PR> Computer Checks> Timecards
The Timecards step is used to view and modify the timecards generated in the Computer Checks batch.
If a timecard wasn't generated for an employee, open the Exceptions step (PR>
Computer Checks> Exceptions). The Exceptions
step will list all of the employees that are attached to the pay schedule
selected during the Generate step, but not included in the Computer Checks batch
due to an exception or error. Review the exception list, modify the employee
record and then regenerate the Computer Checks batch if you would like to
include the employee in the batch. You can also manually create a timecard for
the employee in the Computer Checks batch using the Timecards step, but if the
employee was left out of the batch due to incorrect information on the employee
record, you may want to correct that information.
Once the timecards in the
batch are complete, you can generate a Timecard Proof List to display all of the
timecard line items in the batch on a report. The Timecard Proof List is an
optional report, meaning you do not have to generate it to commit the Computer
checks batch. You can also create a Timecard Proof List Report using the Reports
palette (PR> Reports> Timecard Proof List).
Related Links
Click here for information on creating
a Computer Checks batch.
Click here for
information on employee maintenance.
Click here for information on the Supplemental Tax Rate.
Click here for information on
premiums and the Computer Checks.
Step by Step
1 Create a Computer Checks batch and generate the timecards.
2 View the generated timecards.
- Open the Timecard Maintenance window (PR> Computer Checks> Timecards).
- The Timecard Maintenance window is used to view the timecards that have been generated in the batch. The Timecards
step can also be used to modify the generated timecards or create new
- The Create
and Delete
icons just to the right of the Save icon
are used to add and remove employee records from the
- Click the Create icon
to add a new employee to the batch. This will enable the Check tab to enter the employee
- Highlight an employee on the Selection sub-tab and click the Delete icon
to remove an employee from the
- The Selection sub-tab is used to select the employee paycheck you would like to view or modify.
- The Selection sub-tab in the upper section of the window displays the employees included in the batch. Highlight an
employee on the Selection sub-tab and all of the other tabs on the window will
populate with information from the selected employee.
- An employee will be included in the batch if they have a valid default timecard for the pay schedule period selected
during the Generate step. A default timecard on an employee record is valid if:
- The employee record is attached to the pay schedule selected in the Generate step (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Financial tab> Pay Schedule field).
- The employee record has a default timecard with an effective date that is less than the
timecard date selected during the Generate step (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards
tab> Effective Date field).
- Default timecards are attached to employee records by pay revision using the Revision drop-down menu (PR>
Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab> Revision drop-down menu).
- The default timecard on the employee record is attached to the same timecard cycle as the pay schedule
period selected during the Generate step (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab> Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3, etc.
- If an employee record does not display on the Timecard Maintenance window but you think it should, open the
Exceptions step after the Generate step. The Exceptions step will display a list
of employee records that are attached to the pay schedule selected during the
Generate step but not included in the batch due to exceptions and errors.
- The Selection sub-tab supports six window-specific shortcut keys:
- Up Arrow = Move to previous record without saving
- Down Arrow = Move to next record without saving
- Page Up = Save and move to previous record
- Page Down = Save and move to next record
- CTRL+M = Modify currently selected line
- CTRL+S = Calculate salary for currently selected line
- Click here for more information on shortcut keys.
- The Check tab displays the check information attached to the paycheck. The fields on this tab will only be
enabled if you manually add an employee record to the Computer Checks batch.
- Highlight an employee on the Selection sub-tab and open the Check tab to display the check information.
- The Period Begin Date, Period End Date, Deductions Cycle, Calculate Accruals,
Days in Period and Weeks in Period
fields will populate based on how the pay schedule period was set up in the Pay
Schedule Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule> Select a pay period in the lower section of the window). If you are
creating a new check, you will have to enter information into these
- If you are manually adding a new check to the Computer Checks
batch, the employee must have a pay revision with an effective date
prior to the value in the Period End Date field. For example,
if you are processing paychecks for 06/15/15 to 06/31/15, the
employee must have a pay setting with an effective date prior to
06/31/15. You can view the effective date on pay settings using the
Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Financial tab> Details section> Select a pay revision> Effective Date field).
Click here for
information on employee maintenance. If the employee record does
not have a pay revision with an effective date prior to the period
end date on the check, you will receive a validation error.
- The Check Date and Check Number fields will not be enabled in the Computer Checks process. These
fields are only enabled when you are creating a manual check in the Manual
Checks process.
- The Use supplemental tax toggle is used to include a supplemental tax rate.
- Check the Do not automatically calculate overtime toggle if you would like to override the standard Springbrook overtime calculations.
- The Timecards tab displays the timecard line items on the paycheck in the Computer Checks batch. If you have
not modified the employee paycheck, the timecards tab will display the default
timecard on the employee record.
- Highlight an employee on the Selection sub-tab and the timecard entries will populate on the Timecards
sub-tab in the lower section of the window.
- The Timecards tab will populate based on the default timecard attached to the employee record. You can view the
default timecards attached to an employee record using the Employee Maintenance
window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab).
- Click the Expand button next to the timecard line item to see the premium pay line items on the timecard.
Aggregate premiums will not display when the timecard line item is expanded.
Click here for information on
premiums and the Computer Checks.
- The Premium Amounts column will not include aggregate premium amounts.
If you would like to view the aggregate premium amounts, open the System
Timecards tab.
- The System Timecards tab is used to display
timecard line items generated by the system. For example, capped accrual
amounts that are paid out using a pay code or aggregate premiums on the paycheck.
- This tab will also display any premiums such as longevity.
- The Accruals tab displays the calculated accruals on the timecard.
- Highlight an employee on the Selection sub-tab and open the Accruals tab to view the calculated accruals on
the employee paycheck.
- Click here for
information on accruals and the Computer Checks process.
- The columns that display on the Accrual tab are the generally the same columns that will display on the Check
Proof List (PR> Computer Checks> Check Proof List).
- The Type column displays the accrual type attached to the accrual. When an accrual type is attached to an
employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Accruals tab> Accrual Type field), the accrual is also attached to an accrual type. The
accrual type determines how the accrual will display on the paycheck.
- The Beginning Balance column displays the accrual balance before the current paycheck.
- The Accrued column displays the hours accrued on the current check.
- The Additional column allows you to add additional accrual hours to the paycheck. For example, if an employee
should accrue an extra 5 hours of flextime during this paycheck, enter 5 in this
column. The additional accrual hours will be added to the accrued hours to
calculate the Ending Balance column.
- If there is a manual multiplier set up on the accrual (PR> Maintenance> Accrual> Manual
Multiplier field), the additional hours will be multiplied by the manual
multiplier. For example, if the manual multiplier is 2, entering 5 in the Additional column will result in 10 accrual hours (2 X 5=10) being added to
the Ending Balance column.
- The Ending Balance column displays the ending balance of the accrual hours. The ending balance is
calculated in the following way:
Beginning Balance
Accrued Amount
(Additional Hours
x |
Manual Multiplier) |
Ending Balance
- The Comment column is used to enter a comment on the accrual line item.
3 Create a new timecard line item.
4 Save the timecards.
- Once the timecard are complete, click the Save icon
on the Timecard Maintenance window. This will save all of
the timecard line items and timecards in the batch.
5 Print the Timecard Proof List.
- The Timecard Proof List displays a summary of the timecard line items in
the batch. This is an optional report, so you can skip this report if it
does not apply.
- Open the Timecard Proof List window (PR> Computer Checks> Timecard Proof List).
- This report can also be run from the Reports palette (PR> Reports> Timecard Proof List).
- If you open the Timecard Proof List window from the Computer Checks process, the current Computer Checks batch
will already be selected in the Batch Type and Batch Number
- Click here for
information on the Timecard Proof List Report.
6 Calculate payroll.
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