Cash Receipts Module


Cash Receipts Module Setup


There are several features and settings that must be set up and defined before you can generate receipts in the Cash Receipts module. Setups include creating operators, workstations, slips and payment methods.


Click here for an overview on CR module setup.

Click here for information on the CR Setup window.


Cash Receipts Module Security


Cash Receipts module security allows you to limit and control:

  • Which Springbrook users can create receipts
  • Which workstations can generate receipts
  • Which users can generate receipts on a specific workstation
  • How users access the Cash Entry window
  • The number of users that can generate receipts in a single batch


Click here for an overview on Cash Receipts module security.




The Cash Entry window is used to enter receipts (payments on customer accounts), generate type code charges and create a cash deposit on UB customer accounts. Receipts can be created using a customer record, a customer record and a module account (for example, UB), multiple customer records and customer accounts or no customer account at all.


Click here for information on creating a new receipt.


Utility Billing Module


The Cash Receipts module can be used to enter payments and create Cash Deposits on Utility Billing module accounts. Payments on Utility Billing accounts are entered into the Enter Cash Receipts window just like any other payment. The Detail tab of the Cash Entry window will display all of the service rates, fee codes and taxes that are included on a customer balance being paid. When a payment is made on a Utility Billing account in a Cash Receipts batch, the process will force you to print a UB Proof List. The UB Proof List will display all 20 services and the payments made on each service on each receipt.


Cash Deposits on Utility Billing customer accounts can also be created from the Cash Receipt module. Create a CR module type code in CR> Maintenance> Type Code Maintenance that has the same code as a deposit type fee code in the Utility Billing module in UB> Maintenance> Fee. The CR type code must also be set up as a UB deposit by checking the UB Deposit Type toggle in the Type Code Maintenance window.


You create the UB cash deposit in the Cash Entry window by adding the CR deposit type code to the receipt. Type codes are added to receipts on the Detail tab of the Enter Cash Receipts window.


Click here for information on creating a UB deposit type code.


Type Code


Type codes create a single line item when they are added to a receipt on the Detail tab of the Cash Entry window and have four main uses: charge for miscellaneous items such as copy machine fees, create a deposit on a UB module customer account, record a cash drawer over/short amount or record bank fees.


Click here for type code maintenance.

Click here for information on creating a receipt from a CR type code.

Click here for information on creating a UB deposit type code.

Click here for information on creating a type code adjustment.

Click here for information on creating a receipt using the Quick Type Entry window.




A category code is a group of type codes. When a category is attached to a receipt all of the fee codes attached to that category code will be added to the receipt. Category codes are generally used to make entering cash receipts more efficient. Categories are created in CR> Maintenance> Categories.


There are generally three uses of category codes:


  • Group related type codes together that are usually charged together
    • Example: tax or fee associated with a certain type code


  • Charge multiple GL accounts during the receipt transaction
    • Since type codes can only be associated with one debit and credit GL account, type codes can be grouped together into a category code to charge multiple GL Accounts during the receipt transaction.


  • Create a list of related type codes to choose from when entering a receipt
    • Individual type codes can be removed from a receipt on the Detail tab of the Cash Entry window.


Click here for information on creating a receipt from a category code.

Click here for information on category maintenance.




Slips are receipts and endorsements that will print from a receipt printer when a receipt is created in the Cash Entry window.  The term slip is a generic term that refers to both check endorsements and receipts. The Slip Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Slip) is used to create and maintain receipts and endorsements.


There are three ways to determine which slips will print out when a receipt is generated in the Enter Cash Receipts window.


  • Check the Automatically print receipt on save toggle in the Operator Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Operator) to print all slips that are set up as default receipts in the Maintain Slips window (CR> Maintenance> Slip). If there are no default slips set up, no slips will print.
    • If the Automatically print receipt on save toggle is not checked in the Operator Maintenance window, the default slips will not print when receipts are saved in the Cash Entry window.


  • Slips attached to a payment method will print when that payment method is used on the receipt. Slips are attached to payment methods in the Payment Method Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Pay Method).
    • You can attach a slip set up as an endorsement to a check payment type so that the endorsement will print when the check payment type is used on a receipt.


  • Slips attached to a type code will print when that type code is added to a receipt. Slips are attached to type codes in the Type Code Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Type Code).


All three of these methods can be used in conjunction, but the slips that are set up as default slips in the Maintain Slips window will always print before the slips that are attached to payment method or type code.


The slips will print on the printer set up on the workstation in the Station Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Station).


Click here for information on Slip Maintenance.


Display Cash Receipts


The Display Receipts window is used to locate receipts and modify receipts that are in uncommitted batches.


Click here for information on the Display Receipts window.




The Receipt Listing Report is used to create a filtered list of Cash Receipts module receipts. The Receipt Listing report displays in the same format as the Cash Receipts Proof List in CR> Cash Receipts> Proof List, but includes several filters to select the transactions you would like to include on the report. The report will group and total receipts by payment type (cash, check, other) as well as include the change and net cash paid on the transaction. The filter options on the report allow you to include voided and uncommitted transactions, as well as filter the report by date range, batch, receipt number range, workstation, operator, category and type code.


Click here for information on the Receipt Listing Report.


The Cash Drawer Report will display a filtered list of receipts that can be grouped by either the operator that created the transaction or the workstation that was used to create it. The Cash Drawer Report does not display the detail line items on the receipt. If you would like the detail line items of the receipts, run the Receipt Listing Report in CR> Reports> Receipt Listing.


Click here for information on the Cash Drawer Report.


The Deposit Slip Report is generally used to help create a bank deposit slip for the cash and check receipts of a selected day. The report is filtered by receipt date and includes uncommitted transactions in case you commit your cash receipts batches after you generate a deposit slip. Receipts of payment type Other are excluded from the report so that the Deposit Slip report does not include credit card receipts. Voided transactions are also excluded from the report. All receipts paid with cash will be totaled on the report and each receipt paid with a check can be individually listed on the report. Checks and cash are totaled separately on the report.


Click here for information on the Deposit Slip Report.

The Pay Method Report will group and total a filtered list of receipts by payment method. The report displays the receipt number, receipt date, payment method, operator, station, amount and change. The change column is the amount of change returned on the transaction.


Click here for information on the Pay Method Report.


The Category List Report will display a Category Code, all of the Types that are attached to the Category and the type code amount.  This report can be filtered to display only a certain range of category codes.


Click here for information on the Category Code List Report.


The Type List Report will display a list of type codes and type code information including the Type Code, description, GL account numbers associated with each type code and the dollar amount associated with the type code. All type codes, including those that are inactive, will display on the report. The Type List report will not include the Project Management module task or type code attached to the type code.


Click here for information on the Type List Report.


The Batch Summary Report is used to display Cash Receipts batches grouped by workstation or operator. The report contains the batch number, batch date, batch status (committed or uncommitted), number of receipts in the batch and batch total.  Each batch displays on the report as a single line item, so the report does not display the receipt detail.


Click here for information on the Batch Summary Report.