PO> Requisitions> Requisitions

Create a Requisition




After requisition line items have been created and approved, purchase orders can be created from the requisition line items in the Purchase Order module. Purchase orders can be created from a single requisition line item or by grouping together requisition line items for the same vendor from multiple requisitions. Follow this process to create a requisition.


In order to create a requisition, you must establish the proper system security settings for your user account. These settings are maintained on the Menu Security Maintenance window (SS> Security> Menu Security) and the Database Security Maintenance window (SS> Security> DB Security).


Related Links


Click here for information on Department Maintenance.

Click here for information on Location Maintenance.

Click here for information on Vendor maintenance.

Click here for information on the PO Setup window.

Click here for information on Commodity Code maintenance.


Step by Step


1     Open the Requisitions window (PO> Requisitions> Requisitions).  


  • The Requisitions window will display all of the requisitions created in the application.
  • Use the search criteria to filter the requisitions that display in the window.
    • Check the Include voided requisitions toggle if you would like to display any requisitions that were voided in the Requisitions Approval step.
    • Check the Include ordered requisitions toggle if you would like to display any requisitions that were approved, imported into a purchase order, and then committed in the Purchase Orders process.
  • Select a requisition and click DELETE to delete the selected requisition.
  • Select a requisition and click EDIT to edit the selected requisition.
  • Click the Create Requisition button to create a new requisition. This will open the New Requisition window.


2     Create a new requisition.  


  • The Requisition Number and Requisition Date fields will automatically populate with the next available requisition number and today's date.
  • Enter a Home Department or click the field search button to select one from a list. This is a required field.
  • Enter a location in the Ship To field or click the field search button to select a ship to location from a list.
    • If you are generating a purchase order from multiple requisition line items, the location in this field will be applied to all line items on the purchase order. If the requisition line items are attached to different locations, those locations will be overwritten by the location entered in this field.
    • The Ship To location must be set up as an inventory control location. Locations are created and maintained on the Location Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Location). Click here for information on Location Maintenance.
  • The Creator field will populate with your user name.
  • Select a Requisition Status from the drop-down menu.
    • Select New when creating a new requisition.
    • Once Ready for Approval is selected, the requisition and requisition line item fields will be disabled and the requisition will populate the Select Requisitions step of the Requisitions Approval process.
    • The status will change to Under Review once the requisition is added to a Requisitions Approval batch.
    • If a requisition is rejected in the Requisitions Approval process, the status will change to Returned.
  • Enter an optional requisition Description.
  • Enter a Vendor Number or click the field search button to select one from a list.
    • Selecting a Vendor Number on the Requisition Maintenance window will populate the Vendor field on any line items added to the requisition.
    • If the selected vendor is set up with a Max Amount limit (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Max Amount field), the system will validate that the requisition will not exceed that total value.
    • Vendors are created and maintained on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor). Click here for information on Vendor maintenance.
    • Organizations that utilize Tag functionality can control which vendors individual Springbrook users can assign to a requisition. Click here for information on the Tag Maintenance window.
  • Enter any optional requisition Comments.
  • The Tab Order button at the top of the window is used to adjust the tab order of the Edit Requisition window. Click here for information on changing the tab order of a window.
  • The Line Items data grid below displays all the individual inventory items attached to the requisition.
    • Select a line item and click DELETE to delete the selected line item.
    • Click ADD to create a new requisition. This will open the New Line Item section to the right.
    • Click the Attachments button to attach related documents to the requisition.


3     Create a Standard requisition line item.  


  • The Status on new line items is automatically set to Open.
    • The line item status will change to Void if the line item is voided during the Requisitions Approval process.
  • Select Standard from the Line Type drop-down menu.
  • Enter a Vendor number or click the field search button to select a vendor from a list.
    • This field will populate with the vendor selected on the Requisition Maintenance window.
    • This is an optional field unless the Require vendor number toggle is checked on the PO Setup window (PO> Utilities> Setup> Requisitions tab). Click here for information on the PO Setup window.
  • Enter an Item or click the field search button to select an existing item from the Item Selection window.
    • If you have the Inventory Control module installed, the item selection window will display inventory items created on the IC Item Maintenance window (IC> Maintenance> Item). Click here for information on IC Item Maintenance.
    • If the Inventory Control module is not installed, the item selection window will display items created on the PO Item Maintenance window (PO> Maintenance> Item). Click here for information on creating inventory items in PO.
  • The Product Code field can be used to enter the product code of the product on the requisition line item.
  • Enter a Commodity Code or click the field search button to select one from a list.
  • The Quantity field is used to specify how many Items will be included in the requisition line item. The base line item amount on the requisition will be calculated by multiplying the unit quantity by the unit price.
    • A Standard line item cannot be created without a positive value in this field.
  • The Unit Type field is used to select the type of units that are represented by the Quantity field.
    • This field will default to the Unit Type associated with the selected item.
  • The Price field is used to enter the unit price of the units on the line item.
    • This field will default to the unit price attached to the selected item.
  • The Amount field will populate with the total amount associated with the line item. This amount is calculated by multiplying the unit Quantity by the unit Price.
  • The Reference Number field is used to enter a work order reference number.
    • This field will only be enabled if the Require unique reference number toggle is checked on the WO Setup window (WO> Utilities> Setup). Click here for information on the WO Setup window.
      • Unique reference numbers can help Springbrook users easily attach work orders to requisition line items without having to remember specific work order numbers or use the work order selection window.
    • If this toggle is not checked the Reference Number field will not be enabled. If a reference number is attached to the work order selected below, that reference number will automatically populate.
  • The Work Order field is used to attach a work order to the requisition line item.
    • By attaching a work order to a requisition and then processing that requisition through the PO Purchases Orders, PO Receiving, and IC Transaction processes, you can bill the specified work order for the items requested in the requisition.
    • Work orders are created and maintained on the Work Order Maintenance window (WO> Work Orders> Work Orders). Click here for information on Work Order Maintenance.
  • The GL Account field is used to attach an account to the requisition.
    • If there is a budget amount attached to the selected GL account, an information window will open if a created purchase order results in the GL account going over the budgeted amount. The system will calculate if the GL account is over the budgeted amount by adding the balance plus the encumbrances and the requisition line item. If the Allow budget warning override in PO requisitions toggle is not checked on the PO Setup window (PO> Utilities> Setup), the information window will not allow users to continue. The information window will not open when the GL account does not have a budgeted amount.
    • The GL Description field will populate when the GL Account is selected.
    • A Requisition must be assigned a GL Account number before it can become a Purchase Order.
  • The PM Task and PM Type fields are used to attach PM module information to the line item. If you attach a task to the line item, you must also attach a type code.
    • The PM Task field is used to attach a PM module task code to the requisition line item. When the requisition is attached to a PO module purchase order (PO> Purchase Orders> Import Requisitions), and that purchase order is committed (PO> Purchase Orders> Commit), a PM module transaction will be created on the task.
    • The PM Type field is used to attach a PM module type code to the PM module line item. If you attach a task to the PO, you must also attach a type code.
  • The Purchase Order field will populate when the requisition is attached to a purchase order.
  • The Comment field is used to attach a comment to the requisition line item.
    • This field will populate in the Description field on POs created from this requisition if the Use comment field when creating PO toggle is checked (PO> Utilities> Setup> Requisitions tab).
  • The Description field is used to enter an optional description for the requisition line item.
  • The Tab Order button at the top of the window is used to adjust the tab order of the New Line Item window. Click here for information on changing the tab order of a window.
  • Click ADD ITEM to add the new line item to the requisition and clear the line item fields in order to quickly add another line item.
  • Click the Save button to save the line item and return to the Requisitions window.


4     Create a Contract requisition line item.  


  • Follow this process to create a contract line item on a requisition. When the requisition becomes a purchase order, the contract Purchase Order has a cap amount. As you create invoices on the contract purchase order, the system will track the invoiced amount in relation to the capped amount. When the entire contract amount has been invoiced, the Purchase Order line item will close.
  • Creating a Contract requisition line item involves many of the same steps as creating a Standard requisition line item.
  • Select Contract from the Line Type drop-down menu.
    • This will disable the Item, Product Code, Quantity and Unit Type fields below.
  • Enter a Commodity Code or click the field label to select one from a list.
  • The Price field is used to enter the unit price of the requisition line item.
    • For contract line items, the Amount field will populate with the same value as the Price field.
  • The Work Order field is used to attach a work order to the requisition line item.
    • By attaching a work order to a contract requisition line item and then processing that requisition through the PO Purchases Orders, AP Invoices, and IC Transaction processes, you can bill the specified work order for the items requested in the requisition.
    • Work orders are created and maintained on the Work Order Maintenance window (WO> Work Orders> Work Orders). Click here for information on Work Order Maintenance.
  • The GL Account field is used to attach an account to the requisition.
    • If there is a budget amount attached to the selected GL account, an information window will open if a created purchase order results in the GL account going over the budgeted amount. The system will calculate if the GL account is over the budgeted amount by adding the balance plus the encumbrances and the requisition line item. If the Allow budget warning override in PO requisitions toggle is not checked on the PO Setup window (PO> Utilities> Setup), the information window will not allow users to continue. The information window will not open when the GL account does not have a budgeted amount.
    • The GL Description field will populate when the GL Account is selected.
    • A Requisition must be assigned a GL Account number before it can become a Purchase Order.
  • The PM Task and PM Type fields are used to attach PM module information to the line item. If you attach a task to the line item, you must also attach a type code.
    • The PM Task field is used to attach a PM module task code to the requisition line item. When the requisition is attached to a PO module purchase order (PO> Purchase Orders> Import Requisitions), and that purchase order is committed (PO> Purchase Orders> Commit), a PM module transaction will be created on the task.
    • The PM Type field is used to attach a PM module type code to the PM module line item. If you attach a task to the PO, you must also attach a type code.

  • The Purchase Order field will populate when the requisition is attached to a purchase order.
  • The Comment field is used to attach a comment to the requisition line item.
    • This field will populate in the Description field on POs created from this requisition if the Use comment field when creating PO toggle is checked (PO> Utilities> Setup> Requisitions tab).
  • The Description field is used to enter an optional description for the requisition line item.
  • Click ADD ITEM to add the new line item to the requisition and clear the line item fields in order to quickly add another line item.
  • Click the Save button to save the line item and return to the Requisitions window.


5     Approve the requisition.