Springbrook Cirrus

Keyboard Shortcuts/Hotkeys


The shortcut keys in Cirrus are designed to replace actions that are regularly performed in order to reduce data entry.


Click here for information on shortcut keys in the Cirrus Cash Entry window.


TAB (or + on the tenkey pad)

Use the TAB key (or + on the tenkey pad) to advance through the navigation menu or fields on the screen sequentially.

SHIFT + TAB (or SHIFT++ on the tenkey pad) Hold down SHIFT while using the TAB key (or + on the tenkey pad) to reverse through the navigation menu or fields on the screen sequentially.
CTRL + ENTER Primary action for the current screen. This primary action is the same as the primary blue button on the screen, such as Save, Submit, or Print.

Use ENTER to navigate to the next row below in the same column on a data grid. Use SHIFT+ENTER to navigate to the previous row above in the same column on a data grid.

ALT + A Select all toggles in a list box.
ALT + C Cancel the current wizard - such as New Account, Final Account, Service Request, etc.
ALT + D Deselect all toggles in a list box.
ALT + underlined letter Keyboard navigation for Cirrus screens that include a primary navigation menu (such as UB Account Maintenance)