UB> Collections





The Collections process is used to write off the balance of selected UB customer accounts and will create an adjustment type transaction on the accounts. The Generate step (UB> Collections> Generate) of the process is used to select the customer accounts to process in the batch. The balance of the customer accounts will be written off using the general ledger accounts attached to the service rates and fee codes being written off. The Collections adjustment type code (UB> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Collections Adjustment Type field) determines which general ledger accounts attached to the service rates and fee codes on the customer accounts will be used in the journal entry created by the Collections process. The collections adjustment type code will also display on the transaction line item created on the customer account.


After the batch has been generated, the Exceptions step (UB> Collections> Exceptions) will display the UB customer accounts that have been selected during the Generate step but have not been included in the Collections batch. Customer accounts with a credit balance on a service will not be included in the Collections batch. For example, if a customer has a balance due of $10.00 on the Water service but a $5.00 credit balance on the Waste Water service, the customer account will not be included in the Collections batch even if it is selected during the Generate step. If you would like to include the account in the Collections batch, run the redistribute credit balances process (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Redistribute Credit Balances) on the customer account to redistribute the credit balance. For example, if the Water service balance is $-10.00, but the Waste Water service balance is $54.00, you can include the customer account in the Collections process by running the redistribute credits process. The $10.00 credit balance will be used to reduce the balance of the Waste Water service and the customer account will be included in the Collections batch with a balance of $44.00.


The Select step (UB> Collections> Select/Update) is used to select the customer accounts included during the Generate step. This step is generally used to remove specific UB customer accounts from the Collections batch.


The GL Distribution report will display the journal entry created by the Collections process to write off the balance of the UB customer accounts included in the batch. If the Collections adjustment type code is set up as a Bill type adjustment (UB> Maintenance> Adjustment Type> GL Type drop-down> Bill), the following journal will be created.


Description of GL Account



AR account attached to service rate or fee code



Revenue account attached to service rate or fee code




If the Collections adjustment type code is set up as a Cash type adjustment (UB> Maintenance> Adjustment Type> GL Type drop-down> Cash), the following journal will be created.


Description of GL Account



Cash account attached to service rate or fee code



AR account attached to service rate or fee code




The Commit step is used to commit the transactions in the batch. The day the Commit step is process will be the post date of the transactions in the batch.


Related Links


Click here for information on the Collections setup process.

Click here for an overview of credit history.

Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.


Step by Step