HR> Maintenance> Rejection Reason

Rejection Reason Maintenance




The Rejection Reason Maintenance window is used to create and maintain rejection reasons. Rejection reasons are used in the Applicant Screening process. When a Springbrook user is reviewing applicants and decides an applicant should no longer be considered for a position, that applicant is rejected and a rejection reason is associated with their applicant record.


Related Links


Click here for information on Rejection Class Maintenance.

Click here for information on Applicant Screening.


Step by Step


1     View the existing rejection reasons.  


  • Open the Rejection Reason Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Rejection Reason).
  • The Rejection Reason Maintenance window will display a separate line item for each rejection reason that has been set up in the application.
  • Highlight a rejection reason and press DELETE or click the Delete icon if you would like to delete the rejection reason.
  • Highlight a rejection reason to edit the details to the right.
  • Press INSERT or click the Create icon to create a new rejection reason. This will enable the Maintenance section to the right.


2     Create or modify a rejection reason.  


  • Enter a Code for the rejection reason.
    • The Code field is used to provide a descriptive title to the rejection reason.
    • Once the rejection reason is saved, this field cannot be edited. The code field is required and is limited to 12 alphanumeric characters.
  • Enter a Description for the rejection reason.
    • The Description field is used to provide a detailed description of the rejection reason.
    • The rejection reason description can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters long.
  • Enter a Rejection Class or click the field label to select one from a list.
    • Rejection reason are attached to rejection classes in order to group similar rejection reasons into specific rejection classes.
      • For example, a rejection class titled Education could include rejection reasons titled No college education and GPA requirements not met.
    • Rejection classes are created and maintained on the Rejection Class Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Rejection Class). Click here for information on Rejection Class Maintenance.
  • Click the Save icon when the rejection reason is complete.