WO> Maintenance> Equipment
Equipment Maintenance
The Equipment Maintenance window is used to create and maintain equipment that can then be attached to work orders and estimates. By attaching rates to equipment, you can calculate the equipment usage cost and track the total equipment expenditures on each work order.
The Equipment Maintenance window is also where equipment can be attached to Equipment Types. This allows you to flag a piece of equipment for a maintenance job generated by the attached equipment type.
Related Links
Click here for information on Units Maintenance.
Click here for information on Equipment Readings.
Click here for information on Equipment Type Maintenance.
Click here for information on Work Order Maintenance.
Click here for information on Maintenance Job Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 View the existing equipment.
2 Create new Equipment Codes.
- The Equipment Maintenance window is used to create or edit equipment codes, attach rates and types to those codes, and track equipment history.
- The Equipment Maintenance window consists of nine tabs, but only the information on the General tab is required to create a new equipment code.
- Real-time revenue and maintenance expenses are displayed at the bottom of the window.
- Click the Attachments icon
to attach a document or file to the piece of equipment. This icon is available from any of the equipment tabs.
3 Complete the General tab.
- Enter a unique Code for the new equipment.
- The equipment code can be up to 20 characters in length. This is the only field required to create and save a new equipment code.
- Once you have created and saved the new equipment code it cannot be changed on the Equipment Maintenance window. In order to update the code in the future, you will need to use the Change Equipment Code tool (WO> Utilities> Change Equipment Code). Click here for information on the Change Equipment Code tool.
- Enter a Description for the equipment code. This field can be up to 30 characters long.
- Enter an Account Number or click the field label to select one from a list.
- The functionality of this field has not yet been implemented.
- Enter a Fixed Asset or click the field label to select one from a list.
- If a fixed asset is attached to a piece of equipment, all activity items and adjustments associated with that piece of equipment will also be associated with the fixed asset.
- A fixed asset can only be attached to one piece of equipment.
- Fixed Assets are created in the WO module through the Create Fixed Assets process (WO> Create Fixed Assets). Click here for information on the Create Fixed Assets process.
- Enter a Default Unit or click the field label to select one from a list.
- If you specify a Default Unit, you must add a rate revision for that unit to the Rates section below.
- Units are created and maintained on the Units Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Units). Click here for information on Units Maintenance.
- Check the Active toggle if you would like the equipment code to be immediately available.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select New Metered Unit to add a unit code to the equipment code. This will open the Units Selection window.- Select a unit and click the Confirm icon
. This will create a new line item in the Metered Units section.- The Metered Units section is used to specify which units will be used to track equipment usage.
- Enter the Initial Reading for the equipment code.
- The value represents the baseline upon which usage figures and scheduled maintenance jobs will be base.
- All included metered units will be available when the equipment is processed in an Equipment Readings batch (WO> Equipment Readings> Edit> Unit Type field). Click here for information on Equipment Readings.
- For example, if the piece of equipment you are creating is a vehicle, you could specify Miles as the metered unit. When the vehicle is used, the change in mileage can then be tracked through the Equipment Readings process. Maintenance Jobs can also be generated to create work orders at specific metered units intervals, such as 3,000 miles for oil changes or 30,000 miles for brake pads.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select New Rate to attach a rate revision to the equipment code. This will open the Units Selection window.- Select a unit and click the Confirm icon
. This will create a new line item in the Rates section. - Specify an Effective Date, Description, and Rate for the attached rate revision. The Rate cannot be set to zero.
- When this piece of equipment is attached to an activity line item, the most recent rate revision will be used to calculate the cost of the activity line item.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select New Type to attach an equipment type to the equipment code. This will open the Equipment Type Selection window.- Select an equipment type and click the Confirm icon
. This will create a new line item in the Equipment Types section. - Equipment types are created and maintained on the Equipment Type Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Equipment Types). Click here for information on Equipment Type Maintenance.
4 Complete the Jobs tab.
- The Jobs tab displays each of the maintenance jobs that the equipment code has been attached to.
- The Progress column will display a progress bar that displays a graphical representation of the job status. The column will display the progress in green until the job is overdue, at which point the column will display the progress in red.
- Click the Expand button next to a job to display job details such as individual job type progress and the number of units remaining before the job is overdue.
- Highlight a maintenance job and click the Generate icon
to generate a work order to complete the maintenance job at the current reading.
- Equipment codes are attached to maintenance jobs on the Maintenance Job Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Maintenance Jobs> open a maintenance job> Code field). Click here for information on Maintenance Job Maintenance.
- This tab will remain blank until the equipment is attached to a maintenance job.
5 Complete the Attributes tab.
6 Complete the Parts tab.
7 Complete the Extra Info tab.
- The Extra Info tab is used to record additional information on the equipment code. Enter any desired details in the available fields.
- Click the Select Photo icon
to attach a photograph to the tab.
8 Complete the Comments tab.
- The Comments tab is used to record comments on the equipment code.
- Click the Create icon
to attach a comment to the tab. This will create a new line item in the data grid below and enable the Comment section of the tab.- Enter a Subject for the comment. This field can be up to 128 characters long.
- Enter the Comment. This field can be up to 1024 characters long.
9 Complete the Meter History tab.
10 Complete the WO History tab.
- The WO History tab displays the work order history of the equipment code. Each work order that the equipment code was attached to will be displayed.
- The bottom of this window will display the revenue generated by the equipment.
- Equipment is attached to a work order on the Work Order Maintenance window (WO> Work Orders> Work Orders> open a work order> Asset field). Click here for information on Work Order Maintenance.
- This tab will remain blank until a work order transaction history is established.
11 Complete the Miscellaneous tab.
- The Miscellaneous tab will display the miscellaneous fields attached to the equipment code.
- The labels of the miscellaneous fields are set up in the Miscellaneous Field Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels). Click here for information on Miscellaneous Field Label maintenance.
- Click the Save icon
when the equipment code is complete.
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