Springbrook Analytics

Create a New Report - Setup


Setting Up the Sample Report


This is the second of four topics that cover creating a new report from scratch. Please read the topics in order to ensure a clear understanding of the new report creation process.

  1. Overview

  2. Setting Up the Sample Report - current topic

  3. Adding Data to the Sample Report

  4. Refining the Look of the Sample Report


This topic covers the initial setup process when creating a new report.


Explore Tableau
  • To get started, enter your user name and password to sign in to your Tableau site. Please see the Reporting and Analytics help topic for more information about logging into Tableau.

  • Click Explore in the left navigation menu to open the Explore page. This is where you will see all the content you have access to across the Tableau site.

  • When you first open the Explore page, you will only see Top-Level Projects. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to select other content types, such as workbooks, views, and data sources.

  • Tableau projects function much like folders on your desktop. Projects are a way to sort and manage content in your site. Springbrook users will all have a default Agency project. This is the top-level project where your organization will store standard Springbrook workbooks and where any edited or user-created workbooks and views will be stored.


Create a New Workbook
  • The first step in building a workbook is to connect it to your data.

  • Select New Workbook from the New drop-down menu.

  • This will create the new workbook and open the Connect to Data window.

  • Select the data source you would like to connect to the workbook and click the Connect button.

  • In this example, we are connecting our workbook to the PM Project and Task with GL History for Vendor data source.


Explore the Workspace
  • Once you've connected to the PM data, you're ready to create a visual analysis of the data in the Tableau workspace.

  • Some of the important sections of the workspace are:

    • Data Pane - This section of the side bar displays the database source you are working with at the top of the pane. Below you will see the database tables available in that data source. Expand an individual database table to see the data stored within.

    • Pages, Filters, Marks, Columns, Rows - These sections display elements such as columns, rows, pages, and legends that can be added to your view. For more information on this section, see Shelves and Cards in the Tableau Help at https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/buildmanual_shelves.htm.

    • Toolbar - This section is used to access commands and analysis and navigation tools. For more information on this section, see Toolbar Button Reference in Tableau Help at https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/environment_workspace.htm#ToolbarButtons.

    • View - This is the workspace where you create your data visualizations.


The next topic will cover Adding Data to the Sample Report.