GL> New Budget Information> Export Budget Analysis

Export Budget Analysis




The Export Budget Analysis window is used to export budget amounts to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Only GL accounts that are set up as budgetable using the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> General tab> Account is Budgetable toggle) will be included in the export. The Export Budget Analysis feature can be used in conjunction with the Import Budget from Excel feature in order to export a budget to MS Excel, modify the budget in the spreadsheet, and then import the budget back into the application.


Related Links


Click here for information on importing a budget from an MS Excel spreadsheet.

Click here for an overview on budgeting.


Step by Step


1     Open the Export Budget Analysis window (GL> New Budget Info> Export Budget Analysis).


2     Complete the Export Options section.  


  • The Budget Year field is used to select the fiscal year budget you would like to export or print. The requested, proposed, approved and adopted budget of the selected budget year will display on the report. You can only select fiscal years that have a chart of accounts.
  • The Account From and Account To fields are used to select a range of GL accounts that will display on the report. All GL accounts will display on the report if you leave the fields blank.
    • Enter part of a GL account number to filter the report by GL account number section such as fund or department.
      • If you would like to filter the report by fund, enter only a fund number in the Account From or Account To fields. All GL accounts in that fund will display on the report.
      • Enter part of a GL account number to filter the export by fund, department or section number. For example, enter 1 in the Account From and Account To fields to include only GL accounts from fund number 1 in the export.
    • Enter a general ledger account number to filter the account by GL account number. Click the Account From or Account To field label to select an account from a list.
  • Enter a Report Title. The report title can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters long.
  • Select the ALFRE designations that you would like to include in the report in the ALFRE field.
    • Press CTRL+A to highlight all of the toggles in the field. Press ENTER to check or uncheck all of the highlighted toggles.
    • ALFRE designations are attached to account types using the Account Type Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Account Type> ALFRE drop- down). When an account type is attached to a GL account (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> General tab> Account Type field), the GL account inherits the ALFRE designation attached to the account type.
  • Check the Include uncommitted Journal Entries toggle to include uncommitted manual journal entries on the report. This will not include uncommitted transactions created by batches in other modules such as uncommitted AP> Invoices batches.
    • Manual journal entries are created in the GL module in GL> Journal Entries.
  • Check the Include inactive accounts toggle to include inactive accounts on the report.
    • GL accounts are active if the Account is Active toggle is checked on the GL account maintenance window.
      • You can view the Account is Active toggle for a GL account in GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> General tab.
    • Transactions cannot be posted to inactive GL accounts. When the GL Distribution report is run on a batch process, the report will generate an error message that lists the inactive GL accounts.
  • Check the Include Beginning Balances toggle to include the beginning balance in the Three year prior actual and Two year prior actual column amounts. If you do not check this toggle, the Three year prior actual and Two year prior actual column values will only contain the transaction activity during those fiscal years.
  • Check the Round Actual toggle to round amounts to the nearest dollar. This will round the dollar amount of the prior year actual columns (Two Year Prior Actuals and Three Year Prior Actuals).
  • Check the Print requested budget toggle to include a Requested Budget column in the export file.
  • Select the columns you would like to include in the export in the Available Columns section.
    • Double click on any of the fields in the Available Columns field in order to add the column to the export. This will move the selection from the Available Columns field to the Selected Columns field.
    • The Three Year Prior Actuals and Two Year Prior Actuals columns will display the activity of the GL accounts three and two years prior to the budget year selected in the report.
    • The Estimate Actuals column will display the estimated actual amount of the fiscal year prior to the selected budget year. Estimated actual amounts are set up using the Edit Estimated Actuals window (GL> New Budget Information> Edit Estimated Actual Balances).
    • The FTE column displays the Full Time Equivalencies of the selected budget year. Full time equivalencies are set up on GL accounts using the Edit New Year Budgets window (GL> New Budget Information> Edit New Year Budget> FTE toggle).
    • The EB Revision columns will display Extended Budgeting budget prediction data for the EB revisions selected.
  • Select the order of the columns in the export.
    • Highlight a field in the Selected Columns field and click the Up or Down icon at the top of the window to change the order of the columns in the export.


3     Export the budget analysis.  


  • Press ENTER to generate the spreadsheet. The export process will be performed on your desktop rather than the application server. The system will automatically open MS Excel and load the data into a spreadsheet when the process is complete.