Utility Billing Module

Direct Debits Overview




The Direct Debit process in the Clearing House module (CH> Direct Debits) is used to withdraw funds from a customer bank account to pay the account balance or billings generated in a New Billings or Final Billing batch. To use the direct debits process, enter bank account information on a UB customer account in the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account> Open an account> Account tab> ACH Info sub-tab). After a New Billing or Final Billing batch is committed, you can go to the Direct Debit process in the Clearing House module and pull the direct debit transaction into the Clearing House module.


Create a pre-note batch in the Direct Debits process (CH> Direct Debits> Generate Pre-Note) after you have entered bank account information on customer accounts. A pre-note batch is used to verify that the bank account information entered on the customer accounts is correct. No amount will be charged when a pre-note batch is processed; the batch is only used to verify that the bank account information is correct on the customer accounts included in the batch.


Customer accounts are selected for a pre-note batch by billing cycles, but only accounts that have not been processed in a pre-note batch will be included in the batch. When customer accounts are processed through a pre-note batch, the Clearing House Pre-Note toggle is checked on the customer account (UB> Maintenance> Account> Open an account> Account tab> ACH Info sub-tab). Customer accounts with this toggle checked will not be included in a pre-note batch.


The pre-note batch will generate an export file that contains the bank accounts of the customer accounts included in the batch. This is the file you will submit to your ACH processing bank. The format of the export file will vary depending on your processing bank, so make sure you obtain guidelines from your bank regarding the format of the file they require. Your processing bank will reject the export file if it is not in the correct format.


After your bank has processed the pre-note batch it will notify you if the bank accounts were incorrect. After you have corrected any incorrect bank account information you can either process the modified bank accounts through another pre-note batch, or you can leave the Clearing House Pre-Note toggle checked on the customer account (UB> Maintenance> Account> Open an account> Account tab> ACH Info sub-tab) and process the corrected bank accounts through an actual direct debits batch.


After the bank account information has been entered on the customer account, billings are generated but the billing statements will indicate that the amount on the statement has been paid. The statement will only display as paid if the bank account information was entered on the customer account before the billing batch was generated and the Display Auto Pay message toggle is checked on the billing statement (UB> Utilities> Statement Setup). Generate a Direct Debits batch (CH> Direct Debits) after the billing batch is committed.


You can only process bank accounts or credit cards in a single Direct Debits batch because they require export files that are in different formats. The Generate step of the Direct Debits process will determine if bank accounts will be processed in the batch.


The amount of the direct debit charged on the customer accounts depends on the UB module payment settings (UB> Utilities> Setup> Payment tab> Direct Debit Amount drop-down).  If Lesser of Billing and Balance Forward is selected, the process will debit the customer bank account the billed amount, or the current balance forward on the account if it is lower than the billed amount. The current balance forward will include any payments or charges posted after the billing batch was committed. If there are payments posted to the account after the bill is committed, the current balance forward on the account could be less than the billed amount. If Current Balance Forward is selected the current balance forward on a customer account will be debited. The current balance forward will include any payments or charges posted after the billing batch was committed. If Balance Immediately After Commit is selected, the process will debit the customer bank account for the balance forward on the UB account directly after the billing was posted to the UB account. Select this option if you do not want payments and charges posted to the customer account after the billing has been committed to affect the direct debit amount.


Send the export file generated by the Direct Debits batch to your processing bank. The processing bank will process your transactions and deposit the transaction amounts into your organization’s bank.


Related Links


Click here for information on creating a bank.

Add a bank account to a UB customer account.

Click here for information on creating a Direct Debit pre-note batch.

Click here for information on creating a Direct Debits batch.


Step by Step





4     Enter bank account information on customer accounts, process a pre-note batch, generate a billing and then process a Direct Debits batch.


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