BT> Utilities> Setup

Business Tax Module Setup



The Setup window in the Business Tax module is used to define how the module will function. A trainer will establish many of these settings when the application is installed and you may want to set up either menu security or database security on the window. Menu security (SS> Security> Menu Security) will restrict access to the window and database security (SS> Security> DB Security) will restrict access to specific fields on the window.


Related Links


Click here for information on the Fee Maintenance window.

Click here for information on the Miscellaneous Field Label window.

Click here for information on the Business Maintenance window.


Step by Step


1     Open the Setup window (BT> Utilities> Setup).


2     Complete the Settings tab.  


  • The Settings tab of the Setup window displays the Credit Fee, the Custom State ID Format and the Printer Adjustments fields.
    • The Custom State ID Format field is used to establish a format for the Custom State ID field. This is a user-defined field, so the title of this field can be anything (the default value is State ID). There is a field label of the same title on the General tab of the Business Maintenance window. Enter a value in this field to filter the business records based on the value in the field of the same name on the business record. This format string can only contain zeros (for digit-only positions), L’s (for alphabetic-only positions), A’s (for digit or alphabetic positions) and dashes.

  • The Printer Adjustment field is used to select a printer adjustment value. This allows you to slightly adjust printer output in order to simplify the use of options such as perforations.
    • Zero is the system default. Adjusting the value up will move the first line of the statement up on the printed page and adjusting the value down will move the first line down.
  • The Warning Threshold field is used to warn users when entering a BT return receipt date that falls outside the specified number of days before or after the current date.
    • For example, if you enter 15 in this field, and a user who is entering return receipts on the 1st of the month attempts to set the receipt date for the 20th of the month, an error message will be displayed. That error message can be disregarded.
  • Check the Automatically calculate interest in CR toggle to allow the CR module to automatically calculate interest when entering returns.
  • Check the Validate Federal Tax ID toggle to set up the system to check for other businesses that have the same federal tax ID number when a new business is created. If another business has the same federal tax ID number, the user will be notified but will not be prevented from saving the new business with the duplicate ID number.


3     Complete the Remit Info tab.  


  • The Remit Info tab of the Setup window displays the name, address and contact information of the city office that is designated to receive remittances.
  • Click the Save icon when the setup is complete.


4     Track any changes made to the BT Setup window.  


  • Click the Audit Trail icon to open the Audit Trail window.
  • Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit trail.
  • The Audit Trail History section will provide details about any changes made to the setup window including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
  • Click here for information on the Audit Trail window.