PO> Change Orders
Change Orders
The Change Orders process is used to update or maintain purchase orders that have been created and committed using the Purchase Order process (PO> Purchase Orders). This includes modifying purchase order line items (for example, reopening a closed PO line item) or PO information (for example, the ship to address). If a PO has not been committed in the Purchase Order process, you can modify it using the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders). The Change Orders process allows you to add, remove or close purchase order line items, or change the ship to address or other information on the purchase order. Once purchase orders have been modified, you can generate a new printed version of the purchase order using the Purchase Order step (PO> Change Orders> Purchase Orders).
If you would like to change the fiscal period associated with a purchase order, process the purchase order in the Roll Over POs process (PO> Roll Over POs). The Roll Over POs process will move the encumbrance associated with the purchase order to the next fiscal year.
Related Links
Click here for information on rolling over POs into a new fiscal year.
Step by Step
- Open the Change Orders window (PO> Change Orders). The Batches window will display all the open Invoices batches.
- Click here for information on Batch Processing.
- Select a batch and click DETAILS to open the selected batch.
- Select a batch and click the Delete button
to delete the selected batch. All uncommitted change orders in the batch will be deleted.
- Click the Create New Batch button
to create a new batch. This will open the Create Batch window.
- If there are open batches in the Change Orders process, you can create a new batch without affecting the open batches.
- The Batch Month and Batch Year fields default to the current date and do not affect the fiscal year of the
purchase orders that are modified in the batch.
- If you would like to change to fiscal year associated with a purchase order, process the PO in a Roll Over POs batch (PO> Roll Over POs). Click here for information on the Roll Over POs process.
- Click CREATE to create the new Invoices batch.
The Batch Overview page
provides a general overview of the selected batch.
The left navigation menu displays all the steps in the Change Orders process.
In the main section you'll see information about batch steps that are currently processing, next available batch steps, and the last completed batch step.
Batch steps that are currently processing will display a blue indicator bar to alert you that the step has not yet completed.
Once the preceding batch step is complete, the next available batch steps will be enabled and you can select the next step you would like to run.
While some batch steps are optional, any batch step that includes the Required tag
must be completed before the batch is allowed to proceed through to the Commit step.
The Batch Outputs section on the right will display any reports or exports that have already been generated in the Change Orders process.
- Open the Settings window (PO> Change Orders> Settings).
- The Settings step is used to select the fiscal year of the purchase orders you would like to modify. You cannot change the fiscal year associated with a purchase order using the Change Orders process. If you would like to move a purchase order from the current fiscal year to the fiscal year, use the Roll Over POs process (PO> Roll Over POs).
- Select a fiscal year in the Fiscal Year field. Only purchase orders associated with the selected fiscal year can be modified in the batch.
- A fiscal year is attached to a purchase order when it is created using the Settings step of the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Settings).
- You can view the fiscal year associated with a PO using the Display tool (PO> Display> Purchase Orders> Select a fiscal year and refresh the data in the window).
- Click the Submit button
when complete.
- Once the Change Orders batch has been created, you can select the purchase orders you would like to modify.
- Open the Add/Remove Orders window (PO> Change Orders> Add/Remove Orders).
- The Add/Remove Orders window will display all of the purchase orders that have been selected to be modified. If you have just created a new batch, this window will be empty.
- Select a purchase order and click DELETE to remove the purchase order from the window.
- Click ADD to select a purchase order from
a list to add to the batch. Select a purchase order and click the Select button
and the purchase order will populate in the Add/Remove Orders window.
- Press SHIFT or CTRL while selecting purchase orders in order to add multiple POs to the batch.
- Click the Submit button
after all of the purchase orders you would like to modify have been added to the Add/Remove Orders window.
- Open the Change Orders window (PO> Change Orders> Change Orders).
- The Change Orders window will display all of the purchase orders that have been selected for modification using the Add/Remove Orders window (PO> Change Orders> Add/Remove Orders).
- Select a purchase order and click EDIT to modify it. This will open the purchase order. Change the information on the PO, add/remove PO line items, or modify the line items on the purchase order to modify the purchase order. The changes made to the purchase order will display on the Change Orders Proof List (PO> Change Orders> Proof List).
- Open and modify all of the purchase orders that should be modified and then exit the Change Orders window.
- The Proof List Report displays all of the purchase order line items on the purchase orders in the batch, not just the modified line items. The purchase order line item amounts on the Proof List are the total purchase order line item amounts, not just the modified values.
- Open the Proof List window (PO> Purchase Orders> Proof List).
- Select a Report Type from the drop-down menu.
- The Standard report will display all of the purchase order line items on the purchase orders in the batch grouped by the ship to address on the POs. The report will include the Ship Location, Line Item Description, PO Number, Vendor Number, Vendor Name, PO Date, Account Number, and Account Description. The report will also provide the Amount and Quantity for each line item as well as Amount and Quantity report totals.
- The Line Item Description will display the purchase order line item descriptions entered into the Description field on the PO Line Item window.
- The PO Date column will display the date on the purchase order, not the date attached to the purchase order line item.
- The Amount column will include the line item base amount, plus any tax or shipping. This is the total amount of the purchase order line item, not just the modified amount. For example, if the original amount of the PO line item was $500 and you increase it to $750, the Amount column will display $750.
- The Quantity column will display the unit quantity on the purchase order line item.
- The Work Order Detail report replaces the Account Description column displayed in the Standard report with the Work Order Number, Reference Number, and Activity Type for each PO line item. The rest of the information included in the report is identical to the Standard version.
- The Standard report will display all of the purchase order line items on the purchase orders in the batch grouped by the ship to address on the POs. The report will include the Ship Location, Line Item Description, PO Number, Vendor Number, Vendor Name, PO Date, Account Number, and Account Description. The report will also provide the Amount and Quantity for each line item as well as Amount and Quantity report totals.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button
to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select Send PDF to Job Viewer to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Send Excel to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Send Excel (Formatted) to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon
next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- The Budget Proof List Report displays the purchase order line items in the batch and their effect on the budgets and encumbrances of the GL accounts attached to them. Each line item will display on the report, even purchase order line items that were not modified in the batch. The Budget Proof List Report will display the total modified amounts, not just the changes. For example, if a purchase order line item created an encumbrance of $1000 and was modified to create an encumbrance of $1500, $1500 will display on the report.
- The modified encumbered and budget amounts will not display on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window until the Change Orders batch has been committed.
- Open the Budget Proof List window (PO> Purchase Orders> Budget Proof List).
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button
to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select Send PDF to Job Viewer to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Send Excel to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Send Excel (Formatted) to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon
next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- Each purchase order line item will display separately on the report, even if there are multiple line items on the same PO that use the same GL account.
- The GL Account column displays the GL account attached to each PO line item in the batch.
- The Description column displays the description of the GL account and the description of the purchase order line item.
- The Amount column displays the total amount of the purchase order line item. Any tax and shipping on the purchase order line item will be included in the total amount.
- The Outstanding Amount column displays any amount that has not yet been invoiced on the purchase order line item. This field will display $0.00 if the line item is closed.
- The Budget column will display the budget amount before all of the purchase order line items in the batch were applied.
- The Activity column displays the year to date activity on the GL account. You can view the activity broken down by fiscal period using the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> Select a fiscal year> Balance tab).
- The Encumbered column displays amount encumbered on the GL account.
- The Remaining Budget column displays the available budget amount less all of the PO line items in the batch. The available
budget is the budget less the committed transactions.
- The budget amount is not reduced when purchase orders are committed. The budget will only be affected when the purchase order is invoiced (AP> Invoices).
- If there is more than one purchase order line item on a GL account, the Remaining Budget column will display the same amount on each PO line item that debits the GL account because the Remaining Budget column displays the available budget less all of the PO line items on that GL account in the batch.
- The Statements step of the Change Orders process is used to generate a printed version of the change orders.
- Open the Statement window (PO> Change Orders> Statements).
- The Statements can be printed in two formats: summary and detail. The only difference between the summary and detail format is the information that displays on each purchase order line item.
- The detail format displays the purchase order line item number, quantity, unit type (U/M column), line item description, product code, GL account, unit price, and amount.
- The summary format displays the product code, quantity, line item description, unit price, and amount.
- Each purchase order will include a "Change Order" watermark.
- The Additional Signature Required Over fields are used to add additional signature lines to change orders.
- These fields can be used to require additional signatures on change orders that exceed an agency-specified value. For example, "$10,000.00" could be entered in the first field and an additional signature line will print on the statement and display "AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OVER $10,000.00" below the signature line. If needed, "$25,000.00" could then be entered in the second field to allow for the next level of required signature.
- These additional signature lines will not be automatically populated with a signature. These are meant to require an additional level of physical authorization.
- If these fields are left blank, the statement will print with the standard "AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE" displayed under a single signature line. The signature specified in the SS> Utilities> Setup> Signature field will automatically populate above that signature line.
- Check the Display Department toggle to display the department at the top of the generated change order.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button
to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select Send PDF to Job Viewer to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Send Excel to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Send Excel (Formatted) to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon
next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- Each of the purchase orders in the batch will generate on a separate printed purchase order with a "Change Order" watermark.
- The date that displays in the Date column is the value in the Date field on the Purchase Order window (PO> Change Orders> Date field).
- The date that displays in the Required Delivery Date column is the value in the Expected Date field on the Purchase Order window (PO> Change Orders> Expected Date field).
- The Send Electronic POs step is used to generate and send emails to any vendors in the batch that are set up to receive electronic POs. These vendors will receive an email with an attached PDF of the purchase order.
- Open the Send Electronic POs window (PO> Change Orders> Send Electronic POs).
- Click the Selected Email Template field search button
to select an email template for the electronic POs. This will open the Select Email Template window.
- Select the email template that you would like to use and click the Select button
- Email templates are created and maintained on the Email Template Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Email Template). Click here for information on Email Template Maintenance.
- Select the email template that you would like to use and click the Select button
- Click the Submit button
to send the electronic POs.
- Once all of the reports have been generated, you can commit the change orders in the batch.
- Open the Commit window (PO> Change Orders> Commit) and commit the batch.
- Click the Commit button
to commit the batch.
- Open the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> Balance tab) if you would like to view the encumbered amount and budget balance of the GL accounts attached to the purchase order line items.