UB> Utilities> Allocation Statement Header
Allocation Statement Header
The Allocation Statement Header screen is used to create and maintain the field and field labels displayed in the Account Information section of the allocation billing statement. This allows agencies to improve transparency by providing information on how bills are calculated using Allocation Billing calculations.
Related Links
Click here for an overview of Allocation Billing.
Step by Step
1 View the Allocation Statement Headers that have been created.
- Open the Allocation Statement Header window (UB> Utilities> Allocation Statement Header).
- Select an allocation statement header in the left section of the window and the fields in the Edit Allocation Statement Header section will populate with the information on the selected record.
- Highlight an allocation statement header and click DELETE to delete the allocation statement header.
- Click the Create button to create a new allocation statement header. This will add a new line item to the left section of the window and the fields in the Create Allocation Statement Header section will be active in order to enter the new statement header information.
2 Create a new allocation statement header.
- Select the Allocation Property for the statement header.
- The properties that display in the Allocation Property drop-down are the same standard properties used to create allocation billing calculations on the Billing Calculations Maintenance screen (UB> Maintenance> Billing Calculations). Click here for information on Billing Calculation Maintenance.
- Each standard property can only be used once for a statement header.
- Once an allocation property is assigned to a statement header, it cannot be changed. If the allocation property needs to be changed, delete the statement header line and create a new one. You can, however, edit the Allocation Property Label and Sort Order assigned to each statement header.
- Only 12 Allocation Statement Headers can be created.
- Enter an Allocation Property Label that will display as the field label on the allocation billing statement.
- This field will default to the name of the standard property selected above.
- Specify a Sort Order for the property. This will determine the order in which the properties are displayed on the statement header, with the lowest number being displayed first.
- The Sort Order value will default to the highest existing sort order value +1 and each line must have a unique sort order.
- Check the Display on Non Allocation Statements toggle to include allocation statement header values on non-allocation statements.
3 Click SAVE to save the allocation statement header.