HR> Maintenance> Plan Maintenance

Plan Maintenance




The Plan Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Plan) is used to create and maintain plans. Plans have two functions: a template for creating new employees using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee) and attaching a union unit to an employee record using the Employee Maintenance window.


Plans are not attached directly to an employee record on the Employee Maintenance window. After you create a plan, attach the plan to a position (HR> Maintenance> Position> Open a position> Plans section). Click here for information on the Position Maintenance window. You can attach a plan to as many positions are you would like (if the plan applies to multiple positions), and you can attach as many plans to a position as you would like (if multiple plans apply to a single position). Once the plan is attached to a position, you can attach the plan to an employee record by attaching the position (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Open an employee> General tab> Position field). Clicking the Position field label on the Employee Maintenance window will open a search window that displays all of the positions and the plans attached to those positions. Select a position and a plan to attach the plan to an employee record.


When a plan is attached to an employee record:

  • If the employee record is new (you have never clicked the Save icon on the Employee Maintenance window), all of the information attached to the plan will copy over onto the employee record. Any existing information on the employee record, for example, a default deduction (deduction set up to populate on new employee records), will not be removed. If there is a deduction on the employee record and on the plan, the information set up on the plan will override the information on the deduction. The plan will also override any information that has already been set up on the employee record. (You should attach the plan to the employee record before you customize the employee record.) For example, if you create a new employee record, change the workers' compensation code, and then attach a plan with a different workers' compensation code, the WC code on the plan will override the WC code on the employee record.
  • If you attach a plan to an existing employee record (you have already clicked the Save icon), only the union unit on the plan will copy to the employee record. When you click the Save icon , any information set up on the union unit will act as validation on the employee record. Click here for an overview on unions.


Related Links


Click here for information on Position Maintenance.

Click here for information on union units.

Click here for information on the Employee Maintenance window.


Step by Step


1     View the Plans created in the Human Resources module.  


  • Open the Plan Selection window (HR> Maintenance> Plans).
  • The Plan Selection window will display all of the plans that have been created in the Human Resources module.
  • Highlight a plan and press DELETE or click the Delete icon to delete the selected plan. Be careful when using the delete feature. There is no validation on deleting a plan, so you can delete a plan that you regularly use.
  • Highlight a plan and press ENTER or click the Modify icon to view the selected record. This will open the Plan Maintenance window.
  • Press INSERT or click the Create icon to create a new record.


2     Create or modify a plan.  


  • Most of the fields on the Plan Maintenance window are optional. Add information into any of the fields in the window that you would like to apply to the new or modified employee record when they are generated in the Applicant Screening process.
  • The function of the Create and Delete icons at the top of the window will vary with each tab that is opened in the window. For example, when the Accruals tab is open, the Create icon is used to add an accrual to the plan.
  • The Plan Code field is used to enter a plan code. The plan code can be up to eight alphanumeric characters long.
  • The Plan Description field is used to enter a description of a plan. The plan description can be up to 30 alphanumeric characters long.
    • If you are creating a plan that relates to a specific job title, you may want to include the job title in the Plan Description field. For example, if you are creating a plan for the job title Police Officer, enter Police Officer in the field.
  • The General tab is used to enter the general information on the plan. Most of the fields on the General tab are required fields when creating a new employee record. The fields on the General tab will overwrite the information on an existing employee record when a current employee is hired in a new position. Do not add values to the General tab that you do not want to overwrite existing employee records.
  • The Deductions and Benefits tabs are used to attach deductions and benefits to the template. The deductions and benefits attached to the plan will populate on the employee record if it has not already been attached. Deductions and benefits that are attached to the plan will not overwrite the deductions and benefits that have already been set up on the employee record.
  • The Accruals tab is used to add accruals to the template. Accruals attached to the Accruals tab will be attached to the employee records, and overwrite the accruals on the employee record as long as the accrual is set up as Active.
  • Press ENTER or click the Save icon to save the plan.