AP> Invoices
Create an Invoice Line Item
Once you create an Invoices batch (AP> Invoices), and add an invoice to the batch (AP> Invoices> Invoices), you can add entries to the invoice. The Edit Invoices window (AP> Invoices> Invoices> Create/Open) will display all of the invoice entries in the batch that are attached to the selected vendor. Invoice entries can either be invoice line items or invoices. For example, if there are two invoice entries and the same invoice number is attached to them, then each entry represents an invoice line item of a single invoice. If there are multiple entries and there is a separate invoice number attached to each of them, then each entry with a unique invoice number represents a unique invoice. The invoice number and description of each invoice entry will display on the check stub of the check when it is generated in the Computer Checks process (AP> Computer Checks).
Related Links
Click here for information on the tab order feature.
Step by Step
- Create a new AP Invoices batch or select a batch from the batch number drop-down menu at the top of the AP Invoices palette. If the batch has been processed past the Invoices step, the batch will be reset to the Invoices step and you will have to regenerate any reports that have already been processed in the batch.
- Complete the Settings step to set the default payment date of the invoices in the batch (AP> Invoices> Settings).
- Click here for information on creating an AP Invoices batch.
- Open the Invoice Selection window (AP> Invoices> Invoices). The Invoice Selection window will display all of the invoices in the batch.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon to add a new invoice to the batch. This will open the Edit Invoices window.
- Click here for information on creating an invoice.
- Once you have created an invoice in an Invoices batch using the Edit Invoices window (AP> Invoices> Invoices> Create icon), you can add entries to the invoice.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon on the Edit Invoices window to add a line item to the invoice. This will open the Invoice Item window.
- Many of the fields on the Invoice Item window are optional. The only fields that must be completed in order to create the invoice line item are the GL Account, Invoice Date and Base Amount fields. All other fields are optional.
- The Tab Order icon at the top of the window is used to adjust the tab order of the Invoice Item window. Click here for information on changing the tab order of a window.
- When you are done entering the information on the invoice line item, click the Exit icon and the line item information will populate in the Edit Invoices window.
- The Up and Down icons at the top of the window allow you to move through the invoice line items that have been saved on the invoice.
- The Account Alias field is used to select a GL account number for the invoice line item using the account alias assigned to the GL account on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> General tab> Alias field).
- Account aliases allow you to select GL accounts using a keyword rather than the entire GL account number. For example, if you assign the alias “EXP” to a GL account, you could type EXP into the Account Alias field and the GL account would populate in the GL Account field.
- Click here for an overview on GL account aliases.
- The GL Account field is used to select the GL account that will be expensed on the invoice line item. Enter a GL account or click the GL Account field label to select a GL account from a list.
- This is the GL account that will be debited by the transaction (GL> Invoices> GL Distribution).
- GL accounts are created and maintained by fiscal year using the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts).
- The Account Description field will populate with the description of the GL account selected in the GL Account field. This field will never be enabled.
- The Invoice Date is used in the calculation of discounts on invoice line items. The value in this field will default to the current date.
- The invoice date is entered on each line item. If there are multiple line items attached to each invoice (there is more than one line item with the same invoice number in the Invoice Number field), each line item can have a separate invoice date.
- The terms of a vendor discount are set up on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Terms and Discounts fields). The discount rate will be applied if the difference between the Invoice Date and the Payment Date is less than or equal to the number of days entered in the Terms field (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Terms field). An information window will open asking if you would like to apply the vendor discount if it applies.
- The Invoice Number field is used to enter the invoice number attached to the line item. The Invoice Number field will default to the previous invoice number entered on the vendor selected back on the Edit Invoices window (Edit Invoices window> Vendor Number field).
- If you would like to enter two invoices for a single vendor, each with a single invoice line item, create an entry for each invoice and enter the separate invoice numbers in the Invoice Number field.
- If you would like to enter multiple invoice line items for a single invoice, enter the invoice number on each entry that applies.
- The invoice number will display on the check stub of the printed check when checks are generated in the Computer Checks process.
- The Receipt Number field will display a receipt number if the invoice line item was generated from an purchase order that has been received in the Receiving process (PO> Receiving).
- Receipt numbers are automatically assigned to receipts when they are created in PO> Receiving> Receipts).
- The Base Amount field is used to enter the base amount of the invoice line item. The base amount does not include tax, shipping, handling, or the discount amount.
- The Discount Amount field displays the discount applied to the invoice line item. The value in this field will reduce the base amount of the invoice.
- This field is generally used to apply vendor discounts that have been set up on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Terms and Discount field), but it can also be used to reduce the base amount of the invoice line item by a discounted amount.
- The Handling Amount field is used to enter the shipping and handling on the invoice line item. This will be included in the total invoice amount.
- The Tax Amount field is used to enter the tax amount on the invoice line item. This field will only be enabled if the Taxable toggle is checked.
- The Task Label, PM Description and PM Type Code fields are used to add a PM module task and type code to the invoice line item. These fields are only enabled if the Accounts Payable module is set up to interface with the Project Management module (AP> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Enable Project Management interface toggle). Click here for information on the AP module Setup window.
- The field label of the Task Label field is user-defined, so it may not read task. The field label of the PM module Task field is defined in the Miscellaneous Field Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels). Click here for information on the Miscellaneous Field Labels window.
- The Task Label field is used to attach a Project Management module task code to the invoice line item. Enter a PM task code or click the Task Label field label to select a task from a list.
- If you click the Task Label field label and the task you would like to select does not display in the window, the task is either locked, or PM security has been set up to limit access to that task code.
- Security is set up on PM module tasks using the PM Security feature (SS> Security> PM Security). Click here for information on PM Security.
- PM module tasks are generally locked when they are complete or transactions should not be posted to them. PM module tasks are locked using the Task Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task> General tab> Locked toggle). You can view tasks that are locked by selecting Locked or All in the Status drop-down menu on the Task Selection window (opened from the Task Code field label on the Invoice Item window), but you will receive an error message if you attach a locked type code to an invoice line item and then try to save the new record.
- The Inventory Item field is used to attach an IC inventory item to the invoice line item.
- Inventory Items can be attached to AP Invoices only after they have been received through the PO Receiving process. Click here for information on PO Receiving.
- The Purchase Order, Quantity, and Unit Type fields below will all be required if an inventory item is attached to the invoice.
- The Purchase Order field will display the number of the Purchase Order that included the inventory item and was processed through a PO Receiving batch.
Inventory Items are created and maintained on the Inventory Item Maintenance window (IC> Maintenance> Item). Click here for information on Item Maintenance.
- The Reference Number field is used to enter a work order reference number.
- This field will only be enabled if the Require unique reference number toggle is checked on the WO Setup window (WO> Utilities> Setup). Click here for information on the WO Setup window.
- Unique reference numbers can help Springbrook users easily attach work orders to AP Invoices without having to remember specific work order numbers or use the work order selection window.
- If this toggle is not checked the Reference Number field will not be enabled. If a reference number is attached to the work order selected below, that reference number will automatically populate.
- This field will only be enabled if the Require unique reference number toggle is checked on the WO Setup window (WO> Utilities> Setup). Click here for information on the WO Setup window.
- The Work Order field is used to attach a work order to the invoice line item.
- Attaching a work order to an invoice line item will create a Service Activity Item on the selected work order. Activity items represent all of the expenses associated with the work order.
- Work orders are created and maintained on the Work Order Maintenance window (WO> Work Orders> Work Orders). Click here for information on Work Order Maintenance.
- Work orders and activity types cannot be attached to an invoice line item that already has a Project Management type code or task code associated with it. This is meant to prevent conflicts between PM information attached to the invoice line item and PM information attached to the specified work order.
- The Activity Type field is used to attach an activity type to the invoice line item.
- Activity types are used to limit the activities that can be attached to a work order or estimate. Only the activity types associated with the selected work order will be available when you click the field label.
- Activity Types are created and maintained on the Activity Type Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Activity Type). Click here for information on Activity Type Maintenance.
- The WO Asset field is used to attach a work order asset to the invoice line item.
- WO assets are created through the Create Fixed Assets process (WO> Create Fixed Assets). Click here for information on the Create Fixed Assets process.
- Once an asset is created in the WO module, it can be adjusted in the Adjust Fixed Assets process (WO> Adjust Fixed Assets).
- The WO Override Item field is used to attach an IC inventory item to the invoice line item. When an invoice line item has an attached WO override item, the invoice will create a materials activity line on the attached work order when the invoice is committed.
- You cannot specify a WO Override Item and a standard Inventory Item on the same invoice line item.
- Select an Order for the invoice line item.
- Specifying an order for the line item allows to differentiate between line items that need to paid with separate checks in the Computer Checks process.
- Click the 1099 Vendor field label if you would like to select a 1099 vendor for the invoice item.
- If the vendor selected on the previous Edit Invoices window has an associated 1099 vendor, that 1099 vendor will populate this field.
- The 1099 Type drop-down menu is used to specify what type of 1099 this invoice item is associated with. Click here for information on 1099s
- The 1099 Box drop-down menu is used to specify which box on the 1099 form type selected above will be populated.
- The 1099 Vendor, Type and Box fields will automatically populate with the details attached to the 1099 Vendor attached to the primary vendor specified on the Create Invoices step.
- 1099 vendors are attached to primary vendors on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> 1099 Vendor field).
- The Purchase Order field is used to enter the PO number of the purchase order being invoiced. If you would like to generate an invoice line item from a purchase order, return to the Edit Invoices window and click the Purchase Order field. The line items on the selected purchase order will generate invoice line items.
- If a PO module purchase order was used to generate the invoice, the Purchase Order field will populate with the PO number of the purchase order being invoiced.
- If an Inventory Item is specified above, this field is required and should display the received Purchase Order number responsible for generating the invoice line item.
- If you do not use the Purchase Order module, the Purchase Order field can be used to enter the PO number of a purchase order generated in another application.
- The PO Line Item field is used to enter the PO line item that is being invoiced.
- If a PO module purchase order was used to generate the invoice, the PO Line Item field will display the purchase order line item number used to generate the invoice line item.
- The Commodity Code field is used to attach a commodity code to the invoice line item. Click the field label to choose a code from a list.
- Commodity codes are created and maintained on the Commodity Code Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Commodity Codes). Click here for information on Commodity Code Maintenance.
- The Product Code field is used to enter the vendor product code of the item that is being invoiced.
- The Quantity field is used to enter the total number of items being invoiced on the line item. If the invoice line item was generated from a purchase order line item, the quantity field will populate with the number of units being invoiced on the PO.
- If you do not have the Force Receiving toggle checked on the AP module Setup window (AP> Utilities> Setup> Invoices> Force Receiving toggle), the quantity being invoiced does not have to match the quantity that has been received using the PO Receiving process (PO> Receiving). For example, you will be able to invoice items before they have been received.
- If an Inventory Item or WO Override Item is selected above, the Quantity field is required.
- The Unit Type drop-down menu is used to select the type of unit that is being invoiced.
- Unit types are created and maintained using the Unit Maintenance window (IC or SS> Maintenance> Unit). Only unit types that are set up to function in the IC and SS modules will display in the Unit Type drop-down menu.
- If an Inventory Item or WO Override Item is selected above, the Unit Type field is required.
- The Quantity Ordered, Quantity Received and Quantity Invoiced fields will populate if the invoice line item is generated from a purchase order line item.
- The Quantity Ordered field will display the total number of units on the purchase order line item.
- The Quantity Received field will display the total number of units on the PO line item that have been received using the Receiving process (PO> Receiving).
- The Quantity Invoiced displays the quantity that has already been invoiced. This field will only display quantities that are attached to committed invoices. Quantities on invoices in open AP Invoices batches will not be included in this field.
- The Description field is used to enter a description of the invoice line item. The description of the
invoice line item will display on the check stub when the invoice is paid in AP
Computer Checks.
- This field is limited to 64 alphanumeric characters.
- Check the Taxable toggle if the base amount on the invoice is taxable. This will enable the Tax Amount field.
- The value in the Tax Amount field will increase the total amount on the invoice.
- Check the Close Purchase Order Line toggle if you would like to manually close the purchase order line item used to generate the invoice line item. Do not check this toggle if you would like the PO line item to close automatically when all of the units on the PO line item have been invoiced, or it is a contract line item that has been fully invoiced.
- For example, if you generate the invoice line item from a purchase order generated in the PO module and you would like to close the PO line item, check this toggle. This only applies when you want to manually close the PO line item. If all of the units on the PO line item are added to the invoice or it is a contract line item that has been fully invoiced, the purchase order line item will automatically close even if you do not check this toggle.
- This toggle will also only close the PO line item used to generate the invoice entry. The purchase order will close automatically when all of the line items on the PO have been closed.
- The Is Fixed Asset toggle is used in conjunction with the Fixed Asset module.
- If this toggle is checked, once committed the invoice line item will be sent to the next uncommitted Install Assets batch in the Fixed Assets module.
- Click the Exit icon when complete. This will return you to the Edit Invoices window.
- The information on an invoice line item saves automatically as you enter the information, so there is no Save icon on the window. When you click the Exit icon, the invoice line item information will populate on the Edit Invoices window.