AR> Reports> Transaction History
Transaction History Report
The Transaction History Report displays the transaction history for an individual account filtered by transaction type and date.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer.
Step by Step
1 Open the AR Transaction History Report window (AR> Reports> Transaction History).
2 Configure the report.

- Check the toggle next to each of the Transactions Types to include in the report. All transaction types will be selected by default.
- Enter an Account Number or click the field search button
to choose an account number from a list.
- Determine how the report will be sorted by selecting either Invoice Number or Tran Date from the Sort By drop-down menu.
- Select which type of report will be printed from the Report Type drop-down menu.
- The Summary report will print the Transaction Type, Invoice Number, Transaction Date, Post Date, Due Date, Description, and Amount. A grand total will also be displayed.
- The Detail report will include the Summary report information and also display Fee Code, Fee Type, Description, Unit Type, Number of Units, Debit Account, and Credit Account.
- Select either Tran Date or Post Date from the Date Type drop-down menu. The date type will determine how the transactions are filtered.
- Specify a date range for the report by entering a From Date and a To Date.
3 Print the report.

- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button
to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon
next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.