DB Security allows you to set the security on a database field or table for a user or user group. This feature is helpful when creating security on personal customer information such as social security or bank account numbers because the security will apply to all windows that display the information.
DB Security can be set up by user or user group. If there is security set up on a field at both the user and user group level, the security set up at the user level will override the security set up on the user group. This allows you to customize the user group settings for each user that is attached to a user group. If a user is attached to multiple user groups and there is no DB security set up at the user level, the least restrictive user group security will be applied.
If you would like to view the DB security that will be applied to a user, open the user in the Maintain DB Security window and select the field in the Security Settings section. The security that will be applied to the user will display next to the field name. All of the groups and security settings that are attached to the user will display next to the database field.
DB Security can be set up at the field level or the table level, and individual field level security will override all of the security set up on the table level. As with field security, table security set up on the user will override table security set up on groups that a user is attached to.
Use the Table/Field Help feature in Help> Table/Field to determine what field and table the information on a window is stored in. When the Table/Field Help feature is turned on a message bubble will display the table and field name of the fields in a window as you move the cursor.
There are five levels of database security that can be placed on a field or table: Full, Read/Write, Read, No access and Security Not Set. Full access grants the user full access to the field or table. Read/Write access allows the modification of the data but not the deletion of it. Read access will display the data, but the data cannot be modified. When a window is opened that contains a Read access field or table, the field will be disabled. No access security will remove the field from any window that displays the database field or table. If a window is opened that contains a No access field, there will be a blank space where the field is usually displayed. If no security is set up on a table or field, the security will default to No Security Set. This is similar to Full Access because it will not limit access, but security with the No Security Set status on a user account will be overridden by security set up on a user group.
Use Menu Security (SS> Security> Menu Security) to control access to a menu option if you would like a user or user group to have access to a field in one window but not another.
Here are a few fields you may want to set security on in the overview document of each module.
Related Links
Click here for information on menu security.
Click here for information on table and field help.
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