UB> Maintenance> Service Rate

UB Service Rate Maintenance




The Service Rates window is used to create and maintain service rates and service rate revisions. Service rates are attached to customer accounts and determine the rate structure, winter average, taxes, bill type and prorating options of a billing. The service rate will calculate charges on the consumption on meters with the same bill type and the charges will be billed to the service attached to the service rate. Once service rates have been created they can be attached to customer accounts on the Service Rates tab of the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account> Service Rates tab> Create icon).


There are no units of measure (gallons, cubic feet, etc.) attached to the service rate. The service rate will be applied to the consumption as it was read on the meters. For example, if there were 100 units of consumption read on the meter during the billing period, then the service rate will be applied to the 100 units regardless of the type of unit the meter was reading (gallon, cubic feet, etc.). If there are meters of multiple unit types in the same billing batch, or if the consumption should be converted to another unit type as the billing is being calculated, you can convert the consumption using the consumption conversion table (UB> Maintenance> Consumption Conversion).


When new bills are generated (UB> New Billing), there is a Convert Consumption To drop-down menu that allows you to convert the consumption read on the meters to a different unit type. The consumption will be converted to the unit type using the conversion formula set up in the conversion table (UB> Maintenance> Consumption Conversion), and the service rate will be applied to the modified consumption on the meter. For example, if the consumption was read in cubic feet and is changed to gallons, the consumption read on the meter (100) will be multiplied by the conversion amount (7.48000) and then the service rate will be applied to the modified consumption amount (748).


The Service Rate Maintenance window allows you to set up a separate rate structure for each usage period. Usage periods are typically used to charge UB customers different rates for peak and non-peak usage. Consumption is generally separated into the usage periods by the meter and then imported into the Springbrook application as separate consumption values when meter reads are imported (UB> Meter Management> Readings Import). For example, peak consumption is placed in usage period 1 and non-peak consumption is placed in usage period two. When a billing is generated (UB> New Billing), charges are applied to the imported consumption based on the unique rate structure of each usage period set up on the service rate. For example, if peak usage is usage period 1 and non-peak usage is usage period 2, the rate structure for usage period 1 will apply to usage period 1 consumption and the rate structure for usage period 2 will apply to usage period 2 consumption.


Related Links


Click here for information on Service Maintenance.

Click here for information on Tax Code Maintenance.

Click here for a summary on bill types.

Click here for information on Bill Type Maintenance.

Click here for an overview on Usage Periods.

Click here for information on setting up Winter Averaging.

Click here for information on exporting information in a grid to an MS Excel spreadsheet.


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