Springbrook Cirrus

Welcome to Springbrook Cirrus


The Future of Springbrook has Arrived


Welcome to Springbrook Cirrus, the new internet browser-based version of the Springbrook Cloud application. This new application offers the freedom and flexibility only available to browser-based applications. The user interface has also been modernized, providing a more streamlined look and feel. But underneath the new exterior, Springbrook Cirrus is still the same safe, secure, and efficient ERM application it's always been.


For a general tour of the new Springbrook Cirrus interface, please see the General Tour page.


Along with an improved, modernized user interface, Springbrook Cirrus offers a number of other enhancements. To see a full list of the process enhancements available only in Springbrook Cirrus, please see the Springbrook Cirrus Enhancement List.


While the current Springbrook Cirrus functionality is limited to Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation, Cash Receipts, General Ledger, Payroll, and Utility Billing, more modules and processes will be available in the coming months. If your organization is interested in joining the Springbrook Cirrus Program, please contact Program Administrator Drea Terracina at [email protected].