PR> Utilities> Generate Timesheet Approvals Batches

Generate Timesheet Approvals Batches




The Generate Timesheet Approvals Batches tool is used to automate the creation of timesheet approval batches when using distributed time entry. Users can generate batches by department, supervisor, or custom group.


Related Links


Click here for information on Timesheet Approval Group Settings.

Click here for information on Pay Schedule Maintenance.

Click here for information on Timesheet Approvals.


Step by Step


1     Open the Generate Timesheet Approvals Batches window (PR> Utilities> Generate Timesheet Approvals Batches).


2     Complete the Setting section.  


  • Click the Schedule field label to select an open pay schedule.
  • The Period field will populate with the selected period number and date range associated with pay schedule selected above.
  • The Mode field is used to generate the timesheet approvals batches by department, supervisor, or custom.
    • If Department is selected:
      • A new batch will be created for each department using the next available batch number with no batch security set.
      • The Settings step of the new batch will populate with the pay schedule/period specified above.
      • The Select Timesheets step of the new batch will populate with the employee timesheets for all employees in the department.
    • If Supervisor is selected:
      • A new batch will be created for each supervisor using the next available batch number with no batch security set.
      • The Settings step of the new batch will populate with the pay schedule/period specified above.
      • The Select Timesheets step of the new batch will populate with the employee timesheets for all employees reporting to the supervisor.
    • If Custom is selected:
      • A new batch will be created for each record on the Timesheet Approval Group Settings window. Click here for information on Timesheet Approval Group Settings.
      • The Settings step of the new batch will populate with the pay schedule/period specified above.
      • The Select Timesheets step of the new batch will populate with the employee timesheets for all employees included in timesheet approval group.
  • Press ENTER or click the Confirm icon to generate the Timesheets Approvals batches.