BT> Maintenance> Infraction Type
Infraction Type Maintenance
The Infraction Type Maintenance window is used to create and maintain infraction types. Infraction types are used to track infractions against filed tax returns, such as late payments or missing signatures. Infractions are not generally associated with monetary penalties.
Infractions can be attached to customer invoices in the Return Maintenance/Cash Receipts window (CR> Cash Receipts> Return Entry> Select an Invoice> Infractions section).
Related Links
Click here for information on the Return Maintenance/Cash Receipts window.
Step by Step
1 View existing infraction types.
- Open the Infraction Type Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Infraction Type).
- The left section of the window will display all of the Infraction Types that have been created in the application. Select an infraction type in the left section of the window and the information attached to that infraction type will populate in the Maintenance section to the right.
- Highlight an infraction type and press DELETE or click the Delete icon if you would like to delete an infraction type.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon if you would like to create a new infraction type. This will create a new line item in the left section of the window and the fields in the Maintenance section to the right will be enabled to enter the infraction type information.
2 Create or modify the infraction type.
- The Code field is used to select infraction types. The infraction code can be up to 20 characters long.
- This is the only required field in the window. All other fields are optional.
- You will not be able to edit an existing infraction code field once it is saved.
- The Description field is used to enter a description of the infraction type. The infraction description can be up to 60 characters long.
- The Form field is used to associate a form letter with the infraction type.
- By associating a form letter with each infraction type, you can generate a set of infraction-specific form letters through the BT Letters batch. Click here for information on the BT Letters process.
- Forms are created and maintained on the Form Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Form). Click here for information on Form Maintenance.
- Press ENTER or click the Save icon to save the infraction type.