Cirrus SS> Maintenance> Customer

Customer Maintenance




The Customer Maintenance window is the central location of all customer records and customer accounts.


The Customer Maintenance window is used to create, maintain and view customer records. A customer record is a group of general customer information such as the customer's name and mailing address. When a customer account is created in a specific module (AR, UB, etc.), a customer record is attached to the account. This links all the customer's accounts to their customer record so that changes to the customer record will update all of the customer's accounts. For example, if you would like to change the billing address of all of the UB module accounts attached to a customer record, change the mailing address of the customer record. New billing statements will be sent to the new address on the customer record. This will not work if there is an alternative address attached to the UB customer account (UB> Maintenance> Account> People tab> Alt Address tab) because the alternative address will override the mailing address on the customer record.


The Customer Maintenance window is also used to open the customer accounts attached to a customer record. For example, if you would like to view all of the Utility Billing accounts attached to a customer record, enter the customer number into the Customer window. The Customer window will display the customer accounts created in any module along with the customer record. You can open the customer account, or open the customer record.


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