SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels

Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance




The Miscellaneous Field Labels window is used to maintain the field labels of the miscellaneous fields in the application. The titles of miscellaneous fields can be modified so that the field label will reflect the customized information stored in the miscellaneous field. For example, the title of the Character 1 field on the Lot Miscellaneous tab of the Lot Maintenance window can be changed to Zone if you would like to store the zone of a lot in that field.


The Miscellaneous Field Maintenance window is also used to set up the titles of the sections in the GL chart of accounts. For example, if your GL chart of accounts has three sections: fund, department and account, you set up the titles of those sections using this feature. Change the field labels in the GL Chart table to change the titles of the GL chart of accounts sections.


Step by Step


1     Open the Miscellaneous Fields Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels).


2     Complete the Field Labels section.  


  • All of the miscellaneous fields in the application will display in the window. You can use the Table/Field Help feature to determine the table and field name of a miscellaneous field you would like to modify.
    • Open a window that displays the miscellaneous fields and make sure it is docked on the application window. Turn the Table/Field Help feature on and then hover the cursor over the field you would like to modify. The table and field name of the miscellaneous field will display in an information bubble. Click here for information on the Table/Field Help feature.
  • Modify the value in the Label column to change the title of the selected miscellaneous field.
  • Click the Save icon or press ENTER when complete.