PO> Requisition Approval

Approve Requisitions




Approved requisition line items can be used to create purchase orders in the Purchase Order module. In order to approve requisitions, you must have the proper security settings set up on the Springbrook username account that you are logged in as.  Follow this process to approve requisitions.


Related Links


Click here for information on creating requisitions.

Click here for information on the PO Setup window.

Click here for information on the My Work Flows window.


Step by Step


1     Open or create a new Requisitions Approval batch.  


  • Open the Requisitions Approval window (PO> Requisitions Approval). The Batches window will display all the open Requisitions Approval batches.
  • Click here for information on Batch Processing.
  • Select a batch and click DETAILS to open the selected batch.
  • Select a batch and click the Delete button to delete the selected batch. All uncommitted requisition approvals in the batch will be deleted.
  • Click the Create New Batch button to create a new batch. This will open the Create Batch window.
    • If there are open batches in the Requisitions Approval process, you can create a new batch without affecting the open batches.
  • The Batch Month and Batch Year fields default to the current date and do not affect the fiscal year of the requisition approvals that are modified in the batch.
  • Click CREATE to create the new Requisitions Approval batch.


2     Open the Batch Overview page.  


  • The Batch Overview page provides a general overview of the selected batch.

  • The left navigation menu displays all the steps in the Requisitions Approval process.

  • In the main section you'll see information about batch steps that are currently processing, next available batch steps, and the last completed batch step.

    • Batch steps that are currently processing will display a blue indicator bar to alert you that the step has not yet completed.

    • Once the preceding batch step is complete, the next available batch steps will be enabled and you can select the next step you would like to run.

      • While some batch steps are optional, any batch step that includes the Required tag must be completed before the batch is allowed to proceed through to the Commit step.

  • The Batch Outputs section on the right will display any reports or exports that have already been generated in the Requisitions Approval process.


3     Select the requisitions to approve.  


  • Open the Select Requisitions window (PO> Requisitions Approval> Select Requisitions).
  • The Select Requisitions window will display all of the requisitions currently available for approval. If you do not see the desired requisitions, confirm that the requisition status has been set to Ready for Approval (PO> Requisitions> Requisitions> Requisition Status field).
  • Check the Selected toggle for each of the requisitions you would like to approve.
  • Click the Submit button when complete.


3     Approve Requisitions.  


  • Open the Requisitions Approval window (PO> Requisitions Approval> Requisitions).
  • The Requisitions Approval window will display all the requisitions selected in the previous step.
    • Check the Include voided requisitions toggle to display requisitions that were voided in a previous Requisitions Approval batch.
    • Click the Expand button next to a requisition to display the requisition line items.
      • Check the Void toggle to void the selected requisition line item.
      • Double-click on a requisition to open the Edit Requisition screen for the selected requisition.
      • Requisition line items that are attached to a PO will not display in the window.
  • Check the Reject toggle to reject a highlighted requisition.
    • This will return the requisition to the Requisitions process (PO> Requisitions> Requisitions). The requisition status will be changed from Ready for Approval to Returned. After the appropriate changes are made, the requisition can be resubmitted for approval.
    • Once resubmitted, the requisition can be approved in the original approval batch by running the Select Requisitions step again.
  • Check the Void toggle to void a highlighted requisition.
    • Once a requisition or requisition line item has been voided, it cannot be resubmitted.
  • Click the Save button when complete.


4     Print the Proof List.  


  • Open the Print Proof List window (PO> Requisitions Approval> Proof List).
  • Specify if you would like the report to sort by requisition number or vendor number in the Sort Order field.
  • The Proof List will display the Line Item, Account, Item, Vendor, Task, Type, Description, Price, Quantity Unit, and Amount. Totals will be provided for each requisition and the entire report.
  • Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button to print your report.
  • Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
    • Select Send PDF to Job Viewer to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
    • Select Send Excel to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
    • Select Send Excel (Formatted) to Job Viewer to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
  • Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
    • Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.


5     Generate the work flows. This is an optional step.  


  • The Generate Work Flows step applies if only certain employees are allowed to commit a Requisitions Approval batch. For example, if you are a department clerk, but only the department head is allowed to actually commit a Requisitions Approval batch, then run the Generate Work Flow step to notify the department head that a Requisitions Approval batch is ready to be committed. If you do not use work flow, skip to the Commit step and commit the batch.
  • Open the Generate Work Flows window (PO> Requisitions Approval> Generate Work Flows).
  • Click the Submit button to generate the work flows. This will create a job on the Jobs Viewer window. Once the job is complete, the work flow will be created.
  • Click here for information on processing work flows.
  • Work flows are created and maintained on the Work Flow Maintenance window (SS> Work Flow> Work Flow Templates). Click here for information on Work Flows.


6     Review the work flows. This step is only required when using work flows.  


  • The Review Work Flows step is used to view the requisitions before committing the batch and is used in conjunction with the Generate Work Flow step. For example, a department clerk runs the Generate Work Flow step to notify the department head that requisitions are ready to be approved. The department head receives an email that the batch is ready to be committed, so they go into the Requisitions Approval batch, review the requisitions, and then commit the batch.
  • Open the Review Work Flows window to review the Requisition Approvals in the batch (PO> Requisitions Approval> Review Work Flows).
  • The Review Work Flows window displays the work flow generated by the Generate Work Flows step (PO> Requisitions Approval> Generate Work Flows).
  • The Status field displays the status of the work flow. If the work flow is waiting to be approved, the Status will be New.
  • The Author field displays the department clerk that created the work flow (this is the employee that ran the Generate Work Flows step). If the Requisitions Approval batch is rejected, this is the employee that will receive the notification email that the batch has been rejected.
  • The type of work flow generated during the Generate Work Flows step determines what needs to be done to the Requisitions Approval before the batch can be committed.
    • If the work flow is set up as an action step on your role (SS> Work Flow> Work Flow Templates), you will have to approve or reject the requisitions in the batch before you can commit the batch.
    • If the work flow is set up as an information step on your role (SS> Work Flow> Work Flow Templates), the commit step will be enabled and the batch will be ready to commit. When the work flow is set up as an information step, skip the Review Work Flows step and commit the Requisitions Approval batch.
  • If you have to approve or reject the Requisitions Approval batch, click the Arrow buttons to expand and contract the work flow in order to display the individual work flow steps.
  • Click OPEN on a work flow step to open the report or process that needs approval and approve or reject the work flow. Click here for information on processing work flows.


7     Commit the Requisitions Approval batch.  


  • The Commit step will not be enabled if the Generate Work Flows step creates an action work flow and the requisitions in the batch have either not been approved or the requisitions have been rejected.
  • Select Commit on the Requisitions Approval batch. This will open an information window to commit the batch. Click the Commit button to commit the Requisitions Approval batch.