EB> Maintenance> Entries
Entries Maintenance
The Entry Maintenance window is used to create and maintain the budget revision entries used in the Extended Budgeting process. You can create an unlimited number of revision entries.
Related Links
Click here for information on Revision Maintenance.
Click here for information on Department Maintenance.
Click here for information on the Edit Estimated Actuals window.
Step by Step
1 View the extended budget revision entries.

- The Entry Selection window will display all of the extended budgeting revision entries that have been created in the database. You can filter the list by entering a revision number and/or entry name in the Search Criteria section.
- Click the Revision field label to open the Revision Selection window. Here you will have access to all revisions that have been created in the database. Click any of these revisions to populate the Revision field in the Entry Selection window. Click here for information on Revision Maintenance.
- The Entry Name field is used to filter the entries by name.
- Select an entry in the lower section of the window and click the Modify icon
or press ENTER to modify the selected entry.
- Highlight an entry and click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to delete the selected entry.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT to create a new entry. This will open the Entry Maintenance window.
2 Create or modify an extended budgeting revision entry.

- The Entry Maintenance window consists of two sections.
- The upper Maintenance section displays the revision number, entry name, entry date, home department and comments.
- The lower Documents section displays all of the documents that have been attached to the selected budget revision entry.
- Enter a revision number or click the Revision field label to open the Revision Selection window. Here you will have access to all revisions that have been created in the database. Click any of these revisions to populate the Revision field in the Entry Maintenance window.
- Enter an entry name in the Entry Name field. Entry names can be up to eight alphanumeric characters long.
- Enter a date in the Entry Date field or select a date from the drop-down menu.
- Enter a home department number or click the Home Department field label to open the Department Selection window. Here you will have access to all departments that have been created in the database. Click any of these departments to populate the Home Department field in the Entry Maintenance window.
- Departments are created and maintained in the Department Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Departments). Click here for information on Department Maintenance.
- Enter a comment in the Comments field.
- The comments reside with the entry, the account or the revision. Comments were added as a reference for the entry. The comments are editable and may be changed, deleted or added to at any time.
- The comment can be up to 255 alphanumeric characters long.
- Check the Locked toggle to prevent the attachment or removal of any associated documents.
- The Documents section of the Entry Maintenance window will automatically populate with any entry document types that are specified as Default.
- Click the Create icon
to attach an additional document to the entry.
- Click the Delete icon
to delete the selected document.
3 Generate entries for the extended budgeting revision.

- Click the Generate icon
to open the Generate Entries window.
- Enter a fiscal year in the Source Fiscal Year field or select one using the up and down buttons.
- Enter a percentage value in the Percent Change field.
- The Percent Change field allows you to increase or decrease the budget amount. The amount of the increase or decrease is based on a percentage of the amount determined by the Beginning Figures selection. For example, if you would like to increase your budgeted amount by five percent over last years adopted budget, you would select Adopted in the Beginning Figures field and enter %105 in the Percent Change field.
- The Percent Change value must be between 999.99 and -999.99.
- Enter general ledger account numbers in the Account From and Account To fields. You can also click the field labels to open the Chart of Accounts Selection Window.
- Enter partial GL accounts to generate entries across accounts.
- Select an ALFRE designation from the ALFRE field drop-down menu.
- Select the initial budget amounts from the Beginning Figures field drop-down menu.
- The Estimated Actual is the amount expected to be expensed or received in a particular account by the end of the current fiscal year. Budget numbers can be calculated for the upcoming fiscal year based on the current Estimated Actual. You can create an estimated actual amount in the Edit Estimated Actuals window (GL> GL New Budget Information> Edit Estimated Actual Balance). Click here for information on the Edit Estimated Actuals window.
- If you selected Projected Estimated Actual for the Beginning Figures field, you must enter a period in the Projected Fiscal Period field. For all other beginning figures values this field will not be active.
- Check the Distribute values to all periods toggle to distribute the budget amounts evenly to all 12 periods.
- If you leave this toggle unchecked you will be able to distribute the budget amount to periods manually. These funds will be placed in a column labeled Amount.
- Check the Overwrite existing values toggle to overwrite an existing entry with this entry. To overwrite an existing budget entry the revision numbers must be the same.
- You can add budget entries onto an existing budget entry by creating a new budget entry with the same entry number and not checking the Overwrite toggle. This will add the general ledger accounts and comments to an existing budget entry.
- Click the Generate icon
to populate the lower account section of the window.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.