The Service Maintenance window is used to create and maintain up to 20 services. When charges are generated on UB customer accounts, the charges are grouped onto a service. A service represents a unique balance on the customer account and the balance of each service will display separately on billing statements. For example, all water service charges are billed using the WATER service. Charges related to other services, such as ELECTRIC or CONNECTION, will display separately on the billing statement. Since the total balance of a UB customer account is divided into separate services, you can have a credit balance in one service and a debit balance in another. Use the Redistribute Credit Balances process (UB> Transactions and Fees> Redistribute Credit) to redistribute the credit balance on a service to services with a debit balances. This process can also be done automatically when payments are entered (UB> Utilities> Setup> Payment tab> Automatically Redistribute Credits toggle).
Services are attached to customer accounts when they are created using the New Account Wizard and can be attached to existing customer accounts using the Service Rates tab of the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account> Service Rates tab). Each service attached to the customer account will display as a separate balance on the Overview tab of the Account Master Maintenance window or when reports are generated. When bills are generated in UB> New Billing, the service rates that will be included in the billing can be filtered by service.
Services will also determine how partial payments are applied to outstanding balances. When partial payments are received, the payment priority set up on the Payment Priority field on the Payment tab of the Setup window (UB> Utilities> Setup) will determine how the partial payment is applied. If Age then Priority is selected, the partial payment will be applied to the oldest debt first. If the partial payment covers all of the old debts, then the partial payment will be applied to the service with the highest priority that has the same age. If Priority then Age is selected, the partial payment will be applied to the service with the highest payment priority first. Payments will be applied to the oldest debts within that service first. The payment priority of a service is set up in the Service Maintenance window.
After services have been created in UB> Maintenance> Services, service rates can be attached to services in UB> Maintenance> Service Rates. The service rates will determine the rate that will be applied to the consumption on a meter, minimum billing amount, and how the billing will prorate or average.
Related Links
Click here for information on service rate maintenance.
Click here for an overview of bill types.
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