field.
- Pay codes are created and maintained on the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code). Click here for information on Pay Code Maintenance.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.- Any changes made existing overtime codes will NOT automatically update open batches.
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