PR> Timesheets> Quick Time Entry

Quick Time Entry Window




The Quick Time Entry window is specifically designed for payroll clerks that enter multiple timesheet line items for multiple employees. The new row grid design of this window allows the clerk to quickly tab through the columns, key in the timesheet information and press ENTER to begin creating the next timesheet line item.


Related Links


Click here for information on rate code maintenance.

Click here for information on equipment maintenance.

Click here for information on shift code maintenance.

Click here for information on work order maintenance.


Step by Step


1     Open the Quick Time Entry window.  


  • The Quick Time Entry window (PR> Timesheets> Quick Time Entry) will display a list of timesheet line items. Displayed line items will be limited to employees in departments that the current user has access to.
  • Click the Set Persistent Fields icon to open the Set Persistent Fields window.
    • The Set Persistent Fields window is used to specify individual line item fields that will populate each new row with the same information as the previously entered row. For example, if you are entering a series of timesheet line items for a single employee that should all have the same date, check the Employee Number and Date toggles on the Set Persistent Fields window. Each time you save one row and create a new one, the employee number and date information will carry over.
  • Highlight a timesheet line and click the Delete icon to remove the line item from the window.


2     Create a new timesheet line item.  


  • Click the top line in the data grid to create a new line item. This will activate the editable columns and allow you to record the employee timesheet information.
  • Only a few of the fields on the new line item are required. The Employee Number, Date, and Code fields are required when creating a Labor line item. The Work Order field is also required when creating an Equipment line item. While all of the other fields in the window are optional, they can be used to add and track specific details. For example, the Shift field is optional, but if you qualify for a shift code, you should enter a shift code so you gain the benefit of the shift amount. Your supervisor will probably have instructions on which fields should be filled out and what information you should put in those fields.
  • The Employee Number field is used to specify an employee for the timesheet line item. Click the Ellipsis icon to select an employee from a list.
    • The Employee Name field will automatically populate with the information attached to the employee number.
  • The Date field is used to enter the date of the hours. Click the drop-down arrow to select the date using a calendar feature.
  • The Sequence field is used to specify the order in which multiple timesheet line items were completed.
    • Timesheet line item sequence will determine how overtime is calculated. For example, if Pay Code A is charged six hours at sequence one, and Pay Code B is charged four hours at sequence two, overtime will be calculated using two hours of Pay Code B.
      • In the example above, if the work associated with Pay Code A took longer than expected and actually caused the overtime hours, the user is responsible for editing the sequence numbers to ensure the correct pay code is associated with the overtime hours.
    • When the timesheet line items are complete and the Quick Time Entry window is saved, any gaps in sequence numbers will be removed. For example, if a user assigned sequence numbers 1, 5 and 7 to their line items, the system will maintain the order but renumber the items 1, 2 and 3.
  • The Type drop-down menu is used to select the type of timesheet entry you would like to create.
    • Select Labor if you would like to enter labor hours. For example, if you worked 8 hours on a project, select Labor.
    • Select Equipment if you would like to record the use of a piece of equipment. For example, if you used a service truck for 2.5 hours, you can select Equipment and then use the Timesheet Line Item window to record the use of the equipment.
    • Select Materials if you would like to record the use of materials on the timesheet. Recording the use of materials works exactly like recording the use of equipment.
      • Recording the use of equipment and materials will not add time to your personal timesheet. For example, if you use a piece of equipment for 8 hours and record the entry, but you do not create a timesheet line item of 8 hours to record the amount of time you worked, those 8 hours will not be added to your paycheck.
  • The Web Timesheet field is used to associate the timesheet entry with a web timesheet code used in the Employee Self Service (ESS) online application. This will enable an ESS user to see timesheet details entered through the enterprise application.
    • Click the Web Timesheet field Ellipsis icon to select a web timesheet from a list. f any of the other timesheet line item field details are specified on the selected web timesheet, they will automatically populate the corresponding timesheet line item fields. However, these fields can be overwritten.
    • Web timesheets are set up on the Web Timesheets Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Web Timesheets). Click here for information on Web Timesheets Maintenance.
  • The Code field is used to select a pay code when creating a labor line item and an equipment code when creating an equipment line item.
    • Click the Code field Ellipsis icon to select the pay code or equipment code from a list.
    • Pay codes determine how the time will affect your paycheck (for example, if the time is taxable or if the time reduces your accrued time off or sick time).
      • Pay codes are created and maintained using the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code). Click here for information on rate code maintenance.
      • You will not be able to attach a pay code to an employee that is not eligible for that pay code. For example, if a pay code is attached to a union, and the selected employee is not part of that union, if you attempt to use that pay code you will receive an error message.
    • Equipment codes determine the rates associated with the piece of equipment.
  • The Reference Unit is used to attach a billable unit to an equipment line item. This field will only be active when creating equipment line items.
  • The Rate Code field is used to attach a rate code to the timesheet line item. This field will only be active when creating labor line items.
    • Rate codes act as a multiplier or modifier of the pay code. This is an optional feature that may not be used by your organization.
    • Rate codes are created and maintained using the Rate Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Rate Code). Click here for information on rate code maintenance.
  • The Equipment Code and Equipment Units fields are used to associate a piece of equipment with a labor line item.
    • These optional fields offer an alternative method for recording equipment use. Individual equipment timesheet line items can be created by selecting Equipment from the Type field and proceeding as normal. If you would prefer to associate the equipment usage with a labor timesheet line item, you can enter the desired equipment code and equipment units on the labor line item.
      • The Equipment Code and Equipment Units fields will only be enabled when creating a labor timesheet line item.
      • If a value is specified for one of these fields, you will not be able to save the timesheet line item unless you specify a value for the second field.
      • When attaching equipment usage to a labor timesheet line item, you will be limited to the default unit specified on the Equipment Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Equipment> Default Units field).
    • When you are finished with the labor line item and press RETURN, two line items will appear below: one for the labor timesheet entry and one for the equipment timesheet entry.
    • The Equipment Code and Equipment Units fields will only be enabled when creating a labor timesheet line item.
  • The Shift Code field is used to attach a shift code to a timesheet line item. This field will only be active when creating labor line items.
    • Shift codes modify the time on a line item. For example, you may have a shift code titled SWING that increases the hourly rate of the hours on that line item by $1.00.
    • Just like rate codes, shift codes are optional and may not be used by your organization. Only those shift codes that are compatible with the selected Pay Code will be available.
    • Shift codes are created and maintained using the Shift Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Shift). Click here for information on shift code maintenance.
  • The Category Code and Location fields will only be active if the timecard line item Type is set to Materials.
  • The Start Time and Stop Time fields can be used to calculate the number of hours that will populate the Units field to the right.
    • When entering Labor or Equipment line items, these are informational fields only. They do not need to be used to calculate the units worked, and if they are used, they can be cleared once the Units field is populated.
    • When entering Materials line items, the Start Time field is required and will be recorded as the transaction time on the IC item specified in the Code field.
  • The Units field is used to enter the number of hours on a labor timesheet line item or the number of units used on an equipment or materials line item.
    • For example, if an employee worked 8.5 hours, they would enter 8.5 into the Units field of the Labor line item. If they used 10 gallons of paint during the work day, they would enter 10 in the Units field of the Materials line item. This field is limited to 99999.99.
  • The Work Period field is used to assign hours to a split work period.
    • This field will only be enabled if the hours covered by the timesheet span the end of one work period and the beginning of the next. This allows a user to specify which work period the individual timesheet line items should be assigned to.
      • The system will not automatically split hours that span two work periods. For example, if an employee works 8 hours on one pay code, and those 8 hours span two work periods, they will need to create two labor type timesheet line items - one for the end of one work period and one for the beginning of the next work period.
    • Work periods are created and maintained on the Work Period Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Work Period). Click here for information on Work Period Maintenance.
  • The Reference Number field is used to enter a work order reference number.
    • This field will only be enabled if the Require unique reference number toggle is checked on the WO Setup window (WO> Utilities> Setup). Click here for information on the WO Setup window.
      • Unique reference numbers can help Springbrook users easily attach work orders to timesheets without having to remember specific work order numbers or use the work order selection window.
    • If this toggle is not checked the Reference Number field will not be enabled. If a reference number is attached to the work order selected below, that reference number will automatically populate.
  • The WO Number, Activity Type, and WO Asset fields are used to add WO module work order information to the timesheet line item.
    • You will not be able to attach a WO Number to the timesheet line item if the work order is locked (WO> Work Orders> Work Orders> Locked toggle).
    • If a WO Number is specified, and the Require activity types toggle is checked on the WO Setup window (WO> Utilities> Setup), you will be required to attach an Activity Type to the timesheet line item as well.
    • The selected Activity Type must be valid for specified work order.
    • If the timesheet type is set to Labor, the system can be configured to debit the accrual amount associated with the line item to the appropriate work order account. This account is specified on the WO Setup window (WO> Utilities> Setup> General tab> PR Comp Earned Acct field).
  • The Account field is used to enter a GL account on the timesheet line item. This field may populate if there is a GL account attached to the pay code, rate code, task code, or work order on the line item. If accounts are specified on more than one of these codes, the pay code account is overridden by the rate code account, which is overridden by the task code account, which is overridden by the work order account.
  • The Workers' Compensation field is used to enter a workers' compensation code on the timesheet line item. This field will only be active when creating labor line items.
  • The Project Management module Task and Type code fields are used to add PM module information to the timesheet line items.
    • For example, if the time you are entering on a timesheet line item was spent on a special project, click the Task field label to select the special project from a list.
    • The Type field is used to select the type of work you performed on the task.
    • Adding a PM module task and type code will not instantly create a transaction on the selected task. The PM module transaction will not be created until the timesheets are imported into a Computer Checks batch and that batch is committed. Click here for an overview on where  PM module transactions are created.
    • If you click the Task field label and the task you would like to select does not display in the window, the task is either locked or PM security has been set up to limit access on that task code.
      • Security is set up on PM module tasks using the PM Security feature (SS> Security> PM Security). Click here for information on PM Security.
      • PM module tasks are generally locked when they are complete or transactions should not be posted to them. PM module tasks are locked using the Task Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task> General tab> Locked toggle). You can view tasks that are locked by selecting Locked or All in the Status drop-down menu on the Task Selection window (opened from the Task Code field label on the Journal Entry Item window), but you will receive an error message if you attach a locked type code to a JE line item and then try to save the new record.
    • Task codes are created and maintained using the Task Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task). Click here for information on task maintenance.
    • Type codes are created and maintained using the Type Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Type). Click here for information on type maintenance.
  • The Notes field is used to enter notes on a timesheet line item. The department clerk that approved the timesheets will be able to see the notes attached to the timesheet line items.
  • Once the line item is complete, simply press ENTER to begin creating a new line item.
  • You can export the displayed timesheet line items to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by right clicking on the grid and selecting Export grid contents to Excel. Click here for information about exporting the information in a grid to an MS Excel spreadsheet.