UB> Maintenance> Service Rate
UB Service Rate Maintenance
The Service Rates window is used to create and maintain service rates and service rate revisions. Service
rates are attached to customer accounts and determine the rate structure, winter
average, taxes, bill type and prorating options of a billing. The service rate
will calculate charges on the consumption on meters with the same bill type and
the charges will be billed to the service attached to the service rate. Once
service rates have been created they can be attached to customer accounts on the
Service Rates tab of the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance>
Account> Service Rates tab> Create icon).
There are no units of measure (gallons, cubic feet, etc.) attached to the service rate. The service
rate will be applied to the consumption as it was read on the meters. For
example, if there were 100 units of consumption read on the meter during the
billing period, then the service rate will be applied to the 100 units
regardless of the type of unit the meter was reading (gallon, cubic feet, etc.).
If there are meters of multiple unit types in the same billing batch, or if the
consumption should be converted to another unit type as the billing is being
calculated, you can convert the consumption using the consumption conversion
table (UB> Maintenance> Consumption Conversion).
When new bills are generated (UB> New Billing), there is a Convert Consumption To drop-down menu that allows you to convert the consumption read on the meters to a
different unit type. The consumption will be converted to the unit type using
the conversion formula set up in the conversion table (UB> Maintenance>
Consumption Conversion), and the service rate will be applied to the modified
consumption on the meter. For example, if the consumption was read in cubic feet
and is changed to gallons, the consumption read on the meter (100) will be
multiplied by the conversion amount (7.48000) and then the service rate will be
applied to the modified consumption amount (748).
The Service Rate Maintenance window allows you to set up a separate rate structure for each usage period.
Usage periods are typically used to charge UB customers different rates for peak
and non-peak usage. Consumption is generally separated into the usage periods by
the meter and then imported into the Springbrook application as separate
consumption values when meter reads are imported (UB> Meter Management> Readings Import).
For example, peak consumption is placed in usage period 1 and non-peak
consumption is placed in usage period two. When a billing is generated (UB> New
Billing), charges are applied to the imported consumption based on the unique
rate structure of each usage period set up on the service rate. For example, if
peak usage is usage period 1 and non-peak usage is usage period 2, the rate
structure for usage period 1 will apply to usage period 1 consumption and the
rate structure for usage period 2 will apply to usage period 2 consumption.
Related Links
Click here for information on Service Maintenance.
Click here for information on Tax Code Maintenance.
Click here for a summary on bill types.
Click here for information on Bill Type Maintenance.
Click here for an overview on Usage Periods.
Click here for information on setting up Winter Averaging.
Click here for information on exporting information in a grid to an MS Excel spreadsheet.
Step by Step
1 Open the Service Rate Selection window (UB> Maintenance> Service Rate).
2 Complete the General tab.
- The Service Rate Maintenance window is divided into three tabs: General, Cons Levels and Winter
- The General tab contains all of the general information on the service rate.
- The Cons Levels tab contains all of the consumption level breaks.
- The Winter Average/Taxes tab contains the winter averaging periods and tax codes attached
to the service rate.
- The Revision Number field will display the revision number of the service rate
revision being created. If you are creating a new service rate, the Revision Number will be 0, because it is the initial revision number.
- If you are creating a service rate revision, the Revision Number will be one
plus the previous service rate revision on the service rate.
- The value in the Revision Number cannot be modified.
- Enter a Service Code. The service code can be up to six alphanumeric characters long.
- If you are creating a service rate revision, the Service Code field will be
disabled and will display the service rate of the revision that you are
creating. You will not be able to modify the value in this field.
- After a service rate code has been created and saved, you cannot change the value in the
Service Code field. If you want to modify the value in
the field, you will have to create a new service rate code with the
desired service code.
- Enter the Description of the service rate code. The description can be up to 32 alphanumeric
characters long.
- Enter the Effective Date of the service rate. The effective date is the date the service
rate revision will become active. If you are creating a new service rate
code, the effective date is the date the initial revision of the service
rate code will take effect.
- Click the drop-down menu to select a date from a calendar.
- If the effective date occurs during a billing, the consumption and minimum amount on the
billing will prorate based on the effective date and the either the
billing dates or the read dates on the account.
- If the Prorate by read date toggle on the Service Rate Maintenance
window is checked the billing will prorate based on the read date of
the meters on the billing. For example, if meters are read on the 15th
of each month and the service rate becomes active on the 11th,
only five days of the billing will be calculated using the new
service rate structure.
- If the Prorate by read date toggle is not checked, the billing will
prorate based on the period begin and period end date. For example,
if the billing is for the 1st to the 30th and
the new rate revision becomes active on the 11th, 2/3 of
the consumption and minimum amount will be billed using the new
service rate revision.
- The Prorate consumption and Prorate minimum toggles do not
have to be checked for the minimum and consumption to prorate based
on the effective date of the service rate revision.
- Enter an amount in the Minimum field to specify a base or flat charge on the service rate.
- If the Flat Rate toggle is not checked, the amount in the Minimum field will be
treated as a minimum amount. This means the minimum amount will be
charged and meter consumption will be included on the billing. For
example, if $25 is entered in the Minimum field, the billing will
charge the $25 as well as the consumption on the meters.
- If the Flat Rate toggle is checked, the amount in the Minimum field will be
treated as a flat rate. This means that the flat amount will be charged
on each billing and the consumption on the device will be ignored. For
example, if $25 is entered in the Minimum field and the Flat Amount toggle is checked, the consumption on the meter will not
be included on the billing.
- The minimum or flat amount will prorate on new and final billings depending on the other
toggles checked on the Service Rate Maintenance window.
- The following toggles affect how the minimum/flat amount will prorate on a billing:
- Prorate minimum toggle
- Prorate high toggle
- Enter the Unit Size. The consumption on the device will be divided by the value in the Unit
Size field. The modified consumption amount will then be applied to the
consumption level breaks.
- The type of units that consumption will be measured in is set up on the device type of the
device that is being used to read consumption (UB> Maintenance> Device
Type> Device tab (For example: Water)> Unit Type field).
- Click the Bill Type field label to select a bill type from a list.
- The Bill Type field is important because it determines which meters on the
customer account will be billed by the service rate. When bills are
generated (UB> New Billing), the service rate will be applied to all
meters on the customer account with the same bill type. For example, if
you select “WATER” on the service rate, the service rate will be applied
to the consumption on all meters set up with the “WATER” bill type on the
customer account.
- Click here for an overview on bill types.
- Click here for information on bill type maintenance.
- Attach general ledger accounts to the service rate.
- Click on the field label of the Revenue Account, AR Account or
Cash Account field to select a general ledger account from
a list.
- By default, the window will display the general ledger accounts in the current fiscal
year. If you are creating a service rate revision that will not become
active until a future fiscal year, make sure that the selected GL
accounts will be active in the next fiscal year.
- If a selected general ledger account is not active in the next fiscal year, you
may have problems when you try to generate charges on the service
rate code.
- Attach a Budget Account to the service rate.
- A budget account should be added to service rates that will be used in the Budget Billing process. This account records the difference between a customer's budget billing amount and the actual charge amount.
- This account is intended to act as a liability account, recording the budgeted payment amounts that are initially higher than the actual bill amounts.
- Define how you would like to round the charges generated on the service rate code in the Round Amount To field. Rounding options are also set up on the UB
module Setup window (UB> Utilities> Setup> Billing tab). The Setup window is
used to round consumption and the amount billed on a service.
- Enter 1.00 in the field to round the charges to the nearest dollar amount.
- Enter 0.10 to round the charges to the nearest dime.
- Enter 0.01 to round the charges to the nearest penny.
- By default, 0.00 will be in the field. Since the flat rate cannot be a dollar value less
than a penny and the consumption will round based on Setup window (UB>
Utilities> Setup> Billing> Consumption Rounding field), setting the
Round Amount To field to 0.00 is the same as setting it to 0.01.
- The Convert Cons To field is used to convert the units read on the meter to another unit set up on a conversion table. For example, if a water meter measures consumption in US gallons, but that consumption amount needs to be converted to cubic feet, a conversion value of 0.134 needs to be applied to the consumption value in gallons (1 US gallon = 0.134 cubic feet).
- Select No Conversion to bill the service rate consumption as it is read on the meter. For example, if 100 units
of consumption were read on a meter during a billing period, the service rate will
be applied to those 100 units regardless of the unit type (gallons, cubic feet, etc.).
- Units are attached to device types using the Water Meter Device Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Device Type> Device tab> Unit Type drop-down menu).
- Any conversion that is set up as a convert to value on the conversion table will display in the drop-down. For
example, if Feet is entered in the Convert To field on the
Consumption Conversion Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Consumption
Conversion> Convert To field), the value will display in the Convert Cons To drop-down menu.
- Check the Flat Rate toggle if consumption on the service rate should be ignored and the value in
the Minimum field should be charged as a flat rate. When a bill is
generated on a customer account, the consumption on the meter will not be
billed and only the flat rate amount will display on the billing.
- The function of the Multiply Minimum, Multiply Consumption and Multiply Consumption Level toggles depend on the selection in the Use Lot Units toggle.
- If the Use Lot Units toggle is checked, the consumption or minimum amount on the
service rate will be multiplied by the Number of Units field on
the lot. You can view the Number of Units on the
customer account (UB> Maintenance> Account> Lot tab>
Lot sub-tab> Details section> Number of Units field).
- If the Use Lot Units toggle is not checked, the EDU field attached to the
meter on the account will be used. The meter EDU field is set up on the
Connections tab of the Device Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance>
Device> Connections tab> EDU column).
- By default, the EDU column will not display on the Connections tab. Right-click a column heading and select the EDU field from the menu to
display the column in the grid.
- Check the Multiply Minimum toggle if you would like the service rate minimum multiplied by the Lot EDU value or the Meter EDU
- Check the Multiply Consumption toggle if you would like the calculated winter average
consumption to be multiplied by the EDU on the meter or the number of units
on the lot when a billing is generated (UB> New Billing). The winter average
consumption will be multiplied by the EDU/Lot Unit value before the service
rate structure is applied to the consumption when the billing is calculated.
For example, if the EDU is 1.1 and the calculated winter average consumption
is 200, the winter average consumption will be multiplied by the EDU (220).
The rate structure on the service rate will then be applied to the new
consumption amount (220).
- If the Use Lot Units toggle is not checked, the calculated winter average will be
multiplied by the EDU value on the meter (UB> Maintenance> Account> Devices> Connections tab> EDU
column). If the Use Lot Units toggle is checked, the calculated
winter average will be multiplied by the number of units on the lot.
- Check the Multiply Consumption Level toggle if you would like to multiply the consumption
amount of each level break on the rate structure of the service rate by the
meter EDU or lot units. For example, if consumption between 0 and 1000 units
is charged $.035 per unit and the meter EDU is 1.25, the rate structure will
change to between 0 and 1250. The rate of $.035 will not change.
- If the Use Lot Units toggle is checked, the rate structure of the service rate will
be multiplied by the lot units.
- If the Use Lot Units toggle is not checked, the rate structure of the service rate
will be multiplied by the meter EDU (UB> Maintenance> Account> Devices> Connections tab> EDU
- This toggle can be used in conjunction with the Multiply Consumption toggle
if you would like the consumption amount and rate structure both to be
multiplied by the meter EDU or the lot units.
- Check the Prorate Minimum toggle if you would like to prorate the value in the Minimum field. This will prorate the
amount for final billings or new accounts within the billing period. This
will enable the Prorate High toggle.
- If you backdate a final billing from the Final an Account Wizard, you must have the Prorate Minimum toggle checked or the minimum amount will not prorate.
- Check the Prorate High toggle if you want to charge
the full minimum charge amount if the consumption is greater than the first
level break. If the consumption falls within the first level break, the
minimum charge will be prorated by the percentage of the billing period.
- Check the Prorate Consumption toggle if you would like the consumption
associated with the winter averaging process to be prorated by the
percentage of period the rate was effective for.
- Check the Prorate Steps toggle if you would like the
consumption amount level breaks associated with each tier of the service
rate to be prorated by the percentage that the service rate was effective
during the period. This affects the winter average process.
- Check the Bill greater amount flat or consumption toggle if you would like to bill the
consumption or the minimum amount based on which is larger. For example, if
the minimum amount is $45 and the calculated consumption on the service rate
is $35, the customer account will be billed the minimum amount on the
service rate.
- When this toggle is checked, the customer will only be charged the minimum or the
consumption amount, not both.
- This toggle does not apply when the Flat Rate toggle is checked because
consumption does not apply to flat service rates.
- Check the Container Rate toggle if the rate is used for containers. Containers are attached to accounts using the Containers tab on the
Account Master Maintenance window. Click here for
information on the Containers tab of the Account Maintenance window.
- The Round Consumption toggle has not yet been implemented.
- Check the Group Consumption toggle if all consumption on the service rate should be billed under the first usage period set up on the Cons Level tab.
- When this toggle is checked, the system will first calculate the total consumption across all time use periods set up on the Cons Levels tab. The billing engine will then calculate the service rate bill amount based on this total consumption and the rate specified on the first time use period set up on the Cons Levels tab.
- This toggle is often used when setting up a taxation service rate.
- Check the Prorate by read date toggle if you would like the service rate to prorate based on
the read date attached to the meter. The function of this toggle will affect
the function of the prorate minimum, prorate consumption
and prorate steps toggles.
- For example, if the meter read date is 06/15/12 and the billing period ends on 07/01/12, the
minimum amount or consumption will prorate based on the days.
- If you do not check this toggle the service rate will prorate based on the connection date
of the service rate.
- Check the Use Special Multiplier toggle if you would like the special
multiplier attached to the customer accounts to affect the billable amount
calculated on this service rate.
- When this toggle is checked, the billing engine will look to the Multiply flat by special multiplier and Multiply cons by a special
multiplier toggles on the Billing tab of the Setup window to determine
how the special multiplier will affect the billing.
- Special multipliers are attached to customer accounts using the
Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account> Service Rates tab> Select a service rate> Special Multiplier field).
- Check the Use actual reading if winter average is not available toggle if you would like to
bill the actual consumption on a meter if no winter average has been
calculated on a UB customer account.
- Check the Multiply level by demand toggle if you would like the system to multiply the consumption level by the demand consumption value.
- The Multiply consumption level toggle must be checked as well in order for this toggle to affect consumption calculations.
- The Character fields are user-defined miscellaneous fields attached to the service rate.
- Open the Cons Level tab to set up the rate structure of the service rate.
3 Complete the Cons Levels tab.
- The Cons Levels tab is used to enter consumption level breaks on the service rate. This is
where the rate structure is set up on the service rate. If you are using
multiple usage periods, you can enter a rate structure on each usage period.
- Usage periods are generally used to charge separate rates for peak and non-peak usage.
Each usage period will display as a separate line item in the window,
and you will be able to enter a level break for each usage period.
- If you are not using usage periods, a single line item labeled “1” will display in the
window. The “1” represents the single usage period that will be used for
all consumption read on the meter. Enter the level breaks in this single
usage period.
- Click the Expand button next to a usage period to display the level breaks set up on that
usage period. The Expand button will only display if level breaks have
already been added to a usage period.
- Press INSERT to create a new consumption level break to the selected usage period. This
will create a new line item under the usage period.
- Enter the consumption level that you would like the level break to begin at in the
Minimum Consumption column.
- Enter the rate that will be applied to the consumption greater than the minimum consumption
amount in the Rate column. This is the rate that will be charged
on each unit of consumption after the Unit Size field
(General tab on the Service Rate Maintenance window) and consumption
multiplier toggles have been applied to the consumption.
4 Complete the Winter Average/Taxes tab.
- Open the Winter Average/Taxes tab. The Winter Average/Taxes tab is used to attach tax rates to
the service rate code and to select the calendar months that winter averaging
will be used.
- Check the periods you would like to bill using the winter average rather than the actual
consumption on the meter. UB customer accounts will be billed using the
winter average amount calculated using the Winter Average process (UB>
Winter Average) rather than the actual consumption on the meter. If a UB
customer account attached to this service rate does not have a calculated
winter average, the customer will only be billed the flat/minimum amount on
the service rate.
- Winter averages are generated on accounts by billing cycle in UB> Winter Averages.
- Check the Cap Consumption toggle to bill the lesser amount of the actual bill or the
winter average consumption.
- The Tax Code field is used to attach taxes to the service rate code.
- Tax codes are created and maintained on the Tax Code Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Tax Code).
- Press INSERT to create a new line item in the Tax Code field and attach a tax code. This will open a window to
select a tax code from a list.
- Click the Save icon
when complete to save the new service rate or revision.
- Service rates can be attached to UB customer accounts using the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance>
Account> Service Rates tab).
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