CM> Maintenance> Queue

Queue Maintenance




Follow this process to create a queue. Queues are assigned to issues on the Step tab of the Issue Maintenance window.


Selecting a Queue allows the user to specify the departments that could initially take the service or code call, as well as the other departments that may handle individual pieces of a service or the code violation process.


Related Links


Click here for information on Issue maintenance.


Step by Step


1     Open the Queue Selection window (CM> Maintenance> Queue).  


  • The Queue Selection window will display all of the existing Queues in the application.
  • Enter the desired queue information and click the Refresh icon to filter the displayed queues.
  • Click the Delete icon to remove a highlighted queue. You will not be able to delete a queue that is attached to one or more Issue Steps.
  • Highlight a queue and click the Modify icon to edit the selected queue.
  • Click the Create icon to create a new queue. This will open the Queue Maintenance window.


2     Create a new queue.  


  • Enter a Queue name. This is the name that will be used to recognize the queue when selecting it.
    • This field can be up to 20 characters long.
    • Once you save the new queue, you will not be able to modify this field.
  • Enter a queue Description.
    • The description field can be up to 60 characters long.
  • The Queue Members section is used to add Springbrook users to the queue. You must have at least one user attached to a queue.
    • Only Springbrook users attached to a queue will be available in the User field when that queue is attached to an issue step. Click here for information on Issue maintenance.
    • Click the Create icon to add a new user to the queue. This will open a list of users to select from. The user information will display in the window.

      • The Administrator default user account cannot be assigned to queues.

      • The queue administrator functions as the user who received notice when there are errors or issues generated by actions created from that queue. The queue administrator will receive a Springbrook Messaging System message when AR invoices are deleted that have been created from issues processed in that queue.

        • To make a user the queue administrator, check the Queue Admin toggle.

        • If the Enable Queue Restrictions toggle is checked on the CM Setup window (CM> Utilities> Setup), only Springbrook users attached to a queue and designated as the Administrator will be able to attach that queue to an issue step.

    • To delete a user from the queue, highlight the user and click the Delete icon .

      • If you delete a user from a queue that is attached to an issue type, the issue type will update and remove the user from the queue. The issue type will not assign a new user to the step, you will have to go in and manually add a new user.

      • Open issues will not update with the deleted user.

  • Click the Save icon when complete.